Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 327: Dogs with the Same Bone

Chapter 327: Dogs with the Same Bone

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"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Reth snarled.

Hollhye made a disapproving noise and looked over her shoulder to check that Behryn remained asleep before she turned back, whispering through her teeth. "He would be far more help to you as an Advisor. Keep him in the safety of the city, organizing and watching over the training and orders—"

"He\'s already my primary advisor, and the reason he\'s so good at it is because he\'s in the middle of it with me. He knows what is going on with each facet of our people, and he\'s able to take steps when I\'m not there."

"He cannot advise you or lead your troops if he\'s dead! And if he keeps following you into danger because you are determined to get yourself killed, he will be lost to all of us!" she spat.

Reth opened his mouth to refuse her, but Aymora laid a gentle hand on his arm and gave him a look. He bit back the words, and huffed, taking a moment to think.

When they were all young, Hollhye had been just as adventurous as Reth and Behryn. Half the reason Behryn had noticed her was her fearlessness. And she remained courageous and strong—even stronger—now.

But a few years ago when Behryn had taken a terrible wound from a Bear after one of Reth\'s attempts to bring the tribes together, Hollhye—who had always been outspoken and never hesitated to give anyone a piece of her mind—had turned on Reth.

For weeks, Behryn had been torn between the two—fighting with Hollhye who wanted him to quit, about how necessary his role was to Reth, and his desire to be at the center of the royal Cohorts, and fighting with Reth about his need to step carefully and not give his mate reason to continue to lie sleepless at night.

Reth had invited them to dinner with the intention of winning Hollhye back to stand alongside them. But they\'d ended up arguing.

After that, Hollhye had insisted on moving to one of the Great Trees outside the city limits, refusing to be under Reth\'s eyes—as she put it—when she insisted Reth had no regard for Behryn\'s safety.

For four or five years now, despite hours that often kept him at work well past midnight, Behryn made the twenty-minute gallop home in beast form—a distance that would have taken four times that to walk—to be with her for whatever hours were available.

She\'d softened somewhat in recent months, supportive of Reth finding a mate, and understanding the bond because she and Behryn were true mates, too.

But clearly that little charity had been used up.

Reth had heard when she learned that they\'d gone to the portal that day, rather than after the Bears, she\'d roared like a Pride member.

Lost in thoughts of the past, Reth blinked back to the present when Aymora leaned in towards Hollhye. "I want you to know, the arrow itself will not kill him," she whispered, her eyes locked on Hollhye\'s and intent. "It did puncture his lung which is causing great pain. But the herbs are working. He is healing quickly. My concern is for infection. The wound was so deep, and through his lung, we could not risk cleaning it effectively. If his body does not kill any infection, it will heal, sealing it in. That is why we are concerned. Not because of the—"

"I don\'t care!" Hollhye hissed. "I don\'t care where the risk comes from. We are at war! We are all at risk. What I care about is that he not be running into the fire every day! One day he will not walk out!"

"One day any one of us might be taken by the Creator," Reth growled. "That is not a reason to avoid what must be done."

Hollhye turned on Reth in a flash. "I have never said you should not do what must be done. I have never said my mate should not do what must be done—but you take him to face obstacles and enemies that you choose, Reth! No, hold!" she snapped when Reth opened his mouth to argue. "I understand the True Heart\'s Call. No one understands that better than me!"

Hollhye had detected their bond earlier than Behryn, and pined for him for months before he\'d come to his senses.

Reth had teased him mercilessly at the time. Now he wondered… he only had days waiting for Elia, and they had been torture. What would it have been like to have her near and know she was his, for months, but be able to do nothing about it?

"What I do not understand is how you can call my Mate your truest friend, your wisest advisor—your Second in this Kingdom!—then put him in harm\'s way over and over, heedless of the consequences he might pay for what YOU chose."

"I am not heedless!" Reth snarled.

"When you balance your costs, my Mate is lower on your list than your Kingdom, your enemies, and your mate!"

"He\'s also higher than I place myself!"

"Because you\'re as thick-headed as he is!" Hollhyes eyes went wide and Reth prepared to catch another blow should she try to catch him again. "I would gamble your own mate begs you not to put yourself in the way of harm—I know Behryn feels he fights you to keep you safe! When will you finally understand that unless you take care for yourself, you throw others in your path whether you want to or not because THEY value you?!"

The blow landed.

She was right. Elia had been concerned for him more times than he could count. But Behryn… Behryn had actively argued to keep Reth out of certain places and conversations because of the risk.

For a moment his mind swirled back to that day when Elia had been taken, and Reth had rushed for the cave without knowing who was inside, whether the enemy remained. Behryn had tripped him to slow him down, then rushed into the cave himself, to be certain he would be the one to take the attack if an enemy was there.

Reth had been so consumed with fear for Elia, he hadn\'t thought about it at the time.

But looking at Hollhye\'s eyes, the pain and fear that she covered with anger… he sighed.

"I hear you, Hollhye," he said gruffly.

She shook her head. "No, you understand. But you don\'t hear. Will you remove him from this post?"

"No," Reth said through his teeth. "I won\'t. He is too necessary, especially now."

She opened her mouth, but he stopped her with a hand up. "I will promise you that while he still heals, he will not be given any responsibilities beyond Advisor. And I will… I will commit to taking more care myself about where I go, and whose path I step into. I will remember that I push him ahead of me when I do."

But Hollhye just shook her head. "I have heard that before, Reth," she said through her teeth. "I have heard your vows to protect him, and to watch over him. But now he lays there, bleeding and struggling to breathe. So tell me what it will take to make you see him differently? To hold him in higher esteem?"

Reth bared his teeth and leaned in until they were nose to nose. "You may disagree with me, you may chastise me, you may even strike me… but you will not tell me whom I love, nor how deeply, Hollhye. That man holds my heart just as firmly as my mate, though in a different way. Do not think I will accept your petty accusations. I remain your King."

Her eyes flared. "Yes, you do. And I pray the Creator works through you, Reth. Before all of us are dead."

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