Rise of Humanity

Chapter 149 - Breaking Through The Encirclement

Chapter 149 - Breaking Through The Encirclement

“Lang Qingyun?”

Zhong Yue didn’t have time to process as pythons, crows, dragons, and phoenix manifested from psyche visualization skills started forming from the flames in the air. All of them were shuttling about within hundred miles around him, each of them was followed by a Qi Practitioner flying behind them, and each of them intent of finding him!

There’s no time to lose, if I’m trapped and surrounded here, I’ll die even if there’s a hundred of me!

The fire behind Zhong Yue roared and suddenly split into two. They then formed a pair of golden wings. The Golden Crow wings flared out, flapping with all his might and a blast as loud as thunderclap rumbled in the air!


He leaped into the air as fast as lightning, casting the art of the Martial Masters, stomping in the air and bolting away, augmenting to his speed to the peak!

“There he is!”

“Brat, he’s so fast!”

“So that brat thinks he can escape us? If he manages to escape, then experts like us better go home and drink milk!”


The winds were wild, the sky was lit up by the agitated fire, the clarion cries of birds mixed within forceful blow of the winds. A giant monster appeared in the forest below, racing between the mountains so fast that it could have been mistaken as flying. It leaped into the sky, chasing the flying Zhong Yue.

Some experts cast their skills and countless trees shot up and were sent thrusting towards Zhong Yue like loose arrows!

And there were giant vines like pythons shuttling mid-air, lashing towards Zhong Yue!

The sound of swords clanking reverberated in the sky, indicating that the Qi Practitioners are now armed with soul weapons, increasing their speed, getting closer to Zhong Yue!

And there were experts that reached out their hands, grabbed onto the hills and tossed the crumbled mountain rocks over!

More monster race experts gathered within the hundred mile range, all armed with different types of soul weapon and exhibiting different styles of attack. All of them charged towards him like a swarm of bees with the firm determination to kill him!

Apart from that, multicolored luminous wheels started appearing in the sky. As they began spinning rapidly, they started to shoot towards Zhong Yue!

This was the result of the experts in the Awakening level casting the Wu Xing Wheel, Wan Xiang Wheel and Shen Cai Wheel. The Combat Yuan Shen of the Awakening level had high combat strength; once they opened the wheels, their combat strength would experience a quantum leap, with some of them even exceeding their mortal body’s strength capacity!

The Combat Yuan Shen emerged, casting the luminous wheels, its speed immediately caught up with Zhong Yue, slowly nearing him!

“You want to kill me? You’ll have to try harder than that! Yuan Shen, activate! Ba Ji Slaughtering Array!”

Zhong Yue shouted angrily, his wings fluttered and his speed increased gradually while his Yuan Shen appeared behind him, the hundred and eighty feet tall Yuan Shen extended out its eight arms with the Ba Ji Weapons in their hands, crossing and laying them over one another and formed into the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array. Any small movement would cause the woods that were flying about to be pulverized to dust.

Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen widened his mouth and spat out a blaze of fire. Even the wood chips in the air were instantly set alight, not to mention broken wood. A big explosion blew out in the air, sending out violent wind in all directions, some of the the weaker Qi Practitioner were blown away by the blast!

The airborne Qi Practitioners blown by the hurricane could not stable themselves and retreated unwillingly.

Swoosh—— Soul weapons were aimed across the explosion towards Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen extended out the eight arms and cast the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array to its fullest power, the rattling sound of impact were like pearls falling into a bowl, taking down all the attacking soul weapons without a miss.

He had attained the saint city lord’s knowledge and comprehensions of the art, enabling him to understand the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array to an even more profound degree. When the slaughtering array was triggered, the eight Ba Ji Weapons criss-crossed over one another, forming a shimmering sword with a length of ten over feet. And as the sword was swung down heavily, the sword rays diverged like a peacock spreading out its tail, blocking the entire wave of soul weapons!

One after another, the Combat Yuan Shen approach with the Wu Xing Wheel, Wan Xiang Wheel, Shen Cai Wheel spinning towards him. Together, they cast an array formation to unleash the potential of their Yuan Shen to the fullest as they struck towards him!

Just as Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen came in contact with one of the Combat Yuan Shen, he was repressed by the Wu Xing Wheel. He mustered all his strength and cast the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array into a saber array before finally managing to ward off the Wu Xing Wheel.

But immediately after, the other Combat Yuan Shen had started its assault. Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen began turning the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array into sword arrays, shield arrays, hammer arrays, hook arrays and whip arrays - undergoing a seemingly infinite number of transformations. He summoned the Ba Ji Slaughtering Array’s might to the fullest extent, where it was now very much stronger than when he was battling King Teng.

However, his opponents this time around were also far stronger than King Teng, the Combat Yuan Shen’s strengths were astonishing. One by one, they flew fast towards him and battered at him swiftly, soon overpowering his Ba Ji Slaughtering Array!

Moreover, the other Combat Yuan Shen charged forward past the flanks of his Yuan Shen, towards Zhong Yue’s true body that was located behind it!

“Great Sun Golden Crow Yuan Shen!”

Zhong Yue released a dreadful whistle, the sun pupil on his Yuan Shen’s left eye behind him started brightening up before his Yuan Shen suddenly transformed into the Great Sun Golden Crow which was ten feet tall. The three-taloned Golden Crow spread it wings and took off, its three talons reached for Zhong Yue, and picked him up, effectively evading the attack of the Combat Yuan Shen that soon came crashing towards his previous position!

“Fang Blade, Attack! Sword Silk, Go! ”

Zhong Yue yelled, the Fang Blade wrapped with silk behind him flew free, while the five elemental Sword Qi turned into long sword silks, swiftly wrapping around the hilt of the blade. Zhong Yue had not manage to cultivate his psyche into a pool of lightning, therefore, he was unable to soul manipulate his Fang Blade. But now, he had manipulated his sword silks, using them to spur his Fang Blade!


The Fang Blade slashed as fast as lightning like a flying sword. It beheaded a twenty feet Combat Yuan Shen with a succinct sound before sweeping across to gut another Combat Yuan Shen on its right!

Those mighty Combat Yuan Shen were tantamount to tofu in the face of the god’s fang, easily chopped apart!


Cries were let out behind him and the bodies of two Awakening experts stiffened as they drew their last breath before plummeting down to the earth from the sky. They were unequivocally dead!

Their Yuan Shen were rent asunder, and when one’s Yuan Shen dies, his mortal body!

The other monster race experts were shocked, the Qi Practitioners who were attacking Zhong Yue quickly summoned their Combat Yuan Shen back. Zhong Yues’ three-talon Golden Crow Yuan Shen immediately seized the chance to escape and flared out its wings before flying away.

Some Qi Practitioners began chasing after it, but the three-talon Golden Crow Yuan Shen was simply too fast, leaving them far behind his tail.

“He has not yet cultivated a Combat Yuan Shen, his Yuan Shen would not be able to go far carrying his mortal body, go after them!”

Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen carried his body as he flew. After flying around a thousand miles, his Yuan Shen had already reached its limits. After all, his Yuan Shen had still not evolved into a Combat Yuan Shen, the secret realms of the Yuan Shen had not been unlocked yet, and so his endurance would, accordingly, still leave a lot to be desired…

Zhong Yue recalled his Yuan Shen, an action that sent him into free-fall from the sky. But before he reached the ground, two ferocious Jiao Dragon emerged beneath his feet, slowing down his descent to allow him to safely alight onto the ground. They then proceeded to bolt away while carrying Zhong Yue on their backs.


The ground shuddered, the earth began to split and a gigantic creature rose from the darkness below, “That guy did not deceive me. You are taking a detour route through the Yan Que Keep! Long Yue, I have hidden myself here for a long time, waiting for your arrival…”, the creature cackled.

Without delay, Zhong Yue swayed his body, and multiple Jiao Dragons surged out from his body before burrowing into the the ground.

Before the hidden monster race Qi Practitioner could jump to the ground, he felt something below the ground biting his limbs, dragging him deeper into the ground.

“You bastard!”

The enraged Qi Practitioner bellowed in anger and he chanted as he was dragged into the dark. Countless totem carvings were lit up within the ten miles around him, beams of light intersected mid-air — he had set up an array formation on this spot waited to entrap Zhong Yue.

When the countless Jiao Dragon burrowed into the ground, they had triggered the array formation, allowing Zhong Yue to detect it beforehand.

The Qi Practitioner was furious as he raised his mountain sized fist, slamming it onto the earth. In a short instant, over hundreds of punches were sent out to batter onto the ground. The ground fissured and was cracked into pieces, even the crust a few tens of feet deep beneath the surface was crushed into dust!

The Jiao Dragon visualized by Zhong Yue was smashed into fragments. The Qi Practitioner leaped onto the ground, looked around to find Zhong Yue already bypassed his trap, and has long since escaped.

“You cannot escape me!”

The Qi Practitioner lifted his feet. He charged forward towards the direction where Zhong Yue had left, but after chasing for some time, he still could not spot Zhong Yue and sighed, “How could this brat run so fast…”

There was a presence of weak sunlight, the beginning of the dawn. A bright light rose from the east, Zhong Yue had been travelling for a full night from the saint city, a total distance of eight thousand miles. He was tired, both physically and mentally, his muscles ached, but eventually, the dawn of a new day had finally arrived.

“Once dawn breaks, I will summon the Golden Crow wings to fly into the high skies, just right below the lightning zone. By then, it would not be easy to find me and stop me!” he thought.

The sky was getting brighter and clearer, the sun was peeking from the horizon and after a while, half of the bright red sun was already sitting above the horizon.

Suddenly, peals of laughter emanated from afar, trembling Zhong Yue’s eardrums and disrupting the blood essence in his body. He was nearly unable to endure it and was on the verge of puking out a mouthful of blood!

“Sheet, is this another expert hunting for me too? His laughter alone is overpowering…”

His placid heart grew flustered. And as the laughter faded, a hoarse voice said, “Shi Buyi, you took some time to catch up with me, seems like your 【Monster God Ming King Art 】 does have some flaws, your cultivation technique is incomplete, leaving a great flaw in you. No wonder you had closed door training for such a long time, you were trying to get rid of the flaw, weren’t you? You’re too late now, I have sent Yu Xuanji away, you won’t be able to find him even if you have a battle with me!”

“You really are cunning, Lord of Qing Long Keep, I have killed all the masked Qi Practitioners on my way here, I have even caught up with the Luo Ying City Lord and killed the little girl at her side, but still I couldn’t find Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei.”

Zhong Yue looked across the distance and found Shi Buyi standing on the mountain summit, while the other elder man sporting a whitish-green beard was standing on the opposite mountain summit. The two were confronting each other, with a gushing river between the two mountains.

“I’m curious, just exactly how did you send them out of the saint city?”, Shu Buyi asked.


Long of Qing Long Keep smiled and responded, “The Luo Ying City Lord and I each brought a death warrior out of the city, while the others of the death squad followed us to leave the city. Our departure had evidently made you anxious and you were anxious to make a move to kill us. Once you stepped out of the city, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei left immediately. They would already be on the Eastern Sea, taking a voyage to Qing Long Keep while you were busy tracking us down for one whole night. It will be too late if you decide to track them down now, how could you possibly find them in the vast sea?”

Shu Buyi grinned, “Aren’t you worried that I will hunt them down in the Qing Long Keep?”

“Well, my totem spirit in the Qing Long Keep, the Azure Dragon God, has been awaiting your arrival for a very long time!”

The Lord of Qing Long Keep sneered coldly, “Your flaws are very serious, if you battled with the Azure Dragon God totem, the concealed danger within you cultivation technique will erupt. Do you not fear death?”

Zhong Yue shuddered, So it is true that Shi Buyi suffer from immense defects, it was no longer a secret kept away from the world…

“Keep Lord, you leave me with no other choices but to kill you,” Shi Buyi sighed and said.

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