The God Virus

Chapter 370 Goodbye 5

There was no way Virus was going to wait for the Guardians to arrive because Hu Yuexin was most likely going to be dead by then. Even if some Guardians did indeed come sooner, who was to say they’d be capable enough to defeat the monster?

At least Virus wasn’t willing to risk it.

"Please... please allow me to follow you, Mas..." Phrased the golden beauty wearing an anxious face. To her, it didn’t matter if she lived or died, what mattered was to accompany her master in everything he went through, both life and death.

Hearing those words of hers, a deep frown took shape on Virus’ forehead. Then, since he was in a rush, not caring about Amara being present there at all, he declared, "I’m ordering you as your master, no matter what happens to me, even if I am to die next, you are not permitted to put yourself in danger. You’re not allowed to come any closer."

Then no longer paying anyone any further attention, he exited the limousine before vanishing into the dark shadows of the night.

"Aizen!" Screamed Amara, unable to take her eyes off of his disappearing silhouette; she was feeling extremely fearful for him as she just didn’t understand why he would insist on going there that much!

Unfortunately, Virus’ figure was no longer visible to her. He was already on his way of storming toward the monster with the quickest speed his body could muster.


After coming off the car, gathering every ounce of strength he possessed, Virus was currently charging in the direction of the hotel warily.

By now, this part of the city had long transformed into an apocalyptic ruin as if a devastating earthquake had just descended upon this segment of the city alone. Almost all around the tentacle creature was covered in dilapidated remains of various buildings as it sat above the hotel’s building leisurely while looking down at the entire metropolis itself. It was about to squeeze the hotel into smithereens next.

And observing those strong and green tentacles of the Plant Kraken, Virus knew, although he was extremely fast right now, he wasn’t going to make it.

No, he wasn’t even close to making it!

Therefore, wanting to possess even more speed, he directly commanded his pitch-black ring on his finger.

’Trigger Median Configuration – Fragmentary Integument.’

Promptly, pitch-black scales covered both his arms and legs while the space between the scales was glowing blue all over.


Now, some cracks were left behind on the asphalt as Virus’ speed increased even further.

’I can’t let others see my true face.’ Even though he was in an absolute rush, his mind was still as clear as ever while he didn’t forget to consider the various impacts of him fighting in front of perhaps many eyes watching. That was also why he didn’t forget to wear his cape hoodie inside the limousine.

But understanding that wasn’t enough, he directly connected to his special ring once again.

’Divide Initial Configuration – Mask,’ it was also followed by another line of command, ’Simple design.’

Following that, his entire face was immediately covered by a brown mask which automatically adjusted its own color to that of his cape hoodie.

Amazingly, however, even his eyes couldn’t be seen through the mask as the eye-hole parts were now shining in an intense icy blue light just like that of his scales. Even the empty lines that were left behind on the location of his mouth and nose were glimmering blue.

’Alright, the problem of my identity is solved now.’ He judged casually.


Suddenly, the deafening cry of the Plant Kraken reverberated around the area as many fissures and ruptures started to appear on the body of the hotel construction itself. It was about to be squashed into devastation!

Realizing this, beneath the mask, Virus’ eyes went wide open as he deduced instantaneously, ’It’s about to make its move! My speed’s still not enough...’

’I need more speed!’ Leading all of his internal energy into his pathways covering his legs, Virus’ speed increased by almost another level!

At this point, Virus had already broken through all of his previous speed records. This was perhaps the current absolute limit of his speed.

Still, although he was using his internal energy too now, he wasn’t going to utilize any type of Mortal-class movement technique whatsoever since his own control over his feet and body was better than any type of mortal-class movement technique which was only helpful in granting the user of the said technique a better control over their legs at this rank.

And talking about the utilization of an even higher-ranked technique such as the Human-class, at his current stage – Energy Disentanglement – even Virus was incapable of doing it. That’s because, above the Mortal-class, the Human-class techniques required the practitioner to be able to release the energy inside their body outwardly, which was impossible for Virus before breaking through to the next stage of cultivation.

Notwithstanding, time elapsed as Virus got closer and closer to the hotel structure by every passing second.



Unfortunately, as if fate itself was laughing at his inadequacy – telling him his speed still wasn’t good enough – just as he was around a single block away from the hotel, the above segment of the construction came crashing down on the entire building itself while intense quakes were felt all around the district.

"..." Due to that, abruptly stopping in his tracks while watching the collapsing building, Virus didn’t scream nor yell, he didn’t even show any type of exaggerated reaction, no... all he did was to silently stare at the entire construct falling down into its own destruction.

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