Rise of Humanity

Chapter 763 - The Favor of Fate

Chapter 763: The Favor of Fate

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Zhong Yue thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps it could be the Pure Yang Dragon I cultivated under Bai Canghai’s aid?”

He saw through the surprise in Celestial Emperor Fei Yan so he immediately told her that he once gave out a Pure Yang Qi to save Bai Canghai, “This Pure Yang Dragon was on the opposite element with his Pure Yin Serpent God, which might have resulted in me being able to avoid the curse spirit of his.”

“Something’s not right. It’s definitely not like that.”

Fei Yan shook her head and said, “The Pure Yang Dragon might be able to restrain the Pure Yin Serpent God but they are both equally strong. It can at most only protect you but just now, when I secretly cursed you, my curse was repelled. Are you trying to say that the much weaker Bai Canghai back in the days actually cultivated a Pure Yang Dragon that could even nullify my curse?”

A cold shivered all the way down his spine right away hearing this and Zhong Yue immediately said, “You cursed me just now?”

The heart of Heavenly King Lu and the others tightened as well and he quickly said, “Yan Fei, this is my king’s sworn brother. You must not hurt him…”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan smiled and replied, “I know, which is why I did not bear any ill intentions. I was just curious after seeing the odd fate tied onto him so I wanted to test it out myself and I assume that I have my answer already.”

She took a look at Zhong Yue from head to toe, examined him carefully and said suddenly, “If I’m not wrong, you are probably the sole survivor of your race? A race once filled with glory and honor, a race that once stood at the top of the pyramid but this race has gone extinct by now, leaving only you behind. With that, the fate of the entire race now lies within you and this is why you were not affected by my curse spirit. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Zhong Yue’s eyes twitched as he listened to Celestial Emperor Fei Yan narrated the tragedy happened to his race and he said bitterly, “There is one more person apart from me…”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan let out a relieved breath after her theory was confirmed by Zhong Yue; this lady was indeed a smart one for being able to see things no ordinary could see. She then said, “So that’s how it is. It is not a problem in my Curse Spirit but you are shouldering the fate of your entire race, a fate that is so strong that easily dwarfed my Curse Qi.”

She was now completely relaxed and the intrigued lady said, “So tell me, which race did you come from? This race is definitely a glorified and outstanding race back in the days to be able to bestow you with such overwhelming fate.”

“Are you sure about this?” Zhong Yue shook his head and said, “It might not be too good for you to be so curious about this and you may be dragged into a whirlpool of chaos.”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan might have seemed like a villager that wanted nothing to do with the chaotic world out there but deep down in her, she was not one that would sit out from this exciting world. She laughed and said, “What’s wrong with that? We are born for wars. Without wars, we are nothing more than just useless innate spirit bodies. If listening to your story would start a war, then I wouldn’t have to live here all alone anymore. Besides, we Curse Innate Spirit Body needed war to achieve even more. There is a limit to how much I can achieve if I continued shutting myself in here.”

Her eyes lit up as she spoke. It was clear that this Innate Curse Spirit Body did not wish to be exiled forever and she wanted to see the world for herself and even take part in a war to Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue inhaled deeply and he said, “There were 23 Heavenly Monarchs among my ancestors. They’ve ruled the Earth Order Era for almost a million years, bred countless talented individuals throughout their reign, developed the Six Paths and unified the Reincarnation. My race is…”

Upon hearing this, Celestial Emperor Fei Yan’s expression changed drastically; her face turned pale and she covered her ears right away as she shrieked, “Shut up! Shut up right now! Say no more, do not say that name! I don’t want to hear it!”

“My race is the Fuxi Celestial Race!”

But it was too late as Zhong Yue had already said it out loud, “80,000 years ago, the Fuxi Celestial Race faced a crisis that had them wiped out. Since then, they completely vanished from plain sight but this proud race will return one day. Celestial Emperor Fei Yan, if war is what you want to polish your skills and not let them go to waste, then I will give you war.”

Zhong Yue remained calm and said softly, “I can give you a war no one has ever seen, I can show you a heaven and earth dyed crimson red with the blood of the endless gods and demons and I can let you shine brightly with the outstanding talent of yours.”

His tone was also very calm and peaceful but behind his words, he showed a cruel and gory picture painted with blood and corpses.

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan shivered and after letting out a shriek, she ran away towards the far side and shouted, “I heard nothing!”

Pu tong-

The lady dived right into a lake and a shout was heard right away; Bai Canghai was in the lake to wash away the dungs and when he saw the lady came charging into the lake, he stood up immediately and covered his chest in panic and surprise.

Zhong Yue on the other hand, laughed happily and shouted, “Celestial Emperor Fei Yan, I thought you just said that you are all born for war? Why did you run then? Is everything you said nothing hot air?”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan was cleaning her ears in the water as if she could actually erase everything she heard coming from Zhong Yue. Hearing his words, she immediately shouted back angrily and bitterly, “We are indeed born for wars and I am not one who is unwilling to rot silently in a corner. I yearn to experience wars exist only in legends so that I show my talent to the world, shine brightly and achieve much more than I can possibly desire but death is not what I seek! The only reason I’m willing to be exiled and not escape from here was because I do not want to die! After hearing your origins, I will be dead for sure if I am dragged into your chaotic affairs!”

Zhong Yue choked speechless for a second and he smiled and said, “Celestial Emperor Fei Yan, why do you not believe in me?”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan sneered right away, “I knew things were wrong right after I heard that there were 23 Heavenly Monarch that came from your race. One can only imagine how overwhelmingly strong your enemies are to be able to crush such a huge clan like yours. I regret deeply now for overestimating myself which made me demand you to reveal your race and now I have to face the music. Don’t you even dream of having me to aid you in your poisonous and suicidal mission! Death is never what I wanted!”

Being barely moved by her words and understanding just how crazy his mission sounded, Zhong Yue smiled and said, “You are right. People must know their limits and back off if things are out of their capabilities. If that is what you wished, then I will not force it.”

Upon acquiring Zhong Yue’s promise, Celestial Emperor Fei Yan felt relieved and this was when she noticed Bai Canghai was in the lake taking a bath not far away from her. Her face flushed slightly and she quickly got out from the lake.

After Zhong Yue’s revelation, she now looked at Zhong Yue like a dangerous disease and plague, making her reluctant to see him so she shouted, “King Zhong, if you want to succeed, you still need to do one thing.”

Zhong Yue knew that she was a Curse Innate Spirit Body, and as a celestial emperor, she must have her own unique ideas and experience far greater than Heavenly King Lu and the others, he said with respect, “Please, teach me.”

“Your race has been wiped out, making the fate of your race lies within you now but there are two survivors. One being you and the other being the other one, which is not a good thing. With the fate split into two portions, one with you and one with the other one, you will both achieve something great but in the end, there is still a limit to what you can achieve.”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan said from afar, “Your enemies are definitely more than just overwhelming and their amount is like the stars spread all over the galaxies. How can you possibly win against them if the fate of your race is split into two?”

Zhong Yue frowned right away as he already had an idea on what she was trying to tell so he said, “You are saying that…”

“Kill the other survivor, and take her destiny for yourself!” suggested Celestial Emperor Fei Yan, “With that, the destiny of the entire race would then rest upon you and you alone will achieve what no one could ever achieve. Along with that, the hope of avenging your race can potentially become a reality!”

Without hesitation, Zhong Yue rebutted, “There’s no way I’d do that!”

Heavenly King Lu and the others frowned as well for Celestial Emperor Fei Yan’s suggestion was way too unusual and out of expectation. However, while it caught them off guard, her suggestion made sense in its own way as well.

If Zhong Yue actually managed to acquire the entire fate of the Fuxi Celestial Race for himself, perhaps not only will he be able to avenge the entire race, he might even achieve much more than his ancestors!

“Say no more.” Zhong Yue shook, “There is only one and a half survivor in the entire race now, one being her and half being me. How can I possibly kill her for such a thing as elusive as destiny? I am not one that believes in something like that. I believe that one’s own efforts and actions will take them further than what destiny ever will. If I were to go on a massive slaughtering spree against the innocents for such fate, then I don’t need it. Besides, if fate really plays an important role, I might as well put all my hopes on fate instead of cultivating.”

Heavenly King Lu on the side said right away, “King Zhong, it’s better that we believe it than completely rejecting it. What if it’s true and if you managed to acquire even more fate…”

With a smile that did not look like a smile, Zhong Yue answered, “If I kill her for such a reason, it means that I would kill all of you, you fellow companions who willingly followed my lead, for such weird reasons. Do you want to see King Geng’s death in my hands as well?”

Heavenly King Lu and the others became quiet right away and Celestial Emperor Qian Shan laughed suddenly, “That’s the King Zhong that even King Geng is willing to bow before and the King Zhong we all know!”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan however, did not approve of this and she said, “Enough with your idealistic nonsense! Perhaps it’s just you who thinks that way. The other Fuxi might already be on their way to kill you.”

Zhong Yue did not flinch at all and he replied, “If that happens and if the chaos rained upon this world one day, will you be on my side or her side…”

“Of course it’s you. You are after all less cold-blooded…”

As soon as she said this, she realized what Zhong Yue had just done and she lamented inwardly, “I shouldn’t have said that! If he used my words against me in the future, then things are going to be bad.”

And Zhong Yue had already bowed and thank her, “So it seems like I am the right choice.”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan smirked right away and rebutted, “Don’t even dream of that! I will not aid you no matter what but I can help you to cultivate this little Bai. I will cultivate him to become strong enough in the future so that he can die with you!”

After that, she distant herself further away in fear of being entangled with Zhong Yue’s affair.

Zhong Yue was not offended at all. The path he was going to walk was almost a hopeless one. If he forcefully dragged Celestial Emperor Fei Yan into this path, it might cost her her life.

“Brother Bai, stay here and cultivate under Celestial Emperor Fei Yan. I pray that you will learn everything you need from her and awaken your True Spirit soon.”

They then stayed on this planet for another few days before parting ways with Bai Canghai. Before they left, Zhong Yue said, “I once promised you that I will find someone like you one day and I am happy that I’ve not fail you. Today is the day we bid farewell. Perhaps one day, we will cross paths again.”

Among the party, Zhong Yue was the one that Bai Canghai was closest to, thus, Bai Canghai was particularly sad at their parting. “Brother Zhong, if you were to stir chaos one day, I will definitely be by your side!”

“This is my mission, not yours…” Zhong Yue his head.

Bai Canghai, however, shouted right away, “To hell with it! Just think of how many times you’ve saved me! I will definitely be there when you need me!”

Zhong Yue remained silent while Celestial Emperor Fei Yan who was standing far away murmured with a smiling face, “Short life Bai.”

Zhong Yue and Bai Canghai then hugged and after patting each other’s back, Zhong Yue entered Heaven Origin Reincarnation Mirror with Yi Wanjun and the others before they left swiftly.

After they left, Bai Canghai remained looking up to the sky without moving an inch at all for a long time and Celestial Emperor Fei Yan got up to him and giggled, “Short life Bai, we Curse Innate Spirit Body do not need to be hot blooded. The more hot blooded you get, the faster you die.”

“You won’t understand.” said Bai Canghai with a shook, “Without him, I would have already succumbed to the Innate Yin Serpent God. The Innate Curse Spirit Body will first bring bad luck to themselves first before they shower the others with bad luck.”

Celestial Emperor Fei Yan was stunned by his words and after recalling her lonely life, she couldn’t help but agree with him.

After listening to his words, Celestial Emperor Fei Yan now saw Bai Canghai in a new light and she said, “Come with me. I will teach you how to cultivate. If you want to aid him in his suicide mission, then you should at least try to not be too useless when the time comes.”

Bai Canghai’s eyes lit up right away and he quickly followed her and said, “What if I learn everything you know?”

“You would probably still die.” said Celestial Emperor Fei Yan after she gave it a thought, to which Bai Canghai got slightly let down.

She then added, “But at least you will not die as quickly. Cultivate with me and you will at least be a nuisance to his enemies rather than just an ant.”

“What’s the difference?” said a disappointed Bai Canghai.

“You can tear away a part of their flesh with everything you learn from me.” said Celestial Emperor Fei Yan, “Besides, after you were bestowed with wars, you will grow continuously and achieve even more, perhaps you might be able bite their head off instead of just a piece of their flesh.”

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