The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1184: Kayden (12)

Chapter 1184: Kayden (12)

Tiana was frightened when she was seeing how Oliver\'s head was crushed by the white beast, in his firm grip, Oliver\'s head seemed to have no meaning. This was done very easily.

Even Tiana did not have time to close her eyes to cover herself so as not to see such a terrible thing.

Tiana\'s body trembled and her legs went limp as the thick red blood splashed onto her face and more blood splattered around the bodies of the other ten people who had died helplessly at the monster\'s hands.

And when everything was over, there was an eerie silence that ensued as the white lycan stared at Tiana through its bloodshot eyes, as red as the blood he had shed.

And not only that, when the lycan walked up to her with his face still covered in blood, Tiana couldn\'t move an inch, as tears of fear rolled down her face.

Realizing that his mate was frightened by being around him, this made the lycan negated his intentions and stood in his place, before finally the white beast transformed into Kayden that Tiana knew.

The man looked at Tiana gently, but the wrinkles on his eyebrows indicated that he was worried about her.

"Tiana," Kayden called in a trembling voice. His face was a little pale and he didn\'t look in good condition at this time. Was it due to the effect of the slightly dim light of the street lamp?

Tiana couldn\'t figure out the answer because in the next second, Kayden\'s body had fallen to the ground and he was motionless.

What else is this? What is wrong with him? Is he hurt?

The questions kept spinning in Tiana\'s head, but she couldn\'t find the answers, because what she saw now was the figure of Kayden lying helplessly on the solid asphalt among the corpses of the humans he had killed.

What is wrong with him?

Tiana was scared, she wanted to approach Kayden, but her body didn\'t want to compromise with her, she couldn\'t even move a finger now.

Luckily, some old people who were nearby, in a small shop they were about to approach, immediately came to her.

Small commotions and screams that could be heard, revealed how terrifying the scene was, continued to echo around Tiana. This made her head spin.

People around her asked how she was and what happened, but Tiana had no answer to offer them, she just shook her head weakly.

Until someone shook her body.

"Do you know the man over there? He is still alive. I saw you two getting out of the car together, are you his friend?" asked an old man standing in front of Tiana, blocking her view of the remnants of what had just happened.

"Still alive?" Tiana asked, her voice distant and filled with emotions that were hard to describe.

"Yes, still alive," the old man reiterated.

"Yes, I know him." A strange sense of relief flooded Tiana and she no longer thought about the misfortune that Oliver and his friends had to endure.

Kayden is still alive….


Tiana clutched Kayden\'s cell phone while waiting for her family to come to be with her at the hospital.

Until this moment, the doctors didn\'t know what happened to Kayden and they didn\'t understand why he still hasn\'t regained consciousness after being examined, because there were no serious injuries on his body, one could even say that he wasn\'t injured at all.

Not only that, there were no signs that he had hit his head which could cause him to be in a coma like now.

No one understands…

However, Tiana knew some things that they didn\'t. Kayden was a shifter, probably there was differences between treating the shifters and normal human.

"What should I do…?" Tiana sobbed softly. She sat in front of Kayden\'s room, holding his cell phone.

Maybe this was inappropriate for Tiana to do this, but she didn\'t think there was any other way she could find to save Kayden.

Since Kayden was a shifter, then maybe the person who understood him was another shifter.

So, with that in mind, Tiana opened Kayden\'s cell phone which luckily didn\'t have a password and searched his phone\'s contact list.

All names related to his home or parents and after some time, she found a contact name that read \'mother\'.

With trembling hands, Tiana pressed the call sign on the number and waited a while when the incoming call tone rang.

Tiana\'s body trembled and she felt her blood rise to her head, causing her vision to become blurry. Maybe this was called a panic attack.

Tiana didn\'t know what to tell Kayden\'s mother about her child or how to start telling her about this horrific incident.

Was it okay to call his mother? Or maybe she should call his dad? Because what mother wouldn\'t be hysterical when she found out her child had just killed ten humans in such a brutal way…

But, what Tiana didn\'t know was; Kayden\'s mother has killed more than her son has ever done...

The ringing of the call ended. Nobody picked it up.

Tiana dropped her hand limply. Should she try calling again? Or should he wait for Kayden to wake up? Because according to what the man said, he was having a feud with his family…

But, before Tiana could decide, the cell phone in her hand vibrated again and the same number she had called earlier called her back.

"Hello?" Tiana said in a low voice.

There was no answer for a while, before finally a soft- sounding female voice asked her a question.

"Who\'s this? Isn\'t this Kayden\'s phone?"

"This… my name is Tiana… and Kayden…" Tiana stammered when she started telling her the story. It\'s very difficult to repeat a terrible story, especially one that traumatized you.

Because by retelling it, it meant you have to remember the incident again. However, Kayden\'s mother listened well.


Tiana was being hugged by her father and mother, they looked worried at Tiana\'s condition and told her to go home, but the girl insisted on accompanying Kayden there. She wanted to be there when Kayden woke up or when his family came.

Tiana estimated that Kayden\'s family would come in about two days because it was quite far from where they were, therefore, it was fine for her to go home.

But somehow Tiana didn\'t want to leave Kayden alone there. She felt much safer with this man.

And when the sun was shining brightly and Tiana was still asleep from exhaustion, she was woken up by her mother because there were some policemen looking for her.

"Who?" Tiana asked with a pale and frightened face, hearing the word \'police\' certainly made Tiana imagine Oliver, where his father was a high-ranking policeman.

So from that reason, he could act arbitrarily and do whatever he liked, because not only was Oliver\'s father an important official, but he also spoiled his only son.

"A policeman is looking for you," said her mother with a worried face, because she felt there was something strange about this policeman.

Tiana had not had time to ask further or listen to her mother\'s explanation, when the hospital room door had opened and a man, whom Tiana knew was Oliver\'s father, walked into the room.

"Tiana, we meet again," he said. However, from the way she called out her name, Tiana could tell that there were various terrifying threats hidden behind his seemingly harmless smile. "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked.

"You know him?" her mother asked worriedly.

"Yes, I know him," Tiana replied in a choked voice. She then gave her mother a smile and told her to wait outside. "It\'s okay, mom. He is the father of a friend I know," Tiana explained.

Only then did Tiana\'s mother leave the room, but with a worried expression on her face.

Especially when she walked out and saw that there were two policemen standing guard at the door. They didn\'t look friendly at all.

When it was just the two of them, Reymond, Oliver\'s father, sat beside Kayden\'s bed, he stared at the young man lying unconscious with a disdainful and disgusted look.

"So tell me what happened?" the man asked with authority.

"I don\'t know..." said Tiana. It\'s not that she didn\'t know what happened, but she can\'t explain it, because what had happened couldn\'t be explained with common sense. And again, Tiana couldn\'t possibly tell anyone that Kayden was a shifter.

She remembered well the story from her grandfather who told her there was a time when the shifters were being hunted down.

"You did not know?" Reymon asked fiercely. "I can kill him and say I don\'t know."

Tiana was shocked when she saw Reymon unplug Kayden\'s oxygen tube. "Stop it!" Tiana screamed in panic. "You can kill him!"

"Of course I can kill him and no one will know. I can put you in jail, and accuse you of doing it and no one will ever know."


Torak helped Raine down the flight of stairs and took her by the hand into the car that was waiting for them.

"Don\'t scold him when you meet him," Raine reminded Torak, he still looked grouchy when he heard his son made such a mess. "I don\'t condone what Kayden did, but you would do the same if it happened to me."

Torak glanced at his mate and frowned.

"He took your ugly traits, so accept it," said Raine mercilessly. "Now you can feel how hard it is to face yourself. Stubborn men…"

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