Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 158: Giving Your Throat - Part 1

Chapter 158: Giving Your Throat - Part 1


Forty minutes later, the ladies had dressed Elia\'s hair into a lovely twist at the back of her head, with just a few wisps around her face. She\'d had to untie the halter-neck while they did it, and was retying it, bantering with Aymora about the look in Reth\'s eyes (and his smell) when he\'d left.

"Maybe, since the Anima don\'t seem to care about nudity, I\'ll just untie the neck while we\'re dancing and give him my neck right there," she joked.

All the women in the room looked shocked, but the two Leonine shot significant glances at each other. Elia frowned. "Was that in bad taste?"

Aymora cleared her throat and crossed the space to stand behind Elia in the mirror. "Would you… give him your throat that way? In front of others, I mean?"

"Yes. Without question. I almost did it at the last feast and he stopped me—I wasn\'t so clear about what it meant then, but I am now."

"And you would… still do that?" Aymora asked carefully.

Elia turned to face her. "Yes. Why? Is it meaningful after all? I asked Gahrye because I wanted to do something to show my regard for Reth. A gesture and I joked about doing that. But he was just scandalized. He said it was too intimate."

For a moment Elia thought Aymora was going to cry. Her eyes shone and her cheeks tightened. But then she looked away from Elia to the others. "Could I speak with Elia privately for a few minutes?" she asked quietly. They all—including Candace—nodded and immediately started out of the room. Elia\'s stomach dropped. What had she done now?

As soon as the door closed she took Aymora\'s hand. "I didn\'t mean to offend anyone. I wasn\'t—"

"No, Elia. You haven\'t offended. Quite the opposite, actually," she said with a quavering smile. "Your suggestion is… very touching."

"Really?!" she said brightly. "Gahrye told me—"

"Bloody males," Aymora groaned. "I admit, Elia, you made a good choice there. He reads the winds like no one I\'ve seen, bar Behryn. But… he is hopelessly male. And young… And not Leonine," she added as an afterthought."

"What does that have to do with this?"

Aymora took a deep breath and took Elia\'s hands. "If you truly wish to show the people your regard for Reth—to make a gesture, as you called it—giving him your throat in public couldn\'t be more meaningful. Though, I suppose Gahrye is correct that if it\'s done improperly, there would be some parents who would wish it didn\'t happen before their children."

"So, how do I do it properly?"

"There is a tradition amongst the pride, though I suppose with you being Queen—which is of all tribes, but also human, which is of none, it would be appropriate to do it before everyone. It is something only females mated to Leonine males can offer, though Reth will know what it means if you… if you wish it."

"I do! Tell me, Aymora! I really do want to do something for him, in front of the people."

"The thing you must understand Elia is that this is more than a simple gesture. It is… a vow."

"A vow of what?"

"If you were to give Reth your throat in the correct manner, you would be telling him that you vow loyalty to him for always."

"That\'s no problem! I already—"

"No, Elia. This vow… it extends to death. Even if Reth were to die while you were young… you would be vowing to never take another male. Ever. In any manner."

Suddenly, Elia was blinking back tears. "But… I already feel that way, anyway," she croaked.

Aymora put her hands to her mouth and her brow pinched and Elia thought she would cry too. Then Aymora shook out her hands and smiled. "It is… your love for him, it is touching. And his for you. I tease, but… you are example, Elia. I am glad that you\'re our Queen, and that our young see you love your mate in this way."

"Well, now I\'m definitely going to cry!" Elia wailed, putting her face in her hands. The older woman took her in a hug and rubbed her back.

"Don\'t cry, Sire. This is something to be celebrated," she whispered in Elia\'s ear.

When Elia looked up, Aymora took her face in her hands and smiled. "And I will show you how it must be done to be done correctly. And I will even… I will provide you the scarf."

Elia blinked. "It takes a scarf?"

"Yes, and we have very little time. So just wait one moment." Aymora darted across the room and opened the door, calling the other Leonine woman who looked a little wide-eyed, but listened to her whispers, then ran.

Elia frowned as Aymora turned back into the room and closed the door again. "What\'s going on?"

"She\'ll get the scarf for me, you can\'t leave the cave until you have it. Only the Leonine females will recognize it, but those who are of the older generation… they will only respect the choice if you follow the old ways."

"Okay… can you explain?"

Aymora led her to the sleeping platform and they sat on the edge of it, alongside each other. "In the Pride the male and female roles are very different to the other tribes. Our lion ancestors lived differently—once a male had established dominance, he was usually little more than a stud—for the making of cubs. It was the females who sustained the Pride. Elements of that have crept into the Pride traditions.

"Our males recognize our strength and do not stifle it. But because of their fierce dominance, there can often be… conflicts between the males and females. And some young females feel they have something to prove and will fight with their mates just to feel strong. It is a stupid and immature way to act, of course, but most of us have been guilty of it at times." Aymora blushed, and Elia almost laughed. But it was clear the older woman was remembering very difficult and dear things from her past.

Elia swallowed and waited for Aymora\'s eyes to lose the distant look and return to focus on her.

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