Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 321 - Back Home- Part 1

Chapter 321 - Back Home- Part 1

Belle stood in front of the building with Lucas next to her. She stared at the entrance where light spilt out from the possible lanterns that were being burnt inside the building with one man who was working behind the desk.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Lucas to Belle, turning his head to see her nod, "I know you have done this before but it was because of the circumstantial time you were put into. Once you do this, there will be no returning back because it will forever mark itself in the back of your mind. I can do it for you."

A swirl of cold gust of wind blew across in the village and where they stood, "Everything has marked itself. I might not be able to go through every witch but this one...This one will be for George," said Belle.

They then walked towards the entrance of the magistrate\'s office, stepping inside to have the man sitting at the desk to look up at the man and the woman who entered his office, "Office is closed," the magistrate dismissed them right away before looking down at the parchment of paper which he was working on.

"It is important," said Belle but the man appeared disinterested. Hoping to get the couple out of the office and leave him alone so that he could work in peace.

"I said the office is closed. Whatever it is that you want to register, you can come back tomorrow morning after nine," he said, running his quill on the parchment.

Lucas raised his hand, snapping his fingers for the parchment to catch fire and the magistrate\'s eyes widened as he tried to put out the fire but in less than three seconds, the parchment had burnt down itself to black ash, "I don\'t have patience when it comes to things I am not interested about," said the Grim Reaper.

"What the hell did you do?" the magistrate glared at the couple, "I will have you both arrested and then burned! You witches!"

"I need to speak to you," said Belle, walking forward but the magistrate continued to glare at her for interrupting and burning his work. When Belle\'s eyes fell on the table, she saw the light imprints of the ink that had come to touch the surface of the desk, "I didn\'t know working with circles and lines was something that the council involved itself with," her eyes snapped to look into the man\'s eyes.

The magistrate realised this that he was in trouble and swiftly turned around, reaching for the window behind him which was wide open. But before he could try to escape through it, Lucas looked at the window and in an instant, the windows closed right at the face of the magistrate. Belle heard the magistrate growl and when he turned, his previous red eyes had turned to slits that made Belle confused.

What happened to him? A second ago, he was a vampire.

"What are you?" Belle asked.

"Why don\'t you find out?" asked the magistrate who went to attack Belle but when she raised her hand, he froze where he was stuck in an awkward position.

"Where did you learn that?" asked Lucas, slightly surprised as he had not seen her do that before.

Belle grinned, "I learned it in the dead."

"You kill me and an army of them will come after you!" yelled the magistrate. Lucas moved forward to where Belle was, staring at the man and then walking around to look at the magistrate closely before he said,

"Looks like an experimental witch who is trying to camouflage himself as a vampire in society."

"Is it possible?" Belle asked as this had never come up before.

"Who knows," murmured Lucas and then pulled down a chair and said to the magistrate, "Sit?" to push the man on the chair.

"What do you want?" growled the witcher who was playing to be a magistrate, "Let me go and I will see what deal can be pulled for you to work with?"

"We aren\'t interested in that," answered Belle, "We have had a very long day and would like to finish this soon. What are you trying to do here?" she asked him.

"Let me go and I will tell you, pretty lady," the witcher smiled, "I will help you. I know you want my help. Bring you, parents, back from the dead," and Belle frowned hearing this.

"You know who I am?" asked Belle.

"Of course, I do. They were reputable even if they weren\'t at the par like the other families of vampires. I know that," the witcher smiled, "They died quite gruesomely," tched the witcher like he was sorry for that. Belle stared at the man before she saw Lucas step on the witcher\'s shoes with a cool expression that had the magistrate cry his lungs out in pain.

"What\'s going on in here?" asked Lucas before the witcher would try to sway Belle\'s emotions, "Are you willing to speak or do you want your other foot crushed?" he asked to have the witcher nod his head as he appeared to be in too much pain.

"We are working on a ritual to pull out the souls from these lands," huffed the witcher with a glare.

"Why? Is it another massacre?" asked Belle with a frown as it didn\'t seem like only one house was under the hypnotised state but the entire village, "Is there more than one village under threat?" According to Lucas, the villagers wouldn\'t die but she didn\'t believe with the time skips that were taking place.

The magistrate turned to Belle to smile at her, "Yes, it\'s a massacre," as he uttered those words Lucas took his time to stamp on the other feet of the witcher to hear him scream.

"Okay okay! It is not a massacre!" The man confessed, "It is only made to look like a massacre but the goal is something else," Belle waited for the man to continue and he said, "We are trying to resurrect the first black witch."


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