Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 72: Long Live the Queen

Chapter 72: Long Live the Queen


They made love again in the furs, then dozed for an hour. Elia woke, her chest bursting with happiness, and her body sore, but tingling for more.

She rolled over happily to find Reth laying, one arm under his head, staring at the ceiling. The lanterns were on and they bathed his skin in a warm glow that made her want to lick him. But she forced herself not to start anything. Instead, she rested her head on his arm and threw her arm over his chest.

He turned his head and kissed her lightly. "Good morning."

"It\'s the best morning ever," she said, smiling.

He raised one eyebrow and gave a lopsided grin. "Is that right, Queen Elia?"

She snorted. "I\'m no more a Queen now than I was twelve hours ago."

"No less, actually. But tell that to my people," he grumbled.

Then it hit her—after everything they\'d been saying, she hadn\'t really thought it through. "They\'ll know," she whispered in horror, her cheeks burning bright with embarrassment.

Reth groaned. "Yes, they will."

Elia rolled onto her back and covered her face with her hands. "This is so embarrassing!"

Frowning, Reth rolled and leaned over her, pulling her hands away from her face. "Embarrassing? You\'re embarrassed that you own the King in body, heart, and soul?"

"No. I\'m embarrassed that I\'m going to walk out there today and everyone will know what we\'ve been doing."

"Why? They see no shame in it."

"Yes, but… it\'s private."

Reth huffed. "Not in Anima."

She groaned again and pulled a pillow over her face.

He took a great deal of time in coaxing it away from her and reminding her why she should never, ever be embarrassed. And by the time he had, she was so alight and relaxed, she decided she didn\'t care if they knew.

After all, she\'d married up. If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be Reth.


Reth had been in no hurry to leave the cave. And in truth, Elia wasn\'t either. But she wanted to get this first encounter over with. If everyone was going to be talking about their mating, let them get it out of the way so she could get past the embarrassment and get on with her new life.

She insisted they go to breakfast. Reth reluctantly agreed. But he dragged his feet.

"What\'s wrong?" she said after the third time he found a reason to dart back to the bedroom before they left. "Is it going to be bad out there?"

"You\'ll be fine," he muttered, and took her hand, kissing her knuckles as they walked through the door.

It wasn\'t until later that she realized he hadn\'t mentioned himself.

As soon as they stepped out of the cave and into the little clearing, one of the guards made a whistle and all five jogged towards them. At first, Elia thought they must have a message for Reth, but as soon as they reached them, all five dropped to one knee, arms across their chests.

"Good morning, my Queen," they each said, bowing their heads.

Reth smiled at her, one eyebrow up. Elia was startled. "Good morning!"

"Pleasure to serve you today, Majesty," the man with the double-armband that marked him as shift leader said.

"Um, thank you?"

She looked at Reth who grinned and led her forward, between the men who were still bowing. They stood, one by one, as she passed, clapping that arm to their chests again and shouting, "Queen Elia! Long live the Queen!"

Then they fell in behind she and Reth to shadow them down the path as usual. But she caught a couple grins from the men towards Reth—and his scowl in return.

The men never walked closely, but she knew their hearing was too good for a truly private conversation, so she gave Reth a look. "What was that all about?" she whispered.

"You\'ll see." He smiled again, but it didn\'t reach his eyes. He was scanning the forest around them, his eyes already shadowed by lack of sleep, now haunted, as if he expected an attack at any moment.

"Reth, what\'s wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing," he said, shushing her. "I\'m just tired."

"Me too. Maybe we should take a nap this afternoon," she said slyly.

"Yes, yes, sure," Reth said, but she could tell he hadn\'t really registered what she\'d said. As they made it down the path and into the city center, she was about to ask again. But then they were suddenly mobbed.



They\'d barely entered the circle before the children started screaming and running up to them, cheering for their beautiful new queen, and throwing flowers at her feet. Elia looked like she\'d swallowed a poison frog.

Then everyone else began to flock, and Reth was torn between joy over watching his people celebrate his mate, and anger that they\'d waited until now—hadn\'t believed in her before. He accepted the congratulations alongside the looks that said, "about time."

But soon he could see Elia was becoming overwhelmed, so he stepped between her and the crowd and insisted they let them go get breakfast.

"Gotta keep your strength up!" one of the females called, and the entire crowd laughed. Elia\'s face went beet red.

Reth took her hand and led her through the crowd, keeping his eyes and nose open for the brothers. He wasn\'t sure when they\'d appear, but he knew it wouldn\'t be long.

They were entering the market—weaving between the tables—when the pounding began. Within seconds, the people started to clap and cheer and while Elia looked confused, Reth just shook his head and tried to smile.

Behryn led a group of six or seven other men out, their feet stamping in time with the spears they pounded on the ground at every step. They chanted an ancient tale that had been updated by this group to include suggestive metaphors, and downright dirty subplots. The people laughed and cheered.

No chance he was getting out of this quietly.

Reth sighed.

"What\'s going on?" Elia asked uncertainly as the people stepped back to give Behryn and the others room to circle him, all still stamping and chanting.

"I have a, uh, meeting with the brotherhood…" he said through his teeth.

Elia frowned, but he just kissed her quickly—to the cheers and applause of his people—and whispered, "It\'ll only take a couple hours, I promise. I\'ll see you at lunch." Then, before she could respond, Behryn came to stand in front of him and the stamping stopped.


WANT MORE? The next book in the BEAST Series is available NOW! (And it\'s set 20 years in the future, so (mostly) won\'t have spoilers for this book! Currently 100% FREE: Check out my author profile, or search "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library TODAY (Check out the beginning of the first chapter in the author note below!)

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