The God Virus

Volume 2 - 88 Cute

The tea was actually the perfect cup of tea made with extreme accuracy according to one of the best tea recipes in the world, so how could it possibly be bad?

Listening to his compliments, even though the golden beauty was feeling a little down inside because of the other matter, she still couldn’t stop herself from feeling sweet inside for his dismaying singing the praises of both her beauty and the tea, so now, she was experiencing a strange feeling of sweetness mixed with bitterness inside herself at the same time.

But nevertheless, the compliment still made her unconsciously a lot less disheartened as she became more energetic and happier.

"Okay... lil Belle forgives master, hehe... now, what do you want me to tell the CEO ugly?" She gushed, giggling energetically.

Seeing that look on her face disappear, Virus breathed a sigh of relief as he continued his previous words which were cut off because of the golden beauty’s unhappy look, "Phew... so, go tell the CEO ugly to buy a..."

After that, Virus started explaining the thing he needed very detailedly as she listened attentively.

Finally, as he was finished, the golden beauty stood up as she was about to leave to notify and pass along the orders to the CEO ugly.

But before she turned around, Virus talked again stopping Bella in her tracks, "Oh, right, I want you to be present on the date too, because I need you for that thing I’m ordering the CEO ugly to prepare for me... and more importantly, I need my lil Belle protecting me all the times... so we can’t be separated haha..." But by the end of his words, Virus couldn’t help himself from bursting out in laughter for some unknown reason.

Hearing his words, she started feeling even sweeter inside as the bitter feeling in her was almost defeated and suppressed, at least for now.

So very jolly, she replied with a giggle "Yay, okay master!" And then turning around, she walked out of the floor.

Meanwhile, Virus was very amused seeing her jovial and cheerful expression as he shortly thought, ’Cute.’

Afterward, he continued, ’Now... I should let Elle know of this.’

Deciding by himself, he directly connected to Ella as he voiced, "Hey my beautiful Elle... what are you doing at the moment?"



Ella was currently at home in her own room laying on her bed, when she realized that Virus was on the other side of the line, so without any hesitation, she opened the line and greeted him with a grin, "My Ai! Hey, you called your girlfriend again."

She particularly emphasized the words ’My Ai’, and also seemed not to be embarrassed this time, unlike the previous time they conversed.

Listening to Ella call him ’My Ai’, he felt tickled inside knowing and witnessing how she had practiced by herself in private repeating ’My Ai’ tens of times before it felt natural to her.

He also felt strange being called ’Mine’ by a child who hadn’t even lived for a measly century.

But fully understanding why and for what reason he was being called like that by her, and knowing this was just her way of showing her affection to him, he didn’t dislike it at all.

Of course, if someone else other than Ella called him that, even if it was just as a way of showing affection, Virus’ reaction to that would be downright unknown and unpredictable.

"Hahaha... it seems my beautiful Elle has gotten used to calling me ’My Ai’, I’m impressed." So, without holding back, he laughed out loud.

"Of course...", Even though she still felt a little embarrassed inside listening to how Virus was laughing at her, but as she had practiced a lot to be prepared for this, she could reply back to him almost naturally.

"Anyway, guess why I called?" Virus asked, a little curious about what her answer would be like.

"Hmmm,... because you missed your girlfriend? ...Hehe." She replied with a grin.

"That’s a matter of course and I always miss you! But other than that, I have another matter for which I called... and that is to... take, you, out." Virus replied pronouncing the last three words one by one.

Hearing this, she rose excitedly into a sitting position on the bed which she was laying on previously, as she almost yelled because of being too exhilarated, "REALLY?"

"Haha, Of course, why would I lie to my Elle? So would you give me the honor of going out on a date my beautiful lady?" Virus laughed at first as he was really amused by her reactions, but continuing, his voice turned more deep and profound, as he questioned with a meaningful tone.

Realizing she had been too excited and enthusiastic just now, she promptly got a grip of herself as she replied in a calmer way trying to add more depth into her voice while attempting to remove any obvious disturbances in it as if she didn’t feel much about his request, "Sure... when are you coming to pick me up? Oh, I’m home by the way."

"Then I’ll come to you soon my lady, in around an hour at most... you dress up and be ready for your man to come and pick you up." Virus answered with a broad smile on his face.

Ella felt really cheerful and happy inside hearing the way Virus talked to her as she agreed to his request.

After that, they cut the line off temporarily so Ella would get prepared.

But the moment she cut the line off, she started jumping up and down on her bed while screaming excitedly as she no longer tried to hold her emotions back.

Being able to clearly witness her cheerful jumps, Virus burst out into laughter as he muttered, "Haha... She’s cute too."


After Ella had calmed down a little, she immediately took out her Virus Cellphone as she called one of her best friends.

~Beep ~Beep

After two beeps the call was answered, but without even greeting first, Ella impatiently delivered her exciting news, "Grace! I’m going out with my Ai! Finally! I’m going out with him again."

"Hehe, you’re so cute Elle, are you that happy to go out with ’Your’ Ai again?" Listening to her excited tone, Grace sincerely felt glad and ecstatic for her best friend. But outside, she smirked and questioned while intentionally emphasizing the word ’Your’, trying to tease her a little bit.

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