Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 377: In the Dark of Night

Chapter 377: In the Dark of Night


An hour later the tent was dark, all lanterns extinguished. The camp was quiet in the hours of sleep—but there was no sleep to come for Lerrin.

He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of the tent, swinging back and forth between anger and fear.

Suhle hadn\'t run from the tent. He had to reassure himself with that—though the temptation to pull the screen back and make sure she hadn\'t somehow magicked her way out without him knowing was fierce. But he wouldn\'t do it to her. He\'d promised her she\'d have her own space, and he would keep his word.

His word.

Since sending that memory to her, he\'d been turning it over in his mind and the thing that kept catching his attention was the moment Reth pleaded with him not to vow. Not to bind himself to an oath to kill.

He\'d thought at the time it was just the Cat\'s self-serving righteousness—always painting himself as the good male, the wise one.

But there was one other possibility.

If Reth knew that he, Lerrin, was a male of his word. If Reth understood that he had honor and lived with conviction. If he considered Lerrin a… a righteous male himself.

He would beg, then, that Lerrin not vow, because he would know that Lerrin\'s own integrity would require it of him.

Was it possible that the cat had such foresight? He snorted and pushed the thought away. He would not entertain it. It did not matter, in any case. Reth had proven himself just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as any of the wolves he despised.

He was a hypocrite of the highest order.

And Lerrin was going to kill him. Soon.

A rustling in the furs behind the screens made adrenalin shoot through his system and he stopped breathing for a moment to listen. She was still there. Lerrin flared his nostrils and inhaled deeply, slowly.

She smelled of sadness, grief, and fear. And a niggling tension that he couldn\'t quite name.

He desperately wanted to reach for her. To pull her into his furs and hold her. To tell her not to fear, and to stay there, waiting for him to return.

Because he would return. And he would return victorious. And he would take her in his arms and he would kiss her, and vow everything to her—everything in his power, everything in his heart. He would give it all to her if she\'d take it.

He imagined for a moment, her joy that he was alive, the bright smile and twinkling eyes of delight. That she grasped his weary face and pulled him in, kissing him deeply. That they staggered into the tent together, and to the bed. That she was not afraid. That she began to undress him, and he her, and that once he had her bare, his hands trailed down her sides, across the soft skin of her back. That she pressed her breasts into his chest and sighed his name, and he tasted her throat—

Lerrin sucked in a breath and pushed the images away, his body painfully tight and wanting.

This was not going to help him sleep. And he needed to sleep. They would begin travel the next evening, and meet the King head-on the day after that.

He may own the Tree City in two or three days. The thought stole his breath.

But instead of his mind turning to the victory, to the fulfillment of everything they\'d been working for, his mind went straight to Suhle.

Suhle who would remain here in camp until the Tree City had fallen to them. And who likely would remain even then to assist in packing and moving everything back. While Lerrin stood as Alpha of WildWood and held the Tree City against any rebel factions that might remain.

He would not be able to come for her.

He would not be here to protect her. And the others would know she was alone.

His stomach went cold. Then sick.

Rage bubbled in his chest—rage at those who were under his rule who were not yet loyal. And rage at the males who believed it their right to spread their seed, or take what they wanted, without say or consent.

Rage that, even as King, he feared leaving his most precious pack member here because he did not trust his own people.

The full impact of that thought hit him square in the chest.

He did not trust his own people to take care with… his most precious pack member.


She was precious to him.

Creator\'s Light…

Suhle? he sent faintly, in case she was asleep. He could feel her there immediately, open and hearing him. But it took two breaths for her to answer.


Lerrin swallowed. I fear for you here. I hate that I have to even think that, but I fear for you here without me. I want… I want you to hide. I want you to keep yourself away from everyone else until I return, make sure no one knows where you are. Please.

She sighed, and he knew—he knew the sound of her. How had he not realized that he knew the sound of her? That he knew her heart? That this was not just a product of living in the same space and working closely—he had more time, more history with Asta, but he was not certain that he would know Asta\'s sigh in the dark.

But he knew Suhle\'s.

Covering his face in his hands, he stifled a growl of frustration and pain.

He wasn\'t even touching her, but that light began in his veins again, unfurling, seeping through his bloodstream. Seeking… seeking…

Seeking Suhle.

Seeking his mate. His True Mate. His True Heart\'s Call.

His breath stopped.

He\'d seen it, felt it, and ignored it. Until they were touching, out in the forest, he\'d ignored it. But deep down, he\'d known. In his bones. In his soul.

Creator\'s Light, she was his mate. And he was going to leave her here at the mercy of these males who had already tried to take her?

He would leave her here without the protection of his presence? His cover? His strength?

What kind of fucked up male was he?

"Suhle, we have to talk."


(This message was added August 17th, after the chapter was published so you weren\'t charged for these words. )

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