The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 504 - FERAL BEAST

Chapter 504 - FERAL BEAST

The man body spasmed violently, his whole body convulsing as his back started elongating and the muscles in his body started to engorge.

When he hunched over on all fours toward Kace and Lana, his claws started extending from his fingers and his fangs from his mouth. The air filled with dozens of snapping bones.

Kace had never seen this kind of shifting before, but Lana did. Her eyes zeroed in at the creatures which charged toward them now.

Kace and Lana moved away at the same time when that beast lurched toward the spot where they were a second ago.

A piercing howl echoed through the hot atmosphere surrounded them. The malnourished kids ran toward their hut, seeking for protection from whoever inside there, while the people with pipe stayed still where they were, didn\'t seem notice about what was going on not too far from them.

The beast was the color of mud, dirty and feral. And its chased after Lana as the woman turned into her own wolf.

Lana\'s wolf was as big as the muddy color one, but even the spectators could see the power difference between them.

The feral beast ran rampant, chasing after Lana and easily tackled her to the ground. Loud of ear- piercing howls and growls filled the air

It was a close call when the feral beast almost bit Lana\'s neck and ended her right there and then, a white lycan smashed its side and forced him to move away from the brown wolf beneath him.

The magnificent white lycan was fighting off the other beast, slamming it into the gravel and rocks on the road, attempting to subdue it.

Debris and dust covered the sight on the spot where the two beasts were fighting brutally. Roars and snarls from them could change this whole place into a real battlefield.

Lana turned into her human form as she clutched her injured arms, she didn\'t expect that and was caught out off guard when she was being attacked.

Hoisting herself up, she moved away when the white lycan just sunk his claws into the feral beast\'s back. When Lana tumbled away, the two beasts brought their fight to the other side of this dessert like place.

The white lycan was bigger than the muddy wolf, but every attack that he attempted didn\'t hit the vital part of his opponent, thus this fight took longer time than it needed.

Lana could see the four line of gashes behind the white lycan\'s back, he didn\'t get that wound fromm this fight, but even with that wounds, the white lycan still has the upper hand in this battle.

They wrestled and tore at one another under this bright sunlight, as if they wouldn\'t stop until one of them couldn\'t stand on their legs anymore.

And with one last ear- splitting roar, the white Lycan sunk his razor fangs on the beast\'s neck as blood sprayed on its white fur.

The feral beast collapsed to the ground and turned into his human\'s form with his neck split open.

The white lycan took another steps back, its magnificent body shook as his human form stood in its place.

Kace\'s eyes gradually turned into his initial ocean blue as he stared at the man, who pooled on his own blood on the ground. His breathing ragged and his black eyes fought back the sleepiness that engulfed him, the darkness that would consume him into nothingness.

"Let\'s go." Lana approached Kace, who was still standing while staring at the man in daze. "We have wasted our time here."

At this point, Lana\'s wound on her arms had healed and all that\'s left was only traces of blood on her torn sleeves.

Yet, Kace didn\'t take another step to follow the woman, he was still standing there with furrowed eyebrows.

"What are you doing? We have to go now." Lana frowned as she stepped in his line of sight. "Don\'t tell you are thinking what I am thinking now."

As if Lana could guess what was inside Kace\'s mind, her gaze turned hard.

"Yes, I am thinking what you are thinking now." Kace nodded and stepped forward to approach the man, who second ago was about to kill Lana and him.

"You can\'t save him!" Lana said exasperatedly when she watched Kace crouched down and put his big palm on the man\'s split open wound.

Kace ignored Lana\'s words as he stared at the man. He has black eyes, so it wasn\'t because he was still under the beast\'s control, but this was the original color of his eyes.

His chapped lips reminded Kace of someone, who had not drank water for days, as they moved and formed a pleading words.


That was all the man said in his voice that barely a whisper before he closed his eyes. Died.


"You don\'t have to feel guilty because of that," Lana spoke with concern as she glanced at Kace beside her for the tenth times as they walked toward the high wall.

Kace didn\'t answer. He refused to talk after he witnessed the way that man died with a pleading word hung on his lips.

There was something that bothered Kace greatly, aside from the fact he had killed another creature, let his beast to take control for a second and tasted the blood that its always wanted because Kace always suppressed its desire for blood and more more blood.

"It is our nature to kill another creatures, which threatened our live." Lana walked in front of Kace as the sun had almost set in the horizon. "We live in the world where we have to kill in order to survive."

Kace narrowed his eyes at Lana\'s back. He didn\'t agree with her statement. "I think I live long enough and went through many wars to know the value of someone\'s life," he spoke in boring tone. "And for some reason I think that man shifted into his feral beast out of his will. I want to know about that, but unfortunately, I killed him instead."

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