The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 377 - DEATH

Chapter 377 - DEATH

Raine didn\'t use her own hand because she didn\'t want to hurt herself, moreover those Lycan had enough strength to make Jenedieth suffered enough.

Next to Jenedieth was Alpha Ryan with battered face, he growled loudly to stop the Lycan for hurting his mate, it was kind of torture for him to see Jenedieth was being humiliated right before his eyes while he could do nothing except sprouting profanities.

Raine didn\'t stop the Lycan and stayed quiet when Alpha Ryan\'s wrath was directed toward her, after all he couldn\'t do anything aside from talking nonsense.

This was for Clarice and her son, yet this kind of torture was still very light compared to what Ryan had done to them.

Only when Jenedieth couldn\'t move anymore and her face was very swollen for being slapped so hard a few times, Raine raised her hand to stop the Lycan and he stopped.

This action made Serefina curios, how could Raine gain their respect in this short time? She was sure, last time she checked those Lycan wouldn\'t even care with Raine existence when Torak was not around.

"You b*tch!!!" Alpha Ryan tried to free himself from Raphael and was about to attack Raine, yet before he could move a muscle a swift kick laid on the back of his head that made his face kissed the ground very hard.

Raphael, who was holding Ryan, stumbled forward because Ryan dragged him along when he fell, fortunately the Beta could regain his footing very fast and glared at Calleb, who just kicked the Alpha from blue moon pack.

"He needs to be taught a lesson or two." Calleb shrugged his shoulder as he gave Raphael an innocent look.

The Beta glared and resumed to restrain Alpha Ryan.

Thought he had been kicked by Calleb, Ryan didn\'t stop to voice out his provocation. "You keep saying that Torak is still alive, but you don\'t have proof for that!"

Raine stepped forward, made herself was seen by those traitors. "Do you?" she dropped down to herknees, so she could have eye to eye conversation with this despicable creature in front of her. "Do you have any proof that he is dead?"

Raine asked the same question that stirred the Alphas\' opinion and the Lycans around them.

"Tell me, do you have proof for that?" Raine tilted her head, looked at Alpha Ryan menacingly. "Or do you bring any proof with you?"

Alpha Ryan couldn\'t answer that because the moment Torak Donovan dropped dead after being attacked by Lucifer, his body turned into dust.

It was strange, but Lucifer said Torak Donovan was no more, except Alpha Ryan interpreted it wrongly, it meant Torak was dead. There was no other meaning than that.

"Do you have proof if he is still alive? All of you have been searching for him for days, yet no one could grasp a single whisper about his whereabouts, if Torak Donovan is very strong, do you think he is still missing until this day?!"

Alpha Ryan tried to make the other Alpha confused, he could tell that they were still reluctant to acknowledge Raine as their Luna and Ryan would use this opportunity to turn the table.

However, he would never have a chance to do so.

"He. Is. My. Mate." Raine uttered every single word. "I will know, whether he is alive or die."

"It doesn\'t proof anything!" Alpha Ryan bit back with scorn. "Torak Donovan is dead and that is the truth!"

And then, in his last attempt to sway those Alphas there, Alpha Ryan said his last piece loudly.

"Torak Donovan is dead! And the war will come, we can prevent the war from happening by handing this woman over to the devils!" thought the last sentences was something that Alpha Ryan made up, but he was not care about the detail.

It was evidence that the Devil looked for the guardian angel and as for what they would do to her, he had no concern whatsoever.

"So, what you will get from succ.u.mb yourself to the devil?" Unexpectedly, Alpha Romulus stepped forward and voiced out his opinion, he stood tall beside Raine as he glowered down at Alpha Ryan. "I will opt for another war if I have to lower my head toward something so distasteful."

"Do you think she is not distasteful enough?!" Alpha Brian roared as he directed his furious gaze toward Raine. "You will choose to succ.u.mb yourself under this weak and worthless creature?!"

Romulus gritted his teeth. "She is the Alpha\'s mate for reason." He said in low snarled. "And if she has a way to find the Alpha, I will do everything that I could to find him."

Alpha Romulus then shifted his gaze toward Raine as he added. "If it\'s not, than she was worthless."

Alpha Romulus\'s declaration almost like he pledged his loyalty to the pack, but if one understood it enough, it was only another way to say; if Raine couldn\'t meet up their expectation to find Torak just like what she said earlier, then he wouldn\'t mind to kill her by himself.

The message was clear for some of people there, including Raine.

After hearing Alpha Romulus\'s brave statement, Raine stood up and glanced over at Serefina and the witch nodded her head as if saying; \'do it. whatever you want to do.\'

And that was exactly what Raine did.

"Thank you for your opinion Alpha Romulus." Raine\'s voice neither too loud or strict, it was the right amount of sweetness and maturity.

Her voice was like a summer breeze, yet it carried a deathly statement after that.

"I assure you that I can find Torak and I will. But, I will ensure that justice is upheld." Raine looked at Calleb and Raphael as she found new courage in the way they looked at her, to say her piece. "What the punishment for the traitor?" Raine asked Raphael.

"Death." Raphael answered simply.

Raine nodded and spoke with her tender voice. "Do it then, starting from him." She pointed Alpha Brian.

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