The God Virus

Chapter 260: A Chain of Commands


A line of sword slashing through the air right to the neck of the horned-pig was seen.

A moment later, color escaped from Supersonic Sword’s face as he stared at the pig before him in absolute terror.

He was horrified because he realized his sword was only capable of leaving a shallow wound on the pig’s neck, nothing threatening.

Unfortunately, the pig wasn’t going to wait for him to snap out of it as it proceeded on its path of charging toward its target unhindered.


"Ahhh..." Next, the pig’s horn pierced through his shoulder, resulting in a blood-curdling scream. Alas, that wasn’t the end of the confrontation as the impact of its monstrous weight also arrived right afterward, thus sending him away flying.

Meanwhile, the muscly man was in a stunned state as he watched this horrible scene before him. It took him a few moments to come out of his daze as he ran in the direction of Supersonic Sword. Then, while checking his wounds, he uttered in worry, "Are you okay, dude?"

Receiving no response in return, he knew his ally has been already knocked out as blood continued to flow out of his wound.

’If the bleeding continues... he’s not going to last for long. He must have a few broken ribs too. That impact must’ve felt like being hit by a truck-’ As these notions were passing through his mind, the other pig which was unscathed also rushed in their direction.

Oink~ Khkhkh~

Spotting the incoming pig, left with no other choice, he stood up once again as he put his shield before him and charged at it.


A loud noise of collision reverberated around the area soon afterward. He was pushed back for around two meters as a long trail was left on the ground.

Even though he was pushed back, the good news was he successfully stopped the horned-pig in its tracks.

"Co-come on... help us, you two." Feeling his hands which were trembling in numbness, he understood he wouldn’t be able to last for long like this. Thus, the only thing he could do was to call for help.

However, the other pig who had received a rather trivial injury on its neck was already on its way toward them.

For the moment, the cute young girl remained in her dazed condition as she stared at the injured swordsman while shaking in fear at the sight of the man who was now covered in rivers of blood. She was acting this way because although she had seen blood before, this kind of messy bloody scene was truly unprecedented even for her.

The cold beauty, however, was already out of it. So, she motioned both of her hands in the direction of the pig who was almost upon the muscly man by now.

Instantly, thousands of hair-like threads and filaments seemed to intertwine and come together before him as a barrier of some sorts took shape right there.


Immediately, the pig charged right into the barrier. Then the elastic barrier stretched into abnormal lengths. However, there were no rips to be seen anywhere in the barrier of threads as it was triumphant in stopping the beast.

"Phew..." Seeing the beast stopped in its tracks, a breath of relief was released from the muscly guy as he phrased in gratitude, "I’m saved... thank you, Thread Mistress."

He called the cold beauty ’Thread Mistress’ because that was how she had introduced herself in their first meeting.

After that, not wasting any more seconds, he looked at the stunned cute girl and shouted, "Snap out of it already! Wake up! He needs you!!!"

"Uh... U-uwu... Swordsman bro..." Hearing his words, startled and covered in tears, she began to walk in their direction just like a scared cat.

As she arrived before the unconscious swordsman, unzipping her backpack, she took out a few blood bags. However, after taking them out, she froze completely.

Seeing her frozen still, the Thread Mistress voiced toward the muscly man without any kind of expression showing itself on her face, "Burly Guard, go help her. Bloody Touch needs you more than I do. We have a few more seconds before the other pig attacks us. Till then, help her and I’ll deal with this one."

"Alright." Even though he was really hesitant to do so, he knew his only option was to bring the whole team together as soon as possible. That was the most essential matter right now.

"What’s wrong? Why aren’t you doing your thing, little girl?!" Going beside the little cute girl, Burly Guard inquired in a rather gentle voice.

"I-I think I’m too nervous... I forg-forgot sword bro’s blood type." Stuttering, she replied anxiously.

"Hmm... that’s easy then, I looked through our data too, I believe his blood type was A+." Said the Burly Guard in response.

"I-Is that so? Great! Then... then I can use A+, A-, O+, and O- type blood bags on him." As she voiced these words, her eyes were already starting to be filled with determination as she picked two blood bags.

Then, without any hesitation whatsoever, she began to pour them down on his injury while putting her hand on Supersonic Sword’s gaping wound.

A moment later, a shocking scene took place. And as if the blood had become alive, it began to move inside the hole of his injury before an even more stupefying sight occurred.

Amazingly, the wound began to close up in an extremely quick manner and before soon, it disappeared entirely. Now, it seemed as if Supersonic Sword was never injured, to begin with.

Looking at this abnormal scene taking place, the Burly Guard couldn’t stop a gasp escaping from his mouth as he wondered to himself in disbelief, ’This is simply remarkable... If not for that gaping hole on his suit, I would’ve mistaken that those blood covering him all over his body belonged to his someone else. Bloody Touch’s Trait is truly amazing.’

On the other hand, the Thread Mistress was creating filaments all around the horned-pig, thus making it almost impossible for the pig to move or gain momentum at all.

Waving her finger next, she slammed a single invisible filament to the pig’s body. But much to her surprise, she realized her threads could just leave a very thin and shallow wound on its body as only a single trail of blood dripped from its body.

’Hmm... how should I deal with it?’ Meanwhile, she began to calmly ponder about the situation as she tried her best to come up with a solution of dealing with the beast.

A moment later, however, as her eyes fell on the superficial tear left by Supersonic Sword’s attack, a thought hit her abruptly.

"That’s it." Mumbling this, nearly all of her fingers began to move.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Immediately, one filament after another started to slash over the beast’s previous injury which was left by the swordsman.

With each thread, the cut became deeper and deeper, and soon, a massive amount of blood was already gushing from the monster pig’s neck.

Oink! Oink! Oin...

Taking its last breath, with a final scream, at last, the helpless pig fell on the ground, never to move again.

By now, the Burly Guard had woken the Supersonic Sword up too as they slowly walked beside the Thread Mistress.

"Okay, this time, move according to my orders and don’t underestimate those monstrous beasts ever again." Patting the swordsman’s shoulders, the Burly Guard uttered. He understood clearly that this was not the time of blaming him.

Hearing his words though, the Supersonic Sword didn’t reply at all and instead touched his chest in pain.

"Hmm... you must’ve broken a few ribs due to that clash... is that going to cause any problems? Can you still move and fight alongside us?" Seeing him touch his chest, the Burly Guard queried in worry.

"Yeah... no problem, it’s just pain, I can handle it."

"Alright then, we can rest and recuperate all we want after this battle of survival is over." Knowing he needed all of them for any hope of winning this war at all, the Burly Guard phrased back at him.

Then, turning dead serious, he started to give a chain of commands nonstop, "I’ll stand at the front and act as a tank, I’ll try my best to guard you guys from any kind of harm."

"Bloody Touch, you’re the healer, so stay in the back and heal any injury we receive during the battle."

"Supersonic Sword, you stand behind me and each time after I clash with those beasts, take advantage of that slight moment and attack at their open spot with all you’ve got."

"And Thread Mistress... you’re the most important piece among all of us so you’ll probably have the hardest time. Your role is kind of a ’Jack of all trades’ type. You’re required to be aware of our surroundings for any unexpected situations or sneak attacks. The moment you spot any unexpected attacks or see me in an immediate need of your aid, use that filament barrier of yours in order to assist me and all of us together."

"In the meantime, you also need to complement Supersonic Sword’s attack and stack on his damage, just like what you did to the pig."

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