The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 887 - WE NEED TO BE READY

Chapter 887 - WE NEED TO BE READY

Lilac sobbed against Jedrek\'s chest as she clutched onto the front of his cloak tightly. She didn\'t know how long she was in this position, letting him hug her.

Only when Lilac\'s sobs had ceased down, did Jedrek push her from him and kept her within an arm\'s length to see her face and wiped her tears.

"Are you all right now?" He asked softly, while tucking a few strands of her stray hair behind her ears. Her face turned red because of crying for too long.

"No," Lilac said, shaking her head while avoiding eye contact with him.

Lilac tried to look elsewhere, but then she ended up spotting the city, which was no longer in sight.

"What happened?" Lilac gasped as her eyes opened wide. "Who did that?" she whispered to herself.

The last thing that Lilac could remember was the heartbreaking sight of Serefina kissing Jedrek passionately, or at least that was how it looked like for her at that time, and then everything went dark when anger consumed her whole being and left her senseless.

She didn\'t know what happened after that or how long she kept her eyes closed shut.

And then the next thing she knew, she was in the presence of the moon goddess.

\'You shouldn\'t let your anger get the best of you,\'

That was what she said, and the disappointment on her face…

Was she disappointed in her? But, what was the reason.

Yet, when Lilac noticed how her surroundings appeared completely destroyed and the city which had disappeared, she could guess the reason why the moon goddess looked disappointed.

"Did I do that?" Lilac gulped down hard and looked at Jedrek for an answer.

The king could feel the uneasiness Lilac was feeling right now. He was not sure about what actually happened when he was unconscious, but that was what Sebastian told him and the way those faes reacted, only solidified Sebastian\'s words.

Moreover, who else would be able to do that except for her?

"Yes," Jedrek pulled her closer. "I think it was you…"

Lilac didn\'t give any reaction at first and Jedrek gave all the time that she needed, to let her adjust with that fact.

Jedrek told the other lycanthropes to stay away from him and his mate, and even though they were reluctant to do so, but it was impossible for them to do otherwise also.

In their eyes, Lilac was akin to a bomb, which would explode without any notice.

They had never thought that such massive destruction could be caused by one person. Was that rumor really true about the guardian angel being the weakest creature? Was the rumor even reliable?


Torak held Raine closer to him, since the situation was very strange. If it wasn\'t Raine who did this, then who else would have the ability to do it?

Moreover, Torak still couldn\'t grasp the concept of Raine\'s power. If the time was stopped, then why could he move? Also Calleb. It happened when they went to rescue Lilac.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-love-of-a-lycan_13952362506619705/we-need-to-be-ready_50488053092895017 for visiting.

However, Eaton couldn???t do that and the centaurs, even the devils were still affected by her power.

"My love, are you sure, you were not the one who did this?" Torak looked at Raine, who was scrunching her eyebrows in confusion, as she shook her head.

"A hundred percent sure…" she said.

However, it didn\'t take too long, before everything came back to normal and the time flew again.

"Alpha." The people in front of the blown-up door were confused because Torak disappeared from his earlier position, even Jack got out of the car to ask how Raine could be outside of the car without him knowing it.

"Luna, how can you be out of the car? I didn\'t see you…" Jack was speechless.

However, the couple couldn\'t bother themselves with those lycans\' confusion as they were busy with their own thoughts.

"Come with me, my love," Torak said.

At this point of time, Torak wouldn\'t let her be alone out here.


Raphael was inside his room with Lana, hugging his mate on the bed as he inhaled her sweet scent, while talking about the baby.

They just needed to wait for one more month before they could see the baby. Their firstborn. Their first son.

Both of them were very excited and giddy to see him. To hold him in their arms and watch every second of his growth and his every first, his first steps, his first words and what not.

Raphael and Lana didn\'t know how to act as good parents, as both of them didn\'t have a family to begin with to follow as a role model.

However, they promised to be the best they could for their little family.

"Oh," Raphael was surprised and then he chuckled in delight when he felt the baby kick the side where he placed his hand. "He likes to kick," he stated.

Lana snuggled closer to her mate, as Raphael covered her body with blanket.

"I hope this moment will last forever," she said sleepily.

"Hm," Raphael agreed, he didn\'t mind if the time stopped now and let them enjoy this moment together for a little bit longer, away from the upcoming war or any stressful events with the leaders from the other region or packs.

Especially Lord Bayle, the dragon shifter from the north region. He looked suspicious and Raphael didn\'t have a good impression of him.

However, their peaceful moment didn\'t last for long when they heard someone knocking on their door.

From the sound of it, they could guess the urgency of the person.

"Who is that?" Lana frowned, but Raphael had gotten off from the bed and took his cloak.

"Stay here," Raphael said firmly.

This must be something important, or else, his fellow lycans wouldn\'t dare to bother him in the middle of the night like this.

Lana frowned, but she stayed on the bed, now her sleepiness had vanished. She was on full alert. She could feel it, something wrong must have happened.

Meanwhile, Raphael yanked the door open when the knocks on the door got louder.

"What happened, Eaton?" Raphael could smell his scent even before he opened the door.

"We need to be ready!" he said grimly.

"Ready for what?" Raphael asked rigidly.

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