The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1035: The war (6)

Chapter 1035: The war (6)

Raine blinked for a moment, the scene was so extreme that she flinched for a moment, before finally realizing that she was right in the heart of the ongoing war.

Monstrous creatures with sharp fangs and claws were charging toward them and the magicians were trying to block them by using magic, but their efforts were in vain, because they were too huge in number and the magicians were too tired.

However, something else caught Raine\'s eyes and she watched in horror as a dragon figure flew very low and dived toward the ground, intending to grab something there.


Raine saw that the dragon was intending to take the little girl and without thinking, she stopped the time circling around the dragon and made its movements suddenly freeze.

However, because Raine was still trying to adjust to the situation she was in, she lost focus for a bit and freed the dragon from the time hold that froze around the beast, as it flapped its wings just in time before its body hit the ground and flew away.

In the meantime, Bree and the other two dragon shifters were saved. However, the dragon soon continued looking for a new target. A target it could easily defeat.

And among the crowd of supernatural beings and the army of succubus and incubus creatures brought by Lilith, the dragon could see another two figures on the edge of the battle, looking unfazed by the fighting, as if they were in a bubble of their own world.

Not paying attention to the war situation that was raging around them.

That was Jedrek and Serefina.

The King was hugging the witch who looked very weak and pale, her body was trembling violently and her eyebrows furrowed together in pain.

There were no words or a sentence to encourage the witch, it was just that, Serefina was already feeling grateful for Jedrek\'s presence beside her, hugging her like this.

They both fell silent, but sadness was evident in Jedrek\'s eyes. His breathing turned ragged and his grip on Serefina\'s body tightened.

The two of them did not realize what was coming to get them from afar, until a sound of something squeaking could be heard very close to the two of them, so deafening that Jedrek took his eyes off the witch in his arms.

After the crackling sound, there was a very strong roar and explosion sound, that was when Jedrek noticed the roots that had emerged from the ground and wrapped around the dragon so tightly before making the beast crash on to the ground.

A loud sound was heard when the dragon beast fell, shaking the ground they were sitting on which then successfully distracted several magicians from killing the army of succubus and incubus creatures, but couldn\'t do much to focus.

Unfortunately, this last dragon was so hard to defeat. Even in the entanglement of Lilac\'s roots, the creature was still struggling to writhe and free itself.

Its large flapping wings sent several shifters flying and even the faes had to retreat quite distance back, and of course this benefited the opposing side. The succubus and incubus creatures rushed forward and killed whatever they came across.

It was an unfortunate fight.

And when the dragon\'s claws tried to tear apart the twisting roots, its figure indirectly moved toward where Serefina and Jedrek were.

Seeing the lurking danger, Jedrek immediately picked up Serefina and took her to a safer place.

It was only after confirming that this spot was safe enough and kept Serefina out of harm\'s way, that Jedrek immediately shifted into his white beast and roared angrily.

The white beast lunged forward and intended to finish off the dragon by running toward its back and tear its dead body so that this creature could no longer move.

While, on the other side of the battlefield, stood the guardian angel, who was staring at her mate with a wounded gaze.

She understood that Jedrek and Serefina shared an inexplicable bond and feelings and no matter what happened, the two of them always had that special bond.

However, watching how Jedrek stared at Serefina with worried eyes and how he protected the witch, made Lilac feel an excruciating pain.

And the fact that was even more sad for her was that Lilac couldn\'t really hate the two of them.

Serefina had done a lot for Jedrek and they had shared memories for years that no one could replace or make them forget.

Lilac knew that now was not the right time to ponder over this matter, it seemed foolish that Lilac really had to lose her concentration over something like that, when other supernatural beings were losing their lives around them.

But, sadly, that was what happened to Lilac as she couldn\'t help but realize how painful this feeling was.

However, the second she lost her concentration was extremely fatal, because at that time, the dragon was released from the entanglement of the roots and managed to break free.

As if knowing who had entangled itself, the dragon immediately locked its gaze upon Lilac and roared angrily, as it flew low toward the guardian angel, before Jedrek could get close to the dragon beast.

The white beast followed the direction where dragon was flying to and found that the creature was targeting Lilac.

Thus without a second thought, he immediately dashed toward his mate at full speed, intending to grab Lilac first, who seemed to be pondering.

What exactly was she thinking in this situation?! Jedrek thought angrily, he was trying to reach Lilac through the mind link, however, Lilac blocked her thoughts, making Jedrek unable to warn Lilac of the danger that was rushing at her.

Meanwhile, Lilac was staring directly at the dragon, not that she was unprepared, but she was waiting for the dragon to get close to her, then launch a surprise attack.

Indeed, this was a reckless move and dangerous as it was a very impulsive plan, but Lilac could sense that she needed this.

If the plan indeed worked, then she could kill the dragon in one fell swoop, but if it did not...

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