The Love of a Lycan



"Asmodeus," Serefina muttered her name with an irritable sigh, she was not in good shape to make a sarcastic remark, neither did she have enough strength to fight her back nor burn her alive as she wanted, just like when the devil came to give her an offer the last time.

The devil really didn\'t know when to stop bothering her.

"What do you want now?" Serefina used the edge of the bed to support her body, so she could stand up. There was no way she would want to stay on the ground in front of Asmodeus. Even when her every move was killing her, the witch stood up stubbornly.

"You know what I want and the offer is still the same," Asmodeus said happily. "Do you still want to give me the same reply?" she waved her hand toward the window, which showed how gloomy the sky had turned. "We have sieged this city," she stated with a smile that seemed to never leave her lips.

Serefina scoffed when she heard that. "I don\'t know that I am very precious to all of you," she said in mockery. "Until you keep bothering me like this and siege the city just to get me."

Asmodeus chuckled lightly as she flicked her dark hair coquettishly and winked at the witch. "No, we sieged the city to get the guardian angels since all the Donovans are not here and you are too weak to put up your shield."


All of them left the castle?!

Serefina internally cursed this situation, but her anger didn\'t appear on her poker face. She looked like that news didn\'t bother her at all and this made Asmodeus raise her perfect brows slightly.

"So, if you already got what you want, then you can stop bothering me now." Serefina took a deep breath. Her body screamed for her to go back to the bed and curl up into a ball, but her mind was strong enough to keep her priorities first.

Asmodeus shrugged her shoulders. "I just feel like; it will be such a waste if you don\'t join us. You, as the last pure blood witch, will be a great force that we could have if you join us."

"What if I refuse?" Serefina leaned her body against one of the pillar of her bed, crossing her arms defiantly.

"No problem," Asmodeus said lightly as she walked toward the door. "Like you said; we have got what we want, I think it is time to leave."

"Let me come with you then." Serefina gave her the brightest smile as she strode toward the witch, as she did so, her cold demeanor disappeared.


Calleb shifted into his beast when he knew, he couldn\'t receive anything useful from dragging this conversation. Chiron had already decided the path that he wanted to take, thus there was no point in talking to him.

It didn\'t take too long before the two creatures entangled in a fierce battle, where the lycan tried to dig his sharp-razor claws into the centaur\'s flesh as the latter tried to kick him away from him.

Louder snarls and growls echoed throughout the hallway, yet not even one guard could be seen in the vicinity. What happened to them?

However, Calleb didn\'t have time to think about it, since he had a battle that he had to win at any cost.

Chiron was the chief of the centaurs for a reason. He managed to maneuver every attack that the lycan attempted and dodged him very quickly in order to not get bitten by the predator.

Yet, finally on Calleb\'s nth attempt, the beast managed to clamp his jaw on the left side of the centaur and took a chunk of his flesh.

Chiron roared in agony and drew a small silver dagger from the bag that wrapped around his torso and stabbed the beast\'s shoulder twice until he let go of his body.

Blood trickled down from the open wounds of both creatures.

Through his bloody red eyes, the beast ignored the pain that shot in his veins as he dashed toward the centaur and tried to bring him down, and end this battle for good before he lost too much blood and wouldn\'t be able to support himself anymore.

Silver would hinder his healing ability and this was the worst part in this kind of situation.

However, before the beast could lay his claw on the centaur, he felt something wrapped around his hind legs and in the next second, he was being thrown into the air.

His body flew a few meters away in the air before it hit against the wall and the sound of cracking bones could be heard along with a loud wail of pained howling.

And, when he raised his head to see what exactly attacked him, the beast watched a man emerge from his very own shadow and blanketed him in darkness until the beast couldn\'t see anything.


"Belphegor," Raine hissed. She had never hated someone as much as she hated this devil. They were the cause for her countless heart breaking memories, even though from that she had learned how to become much stronger.

"You know him?" Hope moved to stand next to Raine, but was pushed behind her.It surprised her because Raine had never taken an aggressive stance like this.

??No need to glare at me," Belphegor raised both of his hands and chuckled upon seeing how fierce Raine was now. He remembered the very first time he met her and how timid she was back then.

Yet, she looked more adorable this way.

"What do you want?" Raine kept her eyes locked onto the devil\'s golden ones and glanced briefly toward the door. What happened to Calleb? Why hadn\'t he coming into the room, yet?

"Just a tiny drop of your friend\'s blood," Belphegor said lazily as he walked closer toward the guardian angels.

"You can\'t touch our blood," Raine said in a matter of fact tone.

"There are a million ways to draw your blood without touching it," Belphegor smiled softly at her, but didn\'t slow down his pace. "Now, if you excuse me, I will do my job and I promise I will go from here soon after."

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