The God Virus

Volume 4 - 224 Recalling

For the past few days, she had been remembering bits of her memories, but she had strongly believed that those memories must be as a result of some bad nightmare she probably went through at night and now, she was just recalling them.

Of course, that was until a few minutes ago before she finally vaguely remembered everything!

Seeing this kind of intense reaction from her, the Security ugly instantly made the decision to tell her everything... of course, except a certain fact.

"Yes... you did kill someone. But-" Finally, he admitted and just as he was about to proceed, he was interrupted by a despairing Ella, "So... I did kill someone... I’m... I’m a murderer now!"

With anguish apparent in her eyes and expression, she turned around and was about to leave, when the Security ugly grabbed her arm and began elaborating further in a loud voice, "Listen to me, miss! Yes, it’s true that you killed someone! But that was just an act of self-defense! You’re not to blame here! You get that straight."

Catching his words, in a low voice, Ella began to murmur, "Was that truly the case? Was my action of killing a person with a single punch truly self-defense... let’s say that’s true for a moment... but so what? That doesn’t change the fact that I murdered someone, right?" By this point, the light of life seemed to have greatly dissipated from her eyes as she turned around and left dispiritedly while showing her lonely and fragile back to the Security ugly.

’Sigh... should I report this? Well, she might get over it soon. So, I should just let her be, right? What she needs right now is time.’ Decided the Security ugly just like that while watching her vanish. After that, he couldn’t stop himself from also thinking, ’Good thing she didn’t ask about that teenager. Well, to be more precise, she wasn’t exactly in a state to care about that teenager’s identity, so...’





From the moment the social order of the world was restored and the President launched the massive project of arresting every criminal of FAP in order to bring them to justice, every police department in the whole country had been greatly busy with a monstrous amount of workload each day.

Luckily though, there had been many fresh police officers joining every department while simultaneously, nearly all of those senior police officers with a bit of experience were promoted to be at least a detective.

"Detective Argent, congratulations on your promotion, you are now a homicide detective. This is your first case, please handle it with care and utmost focus. Also, don’t forget that all cases related to FAP will be dealt with utilizing at least twice if not thrice the punishment according to the orders of the President himself." Handing a file to this new detective lady in front of him, the other detective voiced. In the meantime, he was pondering to himself, ’It seems our homicide department has gained another hot detective. I should try to flirt with her from time to time and we might be able to have some secret things going on later on. Should I buy her some donuts tomorrow?’

"But detective Brown, shouldn’t we treat all of the cases one and the same? Isn’t bringing others to justice about equality in these kinds of situations? So why should we-" Before she could finish, detective Brown interrupted her, "This has to do with the higher-ups and they are the decision-makers here. It seems there are a lot of enraged victims who want the criminals to be dealt with without any mercy and even rather harshly. The judges were also given special privileges when it comes to the cases of the FAP. But if you ask me, I think this is in order to prevent anything like those massive crimes from happening again if something like FAP ever took place once more. What I’m trying to say here is that they’re doing that in order to set an example of the criminals of FAP and like this, if a second apocalyptic phenomenon ever happened, wouldn’t people act way better this time around? Anyway, we can’t do anything about it, so let’s just do our job as we’re told, alright?"

"Ah... okay." Without any other options, detective Argent could only agree and follow the orders and do as she was told.

Afterward, as detective Brown walked away, she started looking at her first case with some traces of excitement, ’Hmm, a massacre seems to have happened at Avalon Nightclub and its back alley. In a single night, two headless bodies were laying inside the nightclub and their heads seem to have burst apart like watermelons.’ At this point, she unconsciously gulped, nevertheless, she continued, ’Outside the nightclub at the back alley, one of the corpses had an extremely mutilated body whose neck had been destroyed almost to the point of his head about to be detached from the body.’

’Hmm, there was also a limbless man’s body who didn’t have any legs or feet remaining, even his head had also been shattered... like a watermelon? Oh my god... just what kind of case am I dealing with? Who can be so ruthless... just what kind of monster...’ Although even thinking about facing the perpetrator behind this massacre made her feel scared, being the brave detective she was, she proceeded, ’Also, other than those previous four bodies, it was estimated that roughly four other peoples’ body parts were found lying around. Almost nothing intact remains from their bodies, urgh, these pictures are so gory and disgusting. Brain matters and body parts are scattered everywhere-’

’Oh my god! Just what kind of monster am I supposed to arrest! Is it okay to give this kind of terrifying case to a newbie like me?’ She thought while her heart trembled in some fear. Actually, since there were lots of cases that needed to be dealt with now, cases like this one were considered rather common these days as they were distributed in a rather careless manner and that was also why the case had ended up in her hand.

At first, after seeing there were two headless bodies, she had believed it was one of those brutal cases, however as he went along and read further, she couldn’t stop herself from being deeply shaken by the horrible state of those remaining bodies.

However, knowing she had to do very well in her first case if she wanted to be a successful detective, she decided to put away her fear and do her best.

’So, looking at those pictures from the scene, it appears as if four of those bodies have exploded into smithereens, with almost nothing intact remaining from their bodies, this should’ve been done using some kind of strange weapon considering the fact that many parts on the walls had also exploded apart. The rest seems to have been handled manually!? Hmm, maybe they used some sort of powerful tool to rip apart that person’s limbs or burst those heads into many pieces?’ The more she thought, the more confused she got.

’Whatever, I should check and see if there was any kind of evidence gathered from the scene.’ As this notion passed through her head, she looked into a particular box which the files related to this case was placed in and much to her surprise, she... found a USB there?

Besides the USB, there was also a simple description of where the USB came from, which stated, ’There is a piece of related evidence in the form of a video from the night of the incident which was recorded by an old camera of a random passer-by whose name and identity is unknown, that person seems to have disappeared as soon as he handed over the USB to a police officer.’ Seeing the identity of the provider of the video was unknown, detective Argent wasn’t surprised since, in that chaotic time, that person coming over to hand over the video was already an astounding act in itself. And she could guess that neither the provider cared to tell his name neither did the officer bother asking.

Anyway, reading up to this point, detective Argent connected the USB to the computer as she began to watch a scene playing out on the video.

Inside the video, the cameraman seemed to be filming the video from a hidden corner at the entrance of the alley. He was probably a random passer-by who happened to be passing by and came across this exciting scene of six men wanting to rape two beauties, so knowing the world was going to end anyway, he began to act, wanting to record some of this memorable scenes.

The video started from the part where the boss of those thugs began to charge toward Ella in order to start his display of acting, however, much to the startlement of the cameraman, suddenly the man flew away as he no longer moved anymore! And that was also when the terrified cameraman stopped the recording and ran away. The whole video was only around ten seconds.

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