Rise of Humanity

Chapter 554 - Magic Lamp

Chapter 554 - Magic Lamp

The moon goddess watched quietly as the Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s Yuan Shen left. It was as if the goddess didn’t want to dirty her hands with blood, to pollute her pure mind with violence and stain her heart with the worldly affairs.

Even when Xiao Mang grand ancestor stole the moon core, imprisoned her and robbed her of what was rightfully her’s, she didn’t hold any grudges against him.

To her, Xiao Mang grand ancestor didn’t matter much, as long as she was able to take back whatever she lost. Revenge seemed like a foreign concept to her.

Faraway, a patch of demonic clouds flew over and formed into a huge head above the battlefield. He was immediately attracted by the goddess’s beauty and was piqued in interest.

It was truly an amazing view. In the sky above, there was a huge head formed by the demonic clouds and on the ground, a beautiful goddess stood exactly below the huge head. Around them, the elements of heaven and earth, fire, water, earth, wind and many others were lost in control. They were ravaging and destroying every piece of land around.

The huge head formed by the demonic clouds belonged to Lord Demon.

He was attracted by the battle and flew out from his tomb to check it out. But by the time he reached the battlefield, it had already ended. All he could see was the beautiful goddess standing in the center.

If I can bring her home as my wife…, he was just thinking about it when he caught a glimpse on Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s stone petrified mortal body. His face changed drastically and left instantly back to the demon land.

After some time, Lord Demon’s spirit was still shivering in his tomb.

“Xiao Mang is dead, that lady is an innate god! But if she can be taken home as a wife…”

Then, there were sounds of water billowing in the air. An ocean appeared out of nowhere in the sky as the dragon ancestor’s spirit was also attracted by the battle and headed over with an ocean of water.

This Ao Clan dragon spirit coiled itself in the waters and his head with long dragon whiskers rose high up from the water surface.

The huge dragon opened his eyes and glanced around the goddess. All of a sudden, the dragon ancestor was shocked to see how beautiful the lady was. He quickly turned into a dragon-headed young man and just as he was going to walk over, he remembered something.

A ball of water emerged in his hands and he washed his face. He visualized a mirror to put some finishing touches on his appearance, but as soon as he looked at the reflection of his face again, he suddenly felt like he wasn’t good enough to talk to her.


The mirror shattered on the ground and dispersed into thin air while the dragon turned and left while covering his face.


And like that, the ocean water along with the dragon ancestor returned to the Eastern Sea.

The goddess was nonchalant to all the incomers, she glanced at the splintered moon core and waved her sleeves. The moon core fragments flew up and were kept away by her.

Casually, she stepped in the blank air as if there was an invisible stair. Soon after, the moon was visited by a elegant and yet lonely lady.

She came within the moon, the moon was like a huge egg had that nurtured her growth.

But it wasn’t the moon that brought her to life, it was that surge of Innate Tai Yin Divine Water Shang Qing cast out during the battle with Zhong Yue in the Returning Ruins.

The Innate Tai Yin Divine Water was made from the Innate Tai Yin Qi, it was even stronger than the Tai Yin Qi. It was that surge of Innate Tai Yin Divine Water that recuperated the loss of essences that the Xiao Mang grand ancestor had stolen from her. It was that surge of Innate Tai Yin Divine Water that had given her life.

Shang Qing’s Innate Tai Yin Divine Water was a gift from an ancient Innate Moon God to the Reincarnation Monarch. It was exactly because she had refined and absorbed the Innate Tai Yin Divine Water that she was so strong even when she had just awoken.

Just as the goddess was going to walk into the moon, she suddenly stopped and listened.

But there were no sounds in here, it was dead silent. Suddenly, a wave of voices deluged her mind.

It was a language unknown to the world, sounding ancient and seeming to hold endless mysteries.

The goddess tilted her head and listened, somehow, she could understand them. She shook her head and replied, “I cannot leave the Ancestral Star yet.”

She answered in the same mysterious language.

Moments later, another wave of voices reached her.

She listened quietly and shook her head again, “I was saved by someone, I have to repay his debt before I leave.”

After some time, the voice came into her mind again.

This time, the goddess nodded, “Alright, I will go there after I settle my matters here.”

Everything turned silent after that.

The goddess pondered deeply, she gazed into the endless space with a pair of lucid eyes. After a long time, she lowered her head and mumbled softly, “But how should I repay this debt?”

She thought for a very time. Then, she walked into the moon and glanced around at the huge hole inside of the moon. She took out the moon core fragments and compared the sizes but the goddess shook her head.

The moon core fragments she were far too little to fill into the missing hole inside of the moon.

Xiao Mang grand ancestor had stolen the moon core and ate a huge chunk of it. Over time, there had also been parts of the moon core that were given out to prominent Xiao Mang Celestial Race experts.

And now, more than half of the moon core was missing. If she had left these moon core fragments inside the moon, they would disrupt the moon’s balance, affect its natural movements. Eventually, this could lead to the moon’s disappearance into the endless space or its collision Ancestral Star.

Left with no other choice, the goddess could only gather the moon core fragments and refine them into a bright pearl.

“Then it’s time, to repay my debt…" She mumbled softly as she walked out of the moon toward the Ancestral Star.

Great Wilderness Swords Gate.

A sorrowful ambiance filled the whole Swords Gate, the disciples, hall masters and elders had their eyes fixated on the south. There, there were the loud and powerful clashings of skills, so clearly perceivable even though they were far in Swords Gate.

“Is Elder Zhong fighting with everything he’s got?" The ten elders of the elder council were puzzled.

But the vestigial power from the fight was too strong, even gods might not be capable of this kind of power, not to mention Zhong Yue who was just a True Spirit magnate. But if it wasn’t Zhong Yue, then who would it be?

After some time, things settled down as everything returned back to normal.

The Swords Gate disciples continued to mourn for the loss of their respected Elder Zhong.

The goddess walked into Swords Gate. Shui Zian, Zuo Xiangsheng and the other human experts watched as she walked past them, none of them remembered to even stop her and ask for her intentions.

Everywhere she went, she would leave a trail of dazed Swords Gate disciples.

All of a sudden, Shui Zian cleared his mind and ran over to the goddess, he shouted loudly, “Miss, stop!”

The goddess stopped, she turned her head back at Shui Zian and waited. Shui Zian was stunned, abruptly forgetting what he was trying to say. Even though he was a man who had experienced a lifetime of vicissitudes, he was still amazed by how flawless the goddess was.

“Miss, who are you looking for?" Shui Zian was only able to regain his thoughts after a few moments.

The goddess replied in a low and soft voice, “Zhong Yue.”

Shui Zian was amazed by her voice, he praised, “Your voice is so nice to hear… Wait, did you say you are here for Elder Zhong? He…”

Shui Zian’s heart turned bitter and said while giving her a wry smile, “Miss, you are too late. He is probably not alive by now already…”

“He is not dead yet." The goddess replied placidly, “I have been with him all these years, I would know if he is alive or dead. If he is dead, I wouldn’t be here already.”

Shui Zian was shocked, he stammered as he asked, “You… you and him… been together for all these years?”

The goddess nodded, “Day and night.”

Shui Zian was stunned, “Day and night? Miss, if Elder Zhong doesn’t return, what will you do?”

The goddess tilted her head and thought about it. Moments later, she said, “He will return.”

Shui Zian was stunned. The goddess walked toward the Seal Suppression Hall and sat in a little pavillion on the side. She sat there on her own, filling the surroundings with a holy, ice-cold air, the little pavillion then seemed to be another world compared to the rest of Swords Gate - her own domain.

Shui Zian wanted to ask more about her intention for coming but felt as though he shouldn’t interrupt her in her own world.

The elders swarmed over and so did the human disciples. Shui Zian was surrounded by the crowd as they ask of the goddess’ identity and intention.

“She is here for Elder Zhong? If Elder Zhong doesn’t come back, is she going to wait there forever?”

The crowd was stunned. Shui Zian said, “Zhong Yue is really an animal, how can you destroy the future of another young lady. This brat, he is like a bee, always ducking in and out of the flower bushes. Sigh, Headmaster Jun is in danger now.…”

The other elders nodded and concurred, “What a prick! Headmaster Jun and Elder Qiu are really in danger now!”

“Which one of you will go and ask who she is? And why is she so sure that Elder Zhong will come back alive?" Shui Zian said.

The crowd shook their heads in unison, they said, “Such a beautiful lady, I don’t think I am even brave enough to speak in front of her.”

“I will!" Zuo Xiangsheng suddenly said and strode toward the little pavillion. The closer he was, the slower his pace became. Moments later, he seemed to have lost all his resolve as he weakly turned and walked back, “I suddenly lost the will to talk to her.…”

“Elder Shui, you go!" The crowd quickly came out with a candidate, “Your face is the thickest among us!”

Left with no choice, Shui Zian strode out like a soldier going to the war. A few moments later, he walked back to the crowd and said, “She said, the insect race gods and Ancestral Star gods are mostly dead. But Zhong Yue hid inside a lamp and survived. But she also said that she didn’t know where the lamp is now. As for who she is, she said she is a goddess from the moon.”

“Goddess from the moon?" the Swords Gate disciples were stunned.

“An innate god!?" Granny Tao suddenly shouted.

Shui Zian nodded, his face was solemn as he said, “An innate god, a lady innate god! Headmaster Jun is in great danger… why is she not back yet?”

He just passed the words to Jun Sixie not long ago. Even if Jun Sixie rushed back with all her strength, it would still take a few months for her to return.

Meanwhile, on the far south of the Ancestral Star, there was an island in the middle of the ocean. The island was filled with desert and greenlands. There were many unique creatures that only lived here and were unseen to the outside world. One of them resembled a bird but didn’t seem to be able to fly. There was also a large two-legged creature with a large pouch in front of their bellies.

There there was a mountain ridge that was charred black and was smoking.

Suddenly, the dark mountain ridge glimmered with rays before crumbling away. Two huge claws protruded out from the ground below and fully tore the dark shells above into parts.

A mother god flew out and her tentacles hovered above the island, sucking the living creatures on the island into the tentacles.

“Cough, cough, cough. They are just ordinary creatures, I can’t even heal myself with them. I really want some Qi Practitioners now…”

The mother god turned into a beautiful woman and sat on the ground. She was panting for breath and the airs she exhaled still reeked of blood.

Mother Da Zhen then said, “But in comparison to the other gods, I could be considered very lucky already. Not only did I make it out alive, I still acquired such a good treasure!”

Mother Da Zhen took out a shabby copper lamp from her Yuan Shen secret realms and said while laughing, “This copper lamp can withstand the aftermath of the innate god and Deity Overlord, it must be an incredible treasure! It might be the key for the rise of our insect race!”

“Hehehe, I am the ancient god of the magic lamp!" A voice suddenly said within the lamp, “You found me. And for that, I can grant you three wishes!”

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