Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 233 - In A Pickle- Part 1

Chapter 233 - In A Pickle- Part 1

Belle could feel a headache forming in her head. This was like nonstop events that were going on one after another where they couldn\'t catch a break for themselves. With the spirits gone, Belle could feel pain at the thought that her parents didn\'t exist anywhere anymore. Not in the land of the living nor in the land of the dead as they were consumed by the spirits.

She clenched her hands together in anger that she felt which was brewing in her chest, bubbling like a volcano that was waiting to erupt.

Lucas noticed Belle\'s silence. Though she had said she was alright, he knew she wasn\'t. At least not with the way her eyes had turned vacant after finding out that the people who had entered the mansion were not her parents.

"We need to get the man quickly before he blabbers to the people that he saw Belle\'s parents. Imagine what everyone is going to say?"

"Let it be," Lucas answered this caught both Belle and Barron\'s attention.

"What do you let it be? Did you forget you are a suspect?" asked Barron.

Belle looked worried and she said to Lucas, "Barron is right-"

"Barron is always right!" said Barron, looking up at both of them with his hands placed on his waist.

"We can\'t leave the man just like that. Even if we hide about my parents being here, how are we going to explain to the maids?" they were surely freaking out. She even doubted even the servants were still in the mansion as it wasn\'t something often a person saw people dying or coming back to life. More like coming back from the dead, thought Belle to herself.

"Barron go get the servants in here," ordered Lucas and Barron gave a look at the couple before making his way to get the people who worked in this mansion.

"What are we going to do?" asked Belle in a worried tone.

"Let me handle it. I am here with you. You have nothing to worry," said Lucas to her, "We cannot keep the councilman as a hostage as we don\'t know who else is working with him and which council person will be on our case. We all know the dead cannot be brought up."

"But if they think it\'s possible, I will be named as a witch," Belle tried to reason with him, "The matter cannot stay closed for a long time."

The servants walked inside the hall whose footsteps were slow and they tried to get to the hall. Everyone was in shock because of what happened and what they saw.

Belle could see the fear in their eyes. The fear much greater than any time before, which was almost similar to the time when her parents and the other servants had died in here in the hands of the corrupted vampires. Their eyes tried to take a look at the butler and stuffed rabbit that was standing next to her right now.

"Sit down," said Lucas, making eye contact with every single one of them who looked at each other before sitting on the floor. Belle continued to lean her back against the wall, her eyes looking at the floor as she didn\'t know how they were going to control the situation which was damaged.

Barron moved his leg in a circle on the floor, waiting for the catastrophe to take place.

"We have something very important to convey on what happened today," started Lucas for everyone in the room to look at him and pay him attention, "

What you saw today, or more importantly who you saw today was not Mr. and Mrs. Adams as they are already dead."

"T-they didn\'t come back from the dead?" asked one of the maid fearfully.

"No," answered Belle.

Lucas then said, "Like humans, vampires, witches and other creatures, there is a creature that feeds on the dead\'s soul. These creatures are called the spirits and they feed on anything so that they can feel like a mortal of this world again. They suck souls of the living as they crave life and they will do anything to get the chance to live here again."

"The spirit killed Mary and Ruth," said one of the maid.

"It is a very unfortunate moment for us that we have been losing people as this was something not expected. This has not happened before, at least not by what I have known," answered Lucas knowing how the servants had more than one burning question.

If they were going to keep the mansion safe and prepared, they would need to let the servants know what they were dealing with instead of having surprised visitors. Obviously Belle and Lucas were not looking forward to moving away from this mansion as this was all they had. It was a risk but they were the servants who had been working for years and if something did go wrong, Lucas would not bat his eyelash while killing every single one of them.

"There is a secret we have been hiding and we would like it to be protected until your very last breath. If you don\'t, you can guarantee that the moment you let someone know it will be the last day you will be breathing."

With two dead servants, there were seven servants who were still alive in the Adams\' mansion.

"So this will be your last chance. If you want to quit, leave the mansion right away and continue to not speak about what you saw here," and as Lucas said this, Belle\'s eyes moved across the room to see two maids stand up.

"I-I would like to leave. This is a p-possessed mansion. It was told lon-ong time ago. I will work for Mrs. Edmons\'s family," the maid stuttered.

"I would like to go and work there too," said the other maid.

Barron turned to look at Lucas, "How do we know they won\'t open their mouth?" he asked.

"I will never speak of it. I am sorry, Miss Belle," said the maid to Belle, her eyes filled with tears as she couldn\'t bear to see another death. There had been too many death that they couldn\'t digest it, but the remaining five still wanted to stick around.

"Leave and never speak a word about it unless you want your limbs to be cut off and your heart being ripped out of your chest," Lucas\' voice was low as he threatened them to see the two maids quickly run away to their quarters.

It wasn\'t that he was letting them go.

Humans were hard to keep quiet and he could already tell by their body language that they would be spouting what they had seen and the death of their fellow maid. There was too much at stake and he couldn\'t risk either his or Belle\'s life. He had considered killing the servants but it wasn\'t just one body. More questions would arise in the eyes of the council and the other authorities who would come to take a look at the mansion.

He knew good spots in the cemetery which would fit them, thought Lucas to himself before his eyes fell on the others.

"Last chance," tested Lucas to receive no response from the servants.

One of the servants raised his hand, "A-are you a witch?" the question was directed to Lucas.


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