Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 48: Culture Shock

Chapter 48:Culture Shock


She stood there, lamely, uncertain whether to apologize again, or to leave Behryn alone, when someone cleared their throat behind her.

She turned and found another merchant stall just a few feet away, with a young man standing behind it. He was tall. Very tall—like Behryn—and had the same barrel chest, yet slim limbs.

When Elia looked at him, he tipped his head for her to come towards him. She looked at Behryn again, but he was clearly intentionally ignoring her. Had he only been kind to her before because she was with Reth? Was this what it would be like whenever her husband wasn\'t nearby?

The young man made another "whsssst" sort of sound and she turned back to him, approaching slowly when he nodded.

"He\'s Equine. We are, at our hearts, prey animals. Touching one of us without warning is a good way to get your head kicked off," he said quietly, stroking the braided leathers in front of him like he was pointing something out to her.

"I… I didn\'t know…"

He nodded. "They\'re trying to show you. But you aren\'t listening."

"I… what?" she said, swallowing the pinch in her throat.

He lifted his eyes to meet hers then—his were a deep, rich brown, and kind. Though his expression was firm. "They\'re trying to give you the signals. Show you how to behave correctly. But you aren\'t listening. You keep apologizing to people, or rushing away. That isn\'t how things work here. You\'re breaking all the rules, all the time."

"What rules?"

"The tribal rules. Our cultural ways. You didn\'t learn them as a foal, so you have to learn them now. They\'re trying to show you. All of them."

"No they aren\'t. They ignore me, or whisper about me, or just avoid me completely," she said bitterly, taking the leathers that he offered and pretending to look at them. They really were pretty.

The young man chuckled. "I promise you, they aren\'t ignoring you. At all. They just don\'t know what else to do. They\'re trying to teach you, but you aren\'t learning."

"How can I learn if no one speaks to me?"

He blinked, his eyebrows up. "You learn by observing. By watching. By mimicking. Did the adults in your world not show you how to behave?"

She pursed her lips. "The adults in my word explain themselves when they want someone to understand something. They don\'t just turn their backs and… and…"

"You misunderstand what just happened," he said, nodding towards Behryn. "He finished shopping right after you startled him. But he\'s making excuses to be there now, to give you a chance to try again. Correctly."

"How am I supposed to know what\'s correct if he doesn\'t tell me? He just turned his back on me!"

"So you\'d have another chance to try again, as you did the first time. This time, instead of touching his back, move to his side, where he can see you. Wait until he looks at you, then ask your question."

She frowned, but the youth smiled. "I\'m serious. I\'m trying to help. Give it a try."

She turned back to Behryn who did seem to just be making small talk with the merchant. None of them looked at her, but there was an air of tension around them.

Swallowing her pride, she put her shoulders back and walked slowly towards Behryn, careful this time to approach from his side, where he could see her. Then she did as the young man suggested, and waited until he\'d stopped speaking and glanced at her from the corner of his eye before she spoke.

"I-I\'m sorry to interrupt you, Behryn. But I was surprised to see you here. I thought you went with Reth? Do you have any news about when he\'ll be back?"

Behryn shook his head. "The Silent One is Pride work," he said gently. "I cover things here while Reth is gone, to make sure there\'s no trouble."

Elia looked at her hands. "Okay. Well, have you heard anything?"

He shook his head again. "I likely won\'t unless there\'s a very serious problem. Reth will handle it, then they\'ll return. I\'m certain he won\'t stay away a moment longer than necessary, Elia," he said, and winked at her.

She blushed, suddenly remembering the last time she\'d seen this man. Cheeks hot, she nodded. "Okay, thank you. I\'m sorry, again, that I startled you."

"You learned. That\'s all we can ask," he said kindly. The merchant nodded as well, and Elia gave her an awkward, smile, then excused herself.

Behind her, the young man was beaming. "Nicely done!" he said as she returned to his stall. "You see, you only have to watch and learn. Things will improve."

"Thank you," she said softly. "But I wouldn\'t have understood any of that if you hadn\'t explained it."

The man looked at her with a strange frown. "Things must be very different in your world," he said, shaking his head.

She sighed. "Very. I\'m Elia, by the way."

The man huffed. "Yes, I know. We all know who the human queen is," he said with a wry smile. "My name is Gahrye."

"Well, thank you for your help, Gahrye. If you ever have any other tips for me, I\'m always open to hear them. I\'m afraid I didn\'t even know people were trying to communicate with me. Now I wonder who else I\'ve hurt or angered without even knowing it."

"Oh, everyone," he said, smiling. "But they do understand that you\'re ignorant, rather than dark-hearted. They just don\'t know any other way to teach you, than to demonstrate. And I could see that you weren\'t quite catching on."

"Well, thank you," Elia repeated. "And perhaps we could share a meal or something and you could offer me more help? I\'d like to feel more confident about how to treat people in ways they prefer."

He stared at her a moment, then looked behind him, though she couldn\'t see anything back there except more trees. When he turned back, he sighed. "Yes," he said carefully. "I think that would be a good idea."


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