Dungeon Predator

Chapter 563. Master Key (1)

Chapter 563. Master Key (1)

Translator: Boko

Kuwang\'s original purpose was to stop a western invasion, so it was surrounded by high, thick walls.

However, the Ruman Orcs had a way of overcoming them.


It was said that these spiders lived deep within the Ruman Mountains.

Their bodies were 3 meters large, and they had eight legs that were more than 5 meters long.

They didn\'t have any poison, but they were extremely agile, and possessed thick exoskeletons. Plus, their webs were as thick and tough as rope, unlike normal spiders.

The Ruman Orcs had raised 1,000 of these spiders.

"Go!" Touch pointed his axe forward and yelled.

The Criders, which several Orc Warriors rode upon, spat webs at the ramparts, and the orcs quickly ascended to the top of the walls.

"Why are the orcs attacking us?"

The Lord of Kuwang was dumbfounded by the orcs\' sudden invasion. However, he quickly got a hold of himself and ordered his men to protect the fortress.

"Activate the fortress\'s defensive magic!"

"Yes, sir!"

The mages gripped their staffs and began to cast. Then, oval magic circles appeared all across the fortress.


Dark red pillars of fire rose from the fortress like Waryong\'s fire breath.

"Now, pour oil!"

"The rest of you, fire your arrows. Don\'t let those bastards get up the wall!"

Although they were attacked out of the blue, the guards did their utmost to protect the fortress.


The Criders were engulfed in flame and fell to the floor. The riders obviously didn\'t come out unscathed.

"Don\'t skimp on the oil! Maintain the fortress\'s defensive magic. We won\'t let them have Kuwang!" the Lord of Kuwang said.

"Arrows! Oil!"

"Newcomers, don\'t freeze up and stab them with your spears when they get up the wall!"

The soldiers did their very best.

However, they couldn\'t overcome the massive numerical disadvantage.

It was only 10,000 soldiers at most against 100,000 orcs.

"They killed our chieftain. Don\'t let a single one of them survive!" Touch said murderously.

The Orc Warriors protected themselves with flame resistant shields, which were made of Ongra Wood, and climbed the castle wall.

The Criders had left behind several rope-like webs all across the wall, so the orcs hung off those and ascended the wall.

The problem was the pillars of fire, as well as the arrows and oil that fell from overhead.

However, it wasn\'t enough to stop their advance altogether.

The Criders pierced through the flame pillars, and were the first to reach the top of the wall. The riders fiercely swung their weapons and slaughtered the guards.

"Bring our brothers to the top of the wall," an Orc Commander yelled, and the Criders spat webs at the climbing orcs, instantly bringing them up to the top.

Countless orcs had reached the top of the wall!

The Lord of Kuwang\'s face was filled with despair.

Sometime later...

The continent heard word that Kuwang had been taken over by the Ruman Orcs.

* * *

Per Touch\'s orders, the orcs tortured Kuwang\'s leaders. He wanted them to confess that they\'d kidnapped and killed Asuka.

However, they did no such thing, so there was no information or confession that could be gotten from them.

"Uaahk, I really don\'t know anything!"

"You dirty pigs! Do you think you\'ll be safe!? The Alliance won\'t let you live."

"L-Let me live. Please! I don\'t know anything!"


They found a letter in the lord\'s residence. It stated that the orcs had joined forces with the Empire, so they had to kidnap the Orc Chieftain in order to prevent them from mobilizing.

The Alliance\'s Supreme Commander and Mayor of Krampal, Rapuly, had signed it at the bottom.

"So it was you!" Touch pushed the letter towards the lord.

"I... never received anything like this!" the Lord of Kuwang yelled.

He had never received this letter, and Rapuly had never sent it either.

It was all Jegal\'s work.

When the orcs attacked Kuwang, Jegal\'s men had trespassed into the lord\'s residence and left it there.

"We have the evidence right here, so are you really going to deny it?" Touch glared at him, and split the lord\'s head with his axe.

"No more mercy. Kill all the humans in Kuwang. Take all of their treasure and use them as offerings to placate the dead chieftain\'s soul!"

A cruel massacre began to take place. Kuwang\'s streets were filled with bodies.

Touch sat on a luxurious chair and smiled satisfyingly.

He had taken his first steps to conquering the humans and establishing an Orc Empire.

Then, Wanderer Gejla appeared. As stated, it was actually just Jegal in disguise.


"Welcome, Gejla," Touch said, and then took a look around.

"There\'s no one here. I\'ve also cast soundproof magic."

"How\'s my father doing?"

Jegal smiled. \'Foolish orc. You\'ve already seen Asuka\'s corpse, so why are you still looking for your father?\'

However, Jegal concealed his true feelings and said, "He\'s doing quite well!"

"Good. Take good care of him. And like you said, I seized control of Kuwang. What should I do next? I want to conquer the humans as soon as possible."

"Did you find the letter?" Jegal asked.

"Was that also your doing?"


\'Isn\'t that obvious?\'

"You really are smart. Things are going smoothly because of you. Everyone thinks the humans kidnapped my father."

"There\'s another reason I planted that letter."

"Which is?"

"Our next target."

Touch tilted his head. "What are you talking about?"

"Rapuly is the Mayor of Krampal, and also the Supreme Commander of the Alliance."

"So he\'s our next target?"

"To be more specific, Krampal is our next target. If we capture Krampal, then we can use that as a base to conquer the rest of the continent."

Krampal was, like Altein, one of the core cities of the Alliance. What if the orcs advanced on that city?

\'The Alliance will have no choice but to pull their troops back.\'

Then, the Empire could strike when they\'re most vulnerable.

"Hoh, is that so?" Touch\'s eyes ignited with ambition.

"Yes. If you capture Krampal, then you automatically get control of the central region\'s breadbasket, Lamper Plain. With those supplies, you\'ll be able to bolster your forces."

"As expected! You truly are a guide that the ancestors sent me."


"I\'m counting on you from now on."


Jegal would stay here for the time being, disguised as an orc, and manipulate Touch so that the Empire Guild could reap the most benefit out of him.

"Then, if you\'ll excuse me." Jegal disappeared into the shadows.

Touch\'s smile disappeared, replaced by the vengeful face of a son who\'d lost his father.

* * *

Rapuly was the Alliance\'s Supreme Commander. However, he was merely a figurehead; its true commander was actually the Tiger Corps\' Commander, Gheor.

"Why did the orcs take over Kuwang? Is this the work of the Empire?"

The Altein Empire, which had controlled the entire continent, fell 50 years ago, and with it, the western non-humans gained independence.

After that, the free cities didn\'t actively pursue trade with them, but they didn\'t have a hostile relationship with them either.

They just ignored each other as if they were complete strangers. That was the relationship between the central and western regions.

That\'s why the west wasn\'t all that worried about the war between the Alliance and the Empire.

However, the orcs had captured Kuwang at a critical juncture.

There was no way it was a coincidence.

"It\'s the Empire. I\'m 99% sure of it," Han Seol replied.

"They won\'t stop at Kuwang, will they?"

"No, they won\'t. They\'ll invade the cities around Kuwang and... Krampal may be in danger too."

"That\'s troubling. We can\'t afford to turn back now."

If they captured Saw Rock Fortress, then the Alliance could win the war right then and there.

Thus, the Tiger and Eagle Corps were advancing on Saw Rock Fortress, which was protected by both the Empire\'s 1st and 2nd Corps.

The Elephant Corps planned on chasing the 3rd Corps, which was retreating back to the east, and then go north once they entered desert territory.

If things went as planned, then they would be able to attack Saw Rock Fortress on both sides.

But if the orcs forced them to split up their forces, then conquering Saw Rock Fortress would be an impossibility.

In siege warfare, the defending side had a huge advantage. In order to overcome the opponent\'s defensive advantage, one had to have an overwhelming numerical advantage.

Moreover, Saw Rock Fortress was considered an impregnable fortress. In other words, they would need even more soldiers than usual.

At the same time, they couldn\'t afford to just watch as the orcs took key cities away from them.

"Do you have a plan?" Gheor asked.

"Leave it to Mr. Kang Oh," Han Seol replied clearly.

"Kang Oh?"

"Yes. Mr. Kang Oh is fully capable of dealing with the orc army."

Kang Oh was popular enough to gather countless players to his side. That was made clear by the Dungeon Liberation Movement.

If these players aided him, then it shouldn\'t be difficult to suppress the orcs.

"Then we won\'t have Kang Oh during the siege."

The Tiger Corps would reach the vicinity of Saw Rock Fortress tomorrow. And in two days, all of their troops would be ready and accounted for, so the siege would begin then.

"We have to deal with urgent matters first."

Urgent matters. A truly apt way of describing it.

Gheor nodded his head. "I\'ll leave it to you."

"Yes, sir."

Han Seol left Gheor\'s residence and sent Kang Oh a message.

- Mr. Kang Oh!

Predator Kang Oh. He was like a master key that could solve any problem.

* * *

The only neutral area within the western grasslands, which was rife with conflict, was Kasten.

Kang Oh opened the doors to the Mercenary Association and went inside. He was called the Hero of Kasten for his part in defeating the trolls!

"It\'s Kang Oh!"

"It\'s been a while, Hero."

"Have you been well?"

Several non-humans joyfully greeted Kang Oh.

Kang Oh smiled professionally, briefly greeted them, and immediately met with the Mercenary Association\'s President, Balduk.

Balduk was a golden-horned oxman.

"It\'s been a while."

"Yeah, it has. Have you been well?"

Kang Oh briefly exchanged pleasantries, and then went straight to the point.

"Why are the orcs suddenly acting this way?"

Han Seol left the issue with the orcs to Kang Oh. Of course, she promised to reward him handsomely.

She wanted him to gather several players to his side and suppress the orcs, but Kang Oh wanted to deal with it in a simpler manner.

Thus, he came to the Kasten Mercenary Association to get some more information. After all, the Mercenary Association knew everything that was happening in the west.

"The Orc Chieftain, Asuka, was kidnapped and eventually killed. They apparently found several pieces of circumstantial evidence that painted Kuwang as the perpetrators. That\'s why the orcs, blinded by vengeance, attacked Kuwang and took control of it."

"Please explain what happened in more detail. I need to know everything that happened."


Balduk began to explain everything he knew about the incident.

How much time had passed? It seemed like time had gone by in a flash.

"...That\'s what happened."

"Hmm." Kang Oh organized the information and bowed his head. "Thank you for telling me."

"I hope it helped."

"Then, I\'ll see you again some other time."

Kang Oh left Kasten and headed for the Ruman Mountains. He wasn\'t heading for the orcs.

He was going to meet the Tuslam, who\'d established a new home in the Ruman Mountains! Their village was located on the Warrior\'s Summit, the most dangerous location in the already perilous Ruman Mountains.

* * *

"It\'s Kang Oh."


The Tuslam passionately welcomed him.

In the past, they had guarded Talastrum, a set of ruins in the Great Forest that sealed Vladi.

Then, Kang Oh had come along and defeated the demon, giving them a chance to return to their hometown.

In other words, Kang Oh was like a savior and a brother to them.

"I\'d like to see the champion."

"Alright, follow me."

This is why you had to form connections. Kang Oh was able to meet with the Tuslam Champion, Kuharap, immediately.


Kuharap already had a prior visitor!

"Hero of Kasten!"

It was Asuka\'s right hand, the skilled Orc Commander, Mumugul!

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