The Love of a Lycan



The three Donovans listened to what Chiron said, but there was no change in their expressions. Their faces didn\'t give away what they were feeling right at the moment.

They did know that Serefina had betrayed them by siding with the devils and the possibility that the devils had taken Lilac\'s blood was most likely, but the fact that it was Serefina, who had done that was something else entirely.

How could she do that when she knew exactly what that meant for them? Just like what Chiron said, Serefina knew better about the guardian angels than the Donovans.

"Do you think her love for you can endure all of that? Your mate, your mating ceremony, seeing and helping you every time when you don\'t even choose her," Chiron said, panting. It was hard for him to speak a long sentence like that, but he still forced himself to do so.

"Don\'t talk something that you don\'t know," Jedrek replied coldly.

It was Serefina, who had chosen that path, she didn\'t say a single word about why she left him centuries ago and now she came back as she wished, but pushed him away giving him nothing.

And now if Chiron said it was Jedrek\'s fault. The king didn\'t want to take the blame. It was ridiculous.

Though somewhere, a small part in his heart, still kept asking \'why\' and ached for her betrayal, yet he pushed that thought to the back of his mind, as he had more important things to do.

Moreover, his relationship with Lilac was getting a lot better than their first encounter, in all honesty, Jedrek was glad for that.

"I think you will get your punishment sooner or later," Chiron spoke rigidly, there was a smirk on his lips.

Kace was slightly taken aback when he watched Chiron\'s expression, this was the first time he got see a different emotion on this centaur\'s face aside from his usual self, who was always wise and calm. His smirk itself reminded him the smile of those devils, filled with malice and hostility.

Kace didn\'t know whether it was him who was too dumb to realize that Chiron had this side, or it was Chiron who was very smart to conceal his true intentions. Kace couldn\'t understand this…

"All of you know it very well…" Chiron stared at the three Donovans in front of him intensely, there was madness behind his eyes. "In order to win the war, the guardian angels must die… you will lose the war and you will lose them eventually and that\'s your punishment."

And, Chiron made it worse by taking Lilac with him to get her blood drawn.

"They will not die," Torak said in low voice. He leaned his back against the wall and reciprocated Chiron\'s stare, his blue eyes emitted nothing, but enmity. "We won the first war and we will do it again. You can watch this from hell and we will send those devils back to Tartarus to accompany you."

The atmosphere became intense and this damp dungeon turned even colder than it already was.

"We will see…" Chiron smirked. He was like someone who almost lost his mind. Maybe it was because of his wound? The poison in that dagger that made him lose his sanity? "I will laugh at you and your mates in Tartarus."

Jedrek lost it and charged forward, yet Kace stopped him in time, while Torak didn\'t even budge from his place.

"Jedrek, he is not in his right mind!" Kace argued with his first brother. "Torak, don\'t you want to help me!?" he shouted to his second brother.

"I don\'t care if he is dead or alive, but I will assure you he would have died long time ago, if he did what he had done to Lilac to my mate," Torak spoke nonchalantly.

"Jedrek!" Kace pushed his brother even harder, when he realized that Torak wouldn\'t intervene with this. "If you kill him now, you will have the whole centaurs turn their backs against you!" Kace tried to reason with him.

"Do you think I care about a whole bunch of wretched creatures to betray me?!" Jedrek snarled. "I will burn them all along with their chief!"

The smirk on Chiron\'s face didn\'t even falter when he heard that. He had totally gone insane! What had those devils done to him!?

However, Kace couldn\'t let that happen, he pushed Jedrek harder and roared. "Are you going to settle this matter like what you did in the past?!" he moved closer and grabbed the collar of Jedrek\'s cloak as he hissed. "You know we need them, we have a lot of trouble to deal with already, no need to add this!"

Jedrek growled deeply at Kace and swatted his hand away from him as he walked out of the cell. He got what he needed, but if he had to stay longer there, he would surely lose it and kill that wretched creature.

"We will burn him tomorrow, in the public," he said without a room for negotiation.

Upon seeing Jedrek leaving the place, Torak followed behind him, leaving Kace and Chiron alone.

The third Donovan looked at Chiron with complicated emotions, but they didn\'t say a word, even until Kace took his leave as well.

The chief of the centaurs only stared at his retreating back and lowered his head, but in the next second, his laughter filled the entire dungeon.

He laughed like a maniac.


"Hope, can\'t you help me?" Calleb was sitting beside Hope, pleading to the girl to help him. "I want to meet with Rosie."

Hope sighed irritably. Calleb had been bothering her since two hours ago, and now that Lilac had fallen asleep, he was openly bothering her with his pleas.

Raphael and Lana, who were sitting across from them only chuckled upon seeing Calleb miserable state, while Raine was fast asleep beside Lilac and Eaton had left because he had something to do.

"You shouldn\'t have said that," Hope scolded him lightly.

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