The God Virus

Volume 4 - 217 Absolute Deligh

To be more precise, this was the cracking sound of the final barrier of the third level of Corporeal Tempering Stage, Viscera Renewal, being broken through.

For many hours, Virus was stuck at the very peak of Viscera Renewal as his innards could no longer absorb any further energy from the Synchronous Transformations Crystal (STC). So, for these hours, he had been making a great effort in trying to break through this final barrier which was keeping him.

And now, the final barrier was... broken!

As it was smashed apart, with great harmony, every single organ inside his body began to forcefully absorb a massive amount of energy from the STC simultaneously.

His Dark Dragon’s Metamorphosis Revolution was also rotating at a monstrous speed, a speed which Virus couldn’t even come close to when he rotated it himself.

At the same time, his intestines, bladder, stomach, kidneys, lungs, and liver began to shut down one after another as it was proceeded with every other internal organ inside his physique.

This process continued until finally, his brain and heart... also ceased activity!

It could be said that at this very moment, his physical body... had truly died!

Actually, the sign of finishing the third level was this momentary false state of death.

As he sat there crossed legged without any heartbeat or any breathing whatsoever, the Dark Dragon’s Metamorphosis Revolution began to rotate by itself as it grabbed a gigantic amount of energy from the STC before bringing it to every single internal organ inside Virus’ body. All of this was happening extremely fast.

And shockingly, all of his organs were absorbing it like a bottomless pit. It was as if there were no limits to how much they could take up energy!

And so, this process continued while one second after another passed. However, Virus remained in that dormant death-like state with no signs of life.

Meanwhile, the energy was also continuously being sucked up to its every last drop.

Time passed just like that as soon, a whole two minutes had already elapsed!

In these two minutes, his innards had probably absorbed much more than the accumulative energy he had received in the entire course of the third level of Corporeal Tempering Stage.


Thump! Thump~

Thump! Thump! Thump~

As the two minutes were up, at this split second, his heart started to function once again as it restarted its activity.

However, astonishingly, the power behind each thump of his heart was getting stronger and stronger with every heartbeat!

With that, blood began to flow inside his body as its speed kept accelerating higher and higher. Now, it seemed his physique naturally functioned at a higher level of blood pressure compared to past.

Anyway, as his heart began to function, it was proceeded by his brain, and then his lung and liver.

Soon, every single organ inside his body was working once again. Only now... they were working a lot stronger.

At this moment, Virus’s eyes finally opened widely as he felt his own body in absolute delight!


"Ah-" After taking a deep breath, Virus couldn’t stop a moan of utter pleasure escaping from his mouth. This was because every single breath he was taking gave him a new sense of pleasure. It was as if... he could feel the oxygen assimilating into his lungs itself! This made him feel so alive and refreshed!

Moreover, he had this feeling as if with the same power of breathing as before, his lungs were assimilating a whole new level of oxygen into his lungs with each breath.

This meant that slowly, with his breathing and increased blood circulation speed added together, every cell within his body would absorb more energy and that in return, would strengthen them even further.

Other than his breathing, almost every other aspect of his body seemed to have improved to a new level. It was as if every organ inside his body was upgraded to an entire novel height at this moment. Even his eyesight could see with much more clarity now.

Moreover, he understood that as these strengthened organs continued to work in great harmony, they would gradually strengthen his body even further to a certain point!

"Eh..." At this moment, Virus let out a surprised yelp because he realized he was still sitting under ten times gravity, but unlike before, astonishingly, it felt so natural for him to continue staying in this kind of environment. It felt as if he was sitting under the normal gravity of Earth.

This meant other than his organs experiencing a leap in their functionality, even his strength had increased to a whole new degree.

"This wasn’t supposed to happen-" He murmured with a start. It was indeed as he stated and in this level, even though his body’s strength was also supposed to increase by a small margin, it wasn’t supposed to be this staggering!

’It seems the Dark Dragon’s Metamorphosis Revolution is even more mysterious than I thought for it to keep bringing me surprises.’ Immediately coming to this conclusion, Virus understood this could only happen because of the existence of his special revolution method.

’Anyway... it seems I’ve broken through to... the fourth level of Corporeal Tempering Stage, Bones Dense As Steel!’ As this notion passed through his head, he uncontrollably burst in laughter, "Hahaha..."

This in return draw the attention of the relaxed golden beauty who was still watching a movie, "What happened, master? Tell Lil Belle too, I wanna know!" Came her excited voice as she hopped on the couch as she asked looking back at her master like a curious cat.

"I broke through to the initial phase of the fourth level of Corporeal Tempering Stage, Bones Dense As Steel." Seeing her funny reaction, Virus replied with a grin of amusement.

"Ohhh, congratulations, master! Master must be even more powerful now! What’s the name of the next level? And according to your previous words... it’s should kinda be the final level of the Corporeal Tempering Stage, right?" With starry eyes, she questioned.

"The next level-" Talking to this point, he went silent for a short moment before proceeding, "It’s called... Tempering The Marrow." Then, he sank into contemplation, it seemed he was thinking about the fifth level of Corporeal Tempering Stage, Tempering The Marrow.

"Let’s see how much powerful I’ve become." Finally coming out of his deliberation, he proclaimed toward the golden beauty while wearing a smirk.

This piqued the golden beauty’s interest as she turned the television off and then, even though it felt rather uncomfortable for her to stay inside the gravity room, she walked in temporarily as she resisted the ten times gravity.

"Eleven times gravity." Virus uttered. Promptly, the gravity increased to that level, however, Virus still felt rather comfortable. So he commanded again, "Twelve times."

"Huh... it’s still too easy... thirteen times!" At last, at thirteen times gravity, Virus began to have a slight feeling of strain on his body, but he knew he could still tolerate more, so he talked again, "Fourteen times!"

Immediately, a rather intense pressure descended upon his body.

’I should be able to tolerate more!’ As this line appeared in his mind, a rather dense glint of determination passed through his eyes as he yelled, "Fifteen times!"


The room trembled for a short moment as Virus instantly fell on the ground, unable to stay standing! In the meantime, a strong pressure was pressing on him in every single corner of his body, both externally and internally!

"Ah... master-" Suddenly, he heard a weak voice from beside himself, so turning his head toward the source with a lot of difficulties, he realized that although the golden beauty was still standing, she could barely talk or move.




Very quickly, five days slipped away. Currently, Virus was inside the gravity room under the extreme gravity of seventeen times that of normal while doing push-ups.

"Master! The CEO ugly has called... he says he has something very urgent to notify master." Suddenly, the voice of the golden beauty arrived from right outside the gravity room, disturbing his training as a result.

Nevertheless, hearing it was urgent, Virus uttered, "Fourteen times gravity." Then proceeded, "Bring the phone over."

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