Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 458: The Trouble with Shaw - Part 3

Chapter 458: The Trouble with Shaw - Part 3


Kalle\'s hands were beginning to tremble. With the bottle still in her lap, she gripped the arms of the chair to hide her shaking. "I really was—"

A strange noise, like an angry cat, pierced Shaw\'s throat. "If you touch it, if you try to put even just your hand through, they will bring you the rest of the way and they will never… let… you… go…" he growled.

Kalle swallowed. "How do you know this, Shaw?"

"Because I tried," he muttered without looking up at her.

"What… what do you mean?"

"I mean, I tried to go through. I wanted it so badly. I read everything available, I couldn\'t see any cautions throughout history for Guardians against crossing—no moral tales, no recounting of the vow, nothing. There were agreements mentioned, between the Anima and the Guardians, but no curses. I thought… I thought maybe it had been made up…"

"I\'ve noticed that, too," Kalle said quietly.

"Don\'t believe it!" he hissed, and raised his head. "Don\'t let anyone tell you that you are anything but cursed if you try to walk that, Kalle, do you hear me?"

Kalle nodded, but her mouth had gone dry in fear.

He stepped right up so she was caged, the chair at her back, him at her toes. Her skin began to prickle. She forced herself not to flinch away from him when his breath washed over her and it smelled faintly of rot.

"I don\'t want to do the things they make me do, Kalle," he said quietly, that fervor burning in his eyes. "But they require it. No matter what, you cannot try to go through. They own me now. If I don\'t do as they say, they will hurt me and hurt those close to me. You are one of those that I care about, Kalle. Don\'t let them steal you from me.

"Listen carefully: You are going to leave the portal completely alone. You are going nowhere near it. You are going back to your books, and your mate if he returns, and we are not going to discuss this again. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, but—"


Kalle gasped, "I didn\'t meant to argue your point! I\'m not going to try, I promise you! I was only going to ask… how do we… do we need to… avoid you with our—"

Shaw stood up like something had snapped his spine straight and he barked, "No! No! You will not leave me out of anything! You will tell me everything you learn, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, Shaw, I was only asking. I just want to… to do this correctly. That\'s all," she soothed, but inside she was screaming. His eyes had changed. Something had appeared in him when he straightened.

Shaw was not alone in his own head, and she could see it. It made her sick, and terrified in the same breath. And determined never, ever to let him know a single thing about her mate.

She held her hands up, palms facing him, letting him see her shake. Let him be convinced she was cowed, that she wouldn\'t step out of line again. "I just want to make sure I\'m doing right by the Guardians and by you. Okay? I won\'t break my vow. I won\'t. I don\'t want to be cursed. Thank you for making that clear."

He eyed her warily, then nodded. And finally stepped back. But those flames were still in his eyes.

"I\'ll take you back to the suite, you can wait there," he said suddenly, then turned away from her abruptly, pulling the key from his pocket.

Kalle blew out a breath and leaped out of the chair, catching the little bottle she\'d forgotten about until it began to drop. But once she was on her feet and turning for the door it was clear her uncle was suddenly himself again, rambling under his breath about the key, about too many things to do. When he reached for the handle of the door, his hand was steady, and once he\'d opened it, he turned and smiled. As if nothing had happened. It was eerie.

"I\'ll walk you up. We can see if Elia is herself."

"S-sure," Kalle said, hurrying towards the now open door in case he changed his mind again. Her wrist still ached where he\'d pulled her around, but she forced herself to fall into step with him as they started down the wide hallway.

She had to keep him believing she was going to follow him—and had to keep Elia and Gahrye safe from him and whatever was driving him to this.

"Don\'t forget the tonic. As soon as you see her human, you just have her take two or three swallows. Force them on her if needed. She\'ll thank you for it."

"Right… sure. I will," she said, eyeing him from the side. "Can you tell me if there\'s anything else you know that might help her?"

"I\'m afraid it\'s too late to truly help her," Shaw said, his voice the kind of sad that people used when they knew they were supposed to be sympathetic, but didn\'t really care. "We just need the information from her, then we can allow nature to take its course."

"N-nature?" Kalle asked.

"Yes!" Shaw said brightly, turning to smile at her. "She\'s Going Silent. Oh, don\'t look like that, I doubt she even realizes that\'s what\'s happening. But she\'s in despair. Coming back here after living there so long was never a good idea—and leaving her mate there has sped up… well, everything. The affects of her return here, the loneliness, her pregnancy—and the natural processes that have been… improved by the Anima blood… everything within her, both good and bad, is happening at an accelerated rate. You can\'t save her, Kalle. That\'s why it\'s so crucial that we get her story, that we know what she knows. No one can save her now—but we can use what she teaches us."

Kalle stared at him, her mouth open and her eyes beginning to sting. "How can you be so sure?" she breathed.

"Because, I told you. The voices know, Kalle. They know almost everything, but the thing they know best is death. And Elia stinks of it."

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