The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 644 - PATHETIC

Chapter 644 - PATHETIC

The atmosphere inside the castle remained the same that night. The Lycan King was the cause of it. His mood was dominated by this overwhelming anger. No one in the castle was brave enough to come close to the Alpha. Not a single soul would walk past the throne room. If one\'s destination required walking near that room, they would choose to take a detour, even though it would be a longer walk.

Not even Jedrek\'s generals would show their face upon him, not if their presence weren\'t needed. They knew better to not disturb him in his current temper. They thought that there must be something that was bothering him. They would assume it was caused by the issue with the devils, the missing people, and the soulless creatures. But, it never crossed their mind that it had something to do with Lilac.

Aside from Maximus, and some \'special\' servants, no one knew Lilac had been living inside the castle, at the north wing to be exact. That she had been there for three days already now.

The sun rose at the east, a sign of a new day had begun. And when the sunlight illuminated the room, only then, Jedrek finally moved from his throne. He walked towards the direction of his chamber, and he entered the library. Inside the library, there were rows of neatly lined up books, organized in such ways. On one side, there were floor cushions, and leathered arm chairs with a few tables.

On the other side of that lavish library, there was a huge glass window showing the outside scenery. Jedrek walked towards a built-in sliding bookcase. He pushed it aside to reveal a secret passage. It was originally designed as an escape pathway for the royal family, if ever the situation forced them to flee from the enemy\'s siege. But it had never been used since the first time the castle was built.

The Donovans were the strongest of all royals. They were strong enough to never put themselves in any situation that required them to run away. This castle had always been a stronghold during every war that occurred throughout the generations. Behind that secret passage, laid a tunnel of infinite darkness. Jedrek walked that long path of the tunnel, leading him to the only door at the end of it.

Just like the wall along the tunnel, the surface of the wooden black door was covered with graffiti. But this one, there were a few claws that dented on it. An animal claws. Jedrek stretched out his hand to reach its handle and strolled inside.


There was a thundering roar the moment Jedrek entered the room. Someone rushed towards him, trying to throw him a punch in his guts, but Jedrek had accustomed to this treatment. Because every time he paid a visit there, \'he\' would welcome him with a punch or any physical attack. Therefore, this time, before \'he\' could give him a blow, Jedrek caught his fist first, and kicked him on his chest.

The man\'s body flew a few meters away before hitting the wall behind him. Dusts were showering above his head, but they didn\'t stop him from rising to his feet and leapt forward. He was about to shift, but before he could do that, Jedrek snapped at him.

"CUT IT OUT!" Jedrek was exploding. His anger had doubled since the last time he lost control over his dark desire, and did something that he shouldn\'t. The man stood up, still indignant. He stopped his shifting phase. Now, he was standing tall with a strong dominance aura all over his entire body.

"You are getting bold day by day. You now even have the nerve to challenge me and deny my order!" The man crossed his bulging arms in front of his chest. Displeased with his offspring.

Jedrek was trying hard to calm down, containing his anger, "Do not tell me what to do, Janus! I am not coming here to hear your pathetic plea." That man\'s blue eyes turned dark when he heard his son. Jedrek\'s voice was not loud, but every word that he said was venomous enough to sting one\'s pride. "I am still your father!!" Janus growled.

"And I am your Alpha!" Jedrek didn\'t back down either. He stared at the former Alpha before his eyes with hatred. "Stop manipulating people! You don\'t seem to be grateful enough despite the fact that I let you live this long!"

Hearing what his son just said, made Janus throw his head and laugh like a maniac. The eerie sound echoed through the whole room, sending shivers to anyone who heard that. However, Jedrek had faced his old man countless times. It\'d take more than an atrocious laugh to make him flinch. Jedrek didn\'t come to watch his father laughing over something that he didn\'t even understand, so he was leaving.

It was an oval room with nothing there except seven doors that were placed surrounding the wall. Above them the sunlight shone brightly. The soft looking clouds in the sky could be seen from where they stood. How ironic to think of it as a perfect day.

"So, now I live under your mercy?" The sarcasm in Janus\'s voice was enough to make Jedrek stop walking away from him. Jedrek turned around and said coldly, "Do you not?"

The amus.e.m.e.nt in Janus\'s eyes faded immediately. But before he could speak, his son cut him to it, "I should\'ve killed you centuries ago when I snatched the Alpha title right under your nose." Jedrek flashed him a rare smirk. It was not a mischievous smirk, but a smirk out of disgust.

"You indeed had killed me, son." Janus mimicked Jedrek\'s smirk. After all, his ruthless trait came from him. His own father. "You just couldn\'t get rid of me."

"Well then, you can rot here for all I care." Jedrek didn\'t spare him a glance when he walked away to enter one of the doors.

"I saw what you did to the girl in the north wing." Once again, Janus managed to make him stop. "Do you think I have completely failed? Even without me whining to tell you that you should keep the guardian angel, you will do it eventually."

Hearing the mocking remark in the way his father talked, made Jedrek\'s grip on the handle of that door in his hand tightened. Seeing how his words had affected his son again, he then continued, "See? You are so pathetic in front of your little mate," Janus said derisively.

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