The Love of a Lycan



Raine was taking some snack from the kitchen while Hope and Lana were waiting for her on the top floor, where Torak and she stayed.

Raine missed this place, this was the first place where Torak had brought her. She remembered how coward she was back then, thinking anyone would hurt her and how she wasn\'t able to speak a single word. No friends or family.

Raine also remembered the first word that came out from her lips after years of being silence, was; Torak. Even though, the story behind it was not the pleasant one, but still… it was something that would always etch in her mind.

However, now here she was… she had been through so much and had lost a lot of things, yet that was all worth it.

Now, Raine had a few people that she could call as friend and family, though they were not blood related to her, but they were family nonetheless.

And whatever would happen in the future, as long as she had them, Raine would be forever grateful. Torak, Calleb, Raphael, Hope, Lana, Kace, Belinda and a few people in the pack, they were all the people that so dear to her.

Even the annoying Adair…

"So, you are come back?" a voice as sweet as sugar sounded from behind Raine.

She didn\'t need to turn around to see who was there, thus Raine continued to fill the bowl with snack. Since the men were inside Torak\'s study room for another discussion, the girls would spend their night watching movies until they felt sleepy.

And the best companion for that activity was; a few snack, chocolate and drink.

"As you can see, I am here," Raine said casually. She was also remembered how Adair had destroyed the sunflowers that she and Belinda had planted, and how she claimed that she was Torak\'s baby girl. This girl was really annoying!

"Yes, I can see you and the other guardian angel," she sneered. Adair was still upset because of their last encounter. "And now you are being ordered around. I can\'t see how you could possibly become a Luna for this Pack. You have no pride."

Raine plopped a peanut into her mouth, putting another bag of snack and picking up the tray. She lost the bet with the two of them, so she should take the snacks. It was very simple, but why the way Adair said it, it became very complicated? What did this have to do with pride? Raine didn\'t understand…

"Move," Raine said in a bored tone.

Adair was standing in front of the door and blocked her way.

"Why? You will call the Alpha?" Adair crossed her arms in front of her chest. She didn\'t like the fact that they had a guardian angel as the Luna of the pack. No. She didn\'t like whoever became Luna.

"I will if I have to," Raine said. She was upset with Adair, but didn\'t want to force her to do something stupid, because she knew, she wouldn\'t stand a chance if Adair really wanted to hurt her, moreover, at this hour, there was no one in the kitchen.

"See? You are a coward." She mocked her.

Yet, Raine shrugged nonchalantly. "You can say everything that you want about me, but that still will not change the fact that I am Luna in this pack."

"Do you think everyone respect you as Luna? They respect you because you are Torak\'s mate," Adair said grimly, but seeing her provocation words didn\'t seem have the effect that she wanted, she became more upset.

Raine was standing there, with a tray of food, staring at her calmly and didn\'t even bother to talk back or defend herself.

"You are weak and pathetic." Adair insulted her.

There was an awkward silence after what Adair said and Raine was still with her calm facial expression until she spoke again.

"You haven\'t liked me since we first met, so no matter what I say, it will only waste both of our time." Raine smiled softly at her. "I don\'t have time to explain myself to you, if you believe me as a weak and pathetic Luna, please believe it. That is your privilege to believe whatever you want."

"See? You are so weak!??? Adair sneered. This time, she moved aside and let Raine to walk past her. "I pity Torak for having you as his mate."

Raine walked past her and turned around to grin at her. "And I pity you for thinking that you are better than me, perhaps yes." She shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly. "But, we live in reality and no matter what you say, the fact that I am your Luna and Torak\'s mate and everything you could ever want, is undeniable."

"You are so pathetic!" Adair snapped. She was upset because Raine didn\'t seem to take her words seriously.

"I am, I am…" Raine said casually and walked away when she felt Adair yanked her shoulder and forced her to turn around.

Raine narrowed her eyes when she watched Adair raised her hand.

"You know what the punishment for someone who hurt their Luna?" she said rigidly. "Slap me, and you will know how weak and pathetic I am."

Raine didn\'t break the eyes contact with Adair, thus the lycan could see the threat in her eyes. She was serious with what she said.

It sounded weird, but Adair stopped her hand mid- air. There was something in the way Raine looked at her that made her bones chill.

"Try to stop your impulsive act or it will lead you into trouble." Raine shrugged her shoulder to free herself from Adair\'s grip. "Next time, I will not be so nice to you and talk with you like this, if you don\'t give me the respect I deserve."

Adair gritted her teeth, she wanted to talk something, but somehow… she was afraid.

"And one more thing." Raine stepped closer. "Stop staring at Torak. He is mine and will be mine only."

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