The Love of a Lycan



"If Raine was here before, then what did she do with the stone?" Hope asked in curiosity and moved closer, feeling attracted to the stone.

"Alpha Torak let her ask a question," Purple said and stood beside Hope.

"A question?" Hope tilted her head. "What question?" At this point of time, she had a lot of questions in her mind, but she was not sure which one she wanted to ask first. Was it possible for her to ask more than one question?

"Whatever that is bothering you the most," Purple answered again.

"But I have a lot, should I choose one? Or, should I ask them all at the same time?" Hope needed to make sure that she didn\'t ruin this chance.

"Actually, the question will come to you naturally when you stand before the stone," Kace said and caressed her head. "You will know what is bothering you and it will show you the answer."

"You explained it better than me," Purple said, smiling softly, but then she looked up at the roof. "I think you have to make it quick. I don\'t know what is happening outside, but I don\'t think it is something good. The people in this place have been behaving very weird recently."

"Try it," Kace nodded to the stone.

"Okay," Hope spoke in a tone which sounded like a whisper and turned around to look at the huge stone. She frowned. "Where should I stand?"

"In the middle of it," Kace said. He knew because he had done this.

"Have you done this before?" Purple asked, but her eyes were fixed on Hope, even if the lycan didn\'t give her an answer, the fae had her own assumptions. "What did you ask?"

"Something trivial," Kace answered this time, shrugging his shoulders. "Asking about the result of the first war and this stone only showed me another scene that I hate the most about a battlefield." He continued to explain it shortly when he felt Purple\'s eyes continued staring at him intensely.

Kace remembered that the stone only gave him a flash about him, standing with his two brothers among thousands of carcasses.

"Didn\'t help much in my case," He murmured again. At that time, Kace wanted to know how they ended the battle and that was what the stone showed him.

That one war itself took a long time and Kace had had enough of seeing those kind of scenes.

"I wonder whether Alpha Torak and King Jedrek had ever asked a question, since you can only ask once in your life," Purple mumbled to herself.

Kace didn\'t know about Jedrek, but he saw Torak standing in front of the stone centuries ago, with a complicated look on his face.

Meanwhile, Hope took two more steps closer to the stone and stood at what she deemed as the middle of it.

At first she didn\'t know what she had to do and just put her palms against the rough surface of it and looked back toward Kace and Purple, who were nodding their heads to give her courage.

Hope turned around again and looked at the stone, closing her eyes and let the question cross her mind.

She didn\'t know which one, but was surprised when the first thing that crossed her thoughts was; how she, Raine and Lilac would survive this war.

She heard about what kind of fate the guardian angels had met in the first war, but didn\'t really think about it seriously until now.

Somehow, that was the first question that she wanted to fire and the stone showed the answer to her.


In the morning, or one could say what seemed as sometime in between morning and afternoon, since there was no sun out there and the gloomy sky was still the only thing that they could see, Raine almost screamed when Stephan approached her without a word or making any sound.

She was preparing for their departure to Rieka after the fire dragon shifters\' visit, which would happen around an hour from now.

Raine could only see those dragon people coming to this castle, but didn\'t know what the result of their meeting later, yet she was a hundred percent sure, Torak wouldn\'t let any harm befell on the baby.

Despite the fact that Torak was a little bit overly obsessed to protect baby Eddard, Raine could understand his motives. It was his way to atone for his mistake.

Yes, Torak was still thinking that was his mistake when Raphael, Lana and thousands of lycanthropes had to face death that night.

Even though Torak didn\'t say it and refused to talk about it, Raine was still able to detect that just by looking into his eyes alone, even their moment together couldn\'t manage to make him forget about that disaster.

"If Torak came to know you are here, he will kill you right on the spot," Raine said, glaring at the dragon shifter in front of her.

"Raine, I need to talk to you," Stephan said.

"I figured out you did." Raine continued to stuff her clothes into a backpack, so it would be easier for her to carry, since they weren\'t going to Rieka for a picnic. She couldn\'t see it yet, but something big would happen there.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=13952362506619705)/unexpected-question_%!d(string=50872113615139003) for visiting.

Stephan didn\'t talk immediately, instead, he sat down on the floor beside Raine and leaned his back against the bed.

"Do you really think I can handle my people?" he asked in a very low voice, until Raine had to ask him to repeat his question, as she didn\'t have an exceptional hearing ability like these shifters.

"If it is not you, then who will?" Raine replied, not even sparing a single glance at Stephan while she busied herself with her own task.

"So, you are saying that I don\'t have a choice?" Stephan scoffed, those were not exactly the comforting words that he needed.

"Of course you have," Raine disagreed, she then put down the clothes and turned around to look at Stephan. "You can be like this, hesitating for the rest your life or you can go out there and see for yourself what you can do."

"You think you understand me, but it\'s not like can think in my perspective since you aren\'t in my position." Stephan rolled his eyes.

"Indeed, but will you be here and ask my advice a year ago?" Raine raised her eyebrows questioningly.


Check my instagram @Jikan_yo_tomare to see a video from chapter 851.

hope you like it. ((^o^))

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