The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 998 - NICE FIGHT

Chapter 998 - NICE FIGHT

It was a dangerous move for the white beast to execute and a crazy idea from the guardian angel, but knowing their abilities and relying on their instincts, maybe that didn\'t seem all that bad for them…

The dragon beast flew straight to the tower where the white beast and Lilac were. it\'s mouth opened widely as a fireball started to take shape inside it, ready to be launched.

However, before it could shoot the fireball, Lilac raised both of her hands and made a sudden motion, while saying, "NOW!"

A massive tree emerged from the ground, reaching into the sky at lightning speed, and knocked the head of the dragon beast in the process which made the fireball that was ready to be shot miss its target.

At the same time, the white beast jumped over from the tower and landed on the same tree, on which Lilac grew a huge branch and extended it so the white beast could reach to the dragon beast as far as he could, and then use it to push himself up as a stepping stone to make a huge leap.

The dragon beast, which still hadn\'t recovered from the blow, didn\'t see this coming.

Meanwhile, Lilac released her grip around the white beast\'s back and threw herself back, she intended to stay on that tree, yet missed her steps.

The white lycan looked at her body that was diving very fast to the ground, a little bit hesitant to continue, but Lilac wouldn\'t ruin their plan.

"NO! GO!" She shouted and tried to make a safe landing for herself, though it was difficult with her being upside down.

On the other hand, noticing that Sebastian\'s beast was on the ground, ready to catch the guardian angel, Torak\'s beast didn\'t hesitate further and focused on his instincts to get to the dragon beast in front of him.

In one big leap, the white beast landed on the scaly back of this ugly creature and without wasting anytime, it dig its sharp- razor claw into its flesh.

Torak\'s beast hummed in delight when its claw dug into the beast\'s flesh as if it were a hot knife cutting some butter, taking a huge chunk of the beast\'s flesh without much difficulty or fight.

And as for the dragon beast, it could only roar and spin in the air, trying to get rid of the creature from its back, which happily continued to tear its body open. Its massive wings flapped wildly.

However, at the same time, the hard wind from the anguished beast put Lilac in trouble, as it was hard to control her power in her current situation, not to mention her left shoulder that was in pain because of the clash earlier.

Below her, Sebastian\'s black beast watched in fear when Lilac\'s body continued to fall rapidly. The beast leapt high to catch her, but the dragon beast, once again flapped its wings and flew the guardian angel\'s body in a different direction, making the general miss his goal.

Lilac stretched her hands to reach for the black beast, but the pain on her shoulder prevented her from doing so.

Oh, no…

Her mind drilled with fear when she knew the ground was only a second away from her.

Right at the nick of time, she saw something white flashing before her eyes and the impending pain that she thought she would suffer didn\'t happen, as her body landed securely on something soft.

Lilac stayed still with her heart beating fast and her face pale. That was a close call…

She glanced at the soft \'mattress\' that she landed and it whined, while shifting into his other form.

"I think you broke a few bones…" Kace grumbled, but didn\'t move from his position which was staying sprawled on the ground, letting Lilac lie on his back.

But, before Lilac could answer him and move, Sebastian approached them speedily and helped her to stand up.

"Your majesty, are you okay?" Sebastian asked, with concern in his eyes.

"I am the one who is not okay," Kace grumbled again, but the general simply ignored him.

"Are you okay?" Lilac asked Kace. She looked around and found that the other fire dragon had already been handled by ten earth dragons. Its wings had been torn apart and was bleeding profusely.

"Give me a minute," Kace said, feeling his bones which started to connect with each other again, as he laid still like that.

The three of them and the other lycanthropes were covered in dirt and blood as they watched the last dragon beast fell hard to the ground, but before that, they saw the white beast piercing through its heart before the lycan landed safely.

It was a gruesome scene to see…

"Can\'t he make it any less worse?" Kace mumbled to himself when he watched his brother clawing out the heart of the dragon with its paw, venting its anger. "There is a woman here."

Lilac glanced at Kace and was tempted to kick his back at his comment. "I don\'t mind. I like what I see."

Kace said something incoherently, as he tried to sit down. "Hey, nice fight." He patted Lilac\'s shoulder when he stood up and the guardian angel grinned at him.

Lilac raised her hand and the two of them bumped their fists. "You are not very bad yourself."

From afar, they saw Torak approaching them, he was covered in dragon\'s blood, but it didn\'t seem to bother him much.

"Let\'s go," he said emotionlessly and shifted back to his white beast.

This time, Lilac perched on Kace\'s back when they were heading toward Jedrek\'s location.


"Why are you here?" Jedrek asked Serefina, who looked better now, she was still wearing his cloak and looked pale, but she at least stopped trembling.

"Do you trust me?" Instead of answering his question, Serefina posted her own.

"No," Jedrek replied, too fast to make the other person believe it.

Hearing that, Serefina rolled her eyes dramatically and tightened her clutch on the cloak around her body, it smelled like him and she loved it.

"Kill the creature in the frozen river and gather your people there," she told him.

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