The Love of a Lycan



Raine stared with widened eyes, as the kanima moved closer and the cries from the baby became louder.

"No," Raine whispered in fear. What would happen to her? The kanima wouldn\'t attack her, right? Because, if something happened to her in the past, there was no way she would be able to live now.

But then, what would happen now? What did the Kanima want to do?

Out of instinct, Raine moved forward to prevent the worse from happening.

However, before she could walk any further, someone had already walked past her and approached the little girl with a blue cotton candy in his hand.

Raine just caught a glimpse of his broad back, as he wore grey jacket and walked straight to the crying little girl.

He talked something to Raine\'s father and mother, and somehow whatever he said, made both of them laugh.

Afterward, that man stretched out his hand to the little girl after he gave the blue cotton candy. Shyly, Raine\'s younger version stretched out her hands and hugged his neck when she was being carried by him.

That was the time when Raine looked at her younger self, their eyes met and Raine felt a rush of emotions that she couldn\'t explain. What were they…

It seemed, seeing yourself this way was not an occasion that would happen every day, that was why she didn\'t know how to react when the girl waved her hand at her.

However, the part that made Raine even more stunned was when the man turned around slightly and revealed his face.

Raine gasped loudly and her hand flew to cover her mouth, preventing her from saying his name out loud.


It was Aeon!


Raine was flabbergasted when she realized this. She knew that Aeon had been protecting her since she was young.

But, she didn\'t know that he had been protecting her since such a young age. How old was she now? Two years old? Maybe, not even two years old?

Raine\'s attention then shifted to the Kanima and watched how the Kanima was strangled by his own shadow and then turned into a dark smoke when it died.

Only then did Aeon return the baby in his arms and waved them goodbye, as he walked away.

Raine followed the shadow warrior with her eyes and watched him disappear when no one noticed him.

It seemed he wasn\'t even aware that Raine was watching them since Aeon\'s attention was solely on her younger version.

For how long had he been doing this? And what else had he done for her?


Serefina opened her eyes and watched the white ceiling above her, before Lidya\'s voice greeted her ears.

"You have been out for days," Lidya said from beside her bed. "I thought you are dead, I was just thinking of burying you." She shrugged her shoulders when Serefina threw her a glare.

"Where is Nutdrouk?" She ignored her question.

Lidya didn\'t answer her, but she glanced at something behind her shoulder, indicating for Serefina to see it herself.

On the other bed inside the room, was the dwarf, with closely shut eyes as if he was sleeping. His breathing was even, though there was a small frown between his thick eyebrows.

"He is still like that." Lidya stared at the dwarf, contemplating. "Do you think Hope will let him go easily? She was still holding a grudge toward him from their last?encounter."

Knowing what happened the last time they met and what the dwarf had forced her to do, Hope wouldn\'t go easy on him, right?

"No," Serefina said firmly. "Hope will not do anything to him," she stated.

But, Lidya frowned upon hearing that statement. "How do you know? I will vent out my anger on him if I were Hope."

"Because Hope is not you," Serefina said matter of factly, moreover, she had known the girl since she was born, seeing how she grew up until now.

In spite of the fact, Hope was a little bit reckless and stubborn, the girl wouldn\'t hold a grudge on someone just because of that. Maybe that was the trait of guardian angels, but it could be her true character too.

"Well…" Lidya rolled her eyes dramatically when she heard that. "That is obvious."

Serefina then walked to the other side of the room and stood beside Nutdrouk\'s bed. The witch stared down at the dwarf.

"How is Sterling?" Serefina asked.

"Barely alive," Lidya replied truthfully. If it was not because of the potion that Serefina had given to her, he would have died by now. "The pain of losing one\'s mate is really terrifying…"

Ethan and Calleb managed to survive after their beast\'s were silenced, because they didn\'t go through what Sterling had to experience then.

However, if something happened to Rossie at that time, maybe Calleb would also be in the same condition right now.

"Hm," Serefina nodded, acknowledging the information. "Guard this place and wait for my signal."

Lidya sighed. "Do you have to do this?" she couldn\'t understand, why Serefina had to make everything complicated for herself. "If you want to help them, you can tell them. Why do you make them misunderstand you and put yourself in more danger being with the devils?"

Serefina scoffed and looked at her old friend.

Lidya was the only close friend that she had, both witches had gone through many things together and she could understand her just like how Kace did.

However, Serefina chose to play this dangerous game.

"Is it worth it?" Lidya asked, frowning. Of course she didn\'t know exactly what was inside Serefina\'s mind or how she could escape from all of this unscathed, but again the other witch was really unpredictable, even for her.

"This is worth it," Serefina said firmly.

Since she had chosen to walk this path then she would walk it until the end.

It wouldn\'t take long now, since she had already seen the end of the dark tunnel that she had walked in.

It just depended on the guardian angels.

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