Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 325: No Mercy

Chapter 325: No Mercy

(Posted 10 JULY) WANT TO NAME A CHARACTER IN THE ANIMA WORLD? If you purchase the top tier of privilege in this book, or "Taming the Queen of Beasts", you will gain entry to a private chat group in my discord where ONLY top tier privilege readers are able to submit names for consideration for 3 different characters this month! The first round of submissions is happening RIGHT NOW and closes in 48 hours. To join, purchase the top tier of privilege, download discord (or register on the discord dot come website), hit the plus sign on the left hand menu, and enter these letters:? b3288RHR

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Hours later, Reth sat on a bench in Aymora\'s cave, trying not to let on how painful it was to breathe, while three wise-women worked on Behryn. They\'d removed the arrow successfully, but Behryn was having trouble breathing because his lung had been punctured, and Aymora was concerned about infection setting in because the Arrow had gone so deep—almost entirely through his chest.

Reth had been updated on the battle every thirty minutes, and now it was over.

Tobe, who\'d returned to the royal cave as soon as they deposited Behryn with Aymora, was back, looking grimly satisfied.

"Six in total," he said as Reth shook his head. "Four dead, we captured the other two."

At those words, Aymora\'s head snapped up from where she leaned over Behryn. "We have two of them alive?"

"Yes," Tobe said. "One is injured, but not badly. The other was caught attempting to hide undetected. We\'re sweeping for more now, in case there was another fist."

Reth prayed they hadn\'t managed to get two full fists past the sentries. His jaw was so tight he struggled to speak.

"How did they get past… everyone? That arrow flew from over the cave. Why didn\'t the sentries see them? Scent them?"

"We intend to find out," Tobe said through his teeth. "Would you like me to question them, or—?"

"Reth," Aymora said, short and sharp he turned to look at her, but she just stared.

No mercy.

Reth took a deep breath. Or tried to, anyway.

"I will question them," he said, turning back to Tobe. "But let them sweat for an hour or two first. Where are they being held?"

"They\'re locked in a storage tree with no upper floor, and we\'ve circled it in guards."

Reth nodded. "Well done."

"Reth," Aymora said again, and he turned to her, his lip curling.

"I know," he growled. "The time is to create tension, not put it off."

Her lips thinned, but she didn\'t say anything more. Reth turned back to Tobe. "Separate the prisoners. Don\'t give them any more time to strategize. Then in an hour, bring the toughest guards you have to them," he said reluctantly. "I\'ll need two who aren\'t afraid to use their fists, and a couple more with strong stomachs, just to make sure no one flees."

Tobe blinked. "You\'re going to—"

"We are going to get some answers," Reth said, his voice husky and dark. "Whatever it takes."

Tobe nodded slowly, then dipped his chin to Aymora and left.

She gave a quiet instruction to one of her assistants, then strode over to where Reth sat, staring at his own hands, asking himself if he was really capable of this.

"If you get the answers we need, you\'ll be saving countless lives, Reth," she said softly, one hand on his shoulder.

Reth shook his head. "War means killing," he said. "But I do not have the stomach for killing an Anima who is incapable of defending themselves. This does not sit well, Aymora."

She sighed and sat next to him on the bench. "Can you think of another answer?" she asked finally.

He shook his head. "Not even because of what you said," he murmured. "They specifically sought me. They might have killed my best friend. I cannot bring my mate back while that is even a possibility. I have to know how they got there without being seen. And who else they plan to send. This will not be the last attempt."

"I\'m glad you see that," She replied quietly. "The wolves will always choose to hide in shadows and strike unexpectedly if they can. You have to be protected more heavily, Reth."

He nodded, but he\'d barely heard what she said. He was too busy imagining what he might have to threaten—what he might have to do—to get information from these males.

Worse, what he might end up doing if they were too strong to give it up?

Aymora patted his leg, then got up again, sighing heavily.

Sighs seemed to be their language these weeks. Reth hated it.

Then Reth blinked. "Do you have anything that might… loosen their tongues?" He asked quickly.

Aymora winced. "I do, but it may be just as guilty of loosening them from reality. The dosing is difficult and sometimes they just sleep."

"It can\'t hurt, can it?"

"It can if they lie to you because their minds are twisted by it."

Reth snorted. "They\'re wolves. They\'ll lie regardless. What I need is something that may help them slip if I can catch them off guard, or find the right button to push."

Aymora chewed the inside of her cheek. "Let me look at what is already prepared. But I can help you, I think," she said, taking no pleasure in it.

"Thank you, Aymora."

She started back towards Behryn and her assistants, then stopped and turned to face him. "Reth, doing this… using your power to save many by harming two… it does not make you a bad male," she said firmly.

He let his eyes climb to meet hers, without lifting his head. He felt shame and he hadn\'t even started. "They are my people, too. They have been manipulated, as you said."

Aymora shook her head and came back to stand before him. "No, I said some had been manipulated—primarily the ones who are not wolves themselves. Do not misunderstand: Some of the wolves, many of them, are your sworn enemy, Reth. They would claw your belly open as soon as look at you."

"Perhaps. They are still my responsibility, until I can be certain which ones chose to walk a different path, harming any Anima intentionally does not sit well with me."

"Even the Creator says to kill in defense of those seeking to kill is pure and right. These two tried to kill you."

"And they did not succeed."

"They may have succeeded in killing your best friend," she snapped. "We won\'t know for days."

Reth blinked. "Don\'t say that."

"You cannot walk into this soft-hearted, Reth. You cannot walk into this weak!"

"I am not WEAK!" He realized he was on his feet, and he blinked.

Aymora nodded and folded her arms. "You\'re right, of course."

Reth growled. "Do not manipulate me, Aymora."

"I\'m not. I\'m reminding you of who you must prioritize. You are too quick to trust, Reth. Too quick to give chances."

Reth clenched his teeth, remembering Behryn\'s displeasure that he\'d stopped him from killing Lerrin. "And you are too quick to believe I do not understand what is needed in this moment," he said, low and hard.

"I only—"

"Knowing the task, being willing to do it, does not mean I must enjoy it, Aymora, or cannot grieve it. True strength will accept the task, and do it properly, whether it is enjoyed or not."

"And true mercy will choose the greater good, willingly. Even when it hurts."

Reth growled. "That is where we disagree, Aymora," he muttered. "Mercy can only be given when it is undeserved."

Aymora pulled her head back. "You would put the Tree City at risk to be merciful to these two traitors?"

"No!" he barked. "Stop trying to bait me! I would regret the need to harm them, to kill them, because somewhere, not far from here, there are people who love them and whose lives will be utterly changed by what will happen this day."

Aymora nodded. "Just as yours has been," she said turning to look at Behryn.

Reth shook his head, then turned his attention to his friend as well. "Where\'s Holhye?

"She\'ll be on her way. I sent a messenger to find her."

"She\'s already in the City?"

"She\'s been here since we brought the outliers in. She\'s been avoiding you. She says in her old age she\'s learned to avoid conflict."

Reth huffed.

Aymora raised an eyebrow. "You may want to leave before she gets here."

"No," Reth said, his hands clenched to fists. "I will face her just like my prisoners will face me."

Aymora snorted dryly. "You\'re a braver male than I."


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