Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 460: Sick Truth

Chapter 460: Sick Truth


It had only been minutes, but Gahrye felt like an hour had already passed since he last tried to get through the Portal.

The cave was dusty and the rock under his ass cold. His body was beginning to ache. Sitting there in the dusty cave for another hour was only going to drive him more crazy. Plus, if he was getting out of here again, he yearned to fill his nose with the scents of home one more time, where even the air seemed so much more alive.

But, unwilling to miss any opportunity, Gahrye got to his feet and pressed on the portal again—and again, no noticeable shift in how much it gave under his hand.

He grit his teeth.

"You tell me she\'s needed—necessary—but then won\'t let me back to her to help?" he prayed quietly. "You tell me what to do, then put obstacles in my way?" he breathed through his teeth. "She\'s prophesied too! Am I supposed to ignore that? Sit here on my ass and… what? Just show me what to do!"

A flutter of wind rattled dead and dried leaves near the opening of the cave and the sound echoed through the chamber like bones clattering. Gahrye froze, then when there was no further noise, no footsteps, he crept to the end of the tunnel, where it met the main cave, and peered around the corner.

The breeze still eased down the long cave. When he poked his head into that main chamber it washed his face with hints of the fresh scents of pine and honeydew, his favorite smells—refreshing and soothing. Gahrye sighed and nodded. "Fine," he muttered. "I\'ll wait."

Rubbing his arm—it was beginning to itch where the blood had caked to the healing wound—he realized he was thirsty. He would kill some of this mind-numbing time by sneaking out to the river and taking a drink before trying the portal again.

He took his time getting through the cave, very careful not to inhale as he passed the spot where Candace\'s body had lain—until he reached the mouth of the cave, where he stopped and for several minutes, scenting the wind and scanning even the tree canopy and mountainside above to ensure there was no one nearby before he crept back out into the sunlight and across the little clearing, to the trees on the other side and the creek behind them.

He took another minute at the edge of the trees on the bank of the water, looking for any sign of life nearby, but there was nothing. No one. The only sounds and scents came from the small animals or the flora, the rustle of the leaves in the breeze over his head, or the tinkling rush of the water.

Finally, he crept out to the soft earth on the edge of the water, keeping himself partially hidden behind the overhanging branches and grasses from the bank alongside, and stooped, kneeling, to first wash his hands—and his bloody arm—then when he was sure all the blood was gone, cupping his hand and leaning down close to the surface of the water to drink quietly.

Once his thirst was slaked, he indulged only for a moment, inhaling deeply of the scents of the Wildwood, picking out the individual bird calls in the trees above, watching everything shift in the light wind.

This was his home, and he missed it greatly. But with Kalle and Elia both gone… he was eager to leave as well.

He didn\'t look forward to what would have to come. To seeing Kalle\'s face when he explained. To the feeling it would cost him to walk away from her. But at least there were no more questions in his mind.

He knew what was needed and even if it wasn\'t what he wanted, at least he didn\'t have to doubt anymore.

He prayed the Creator would find a way to bring Kalle here, or to take him back to the human world without threatening this one.

Please, please don\'t ask me to give up my mate forever. She is perfect. Please don\'t ask me to do that.

The thought was so uncomfortable, he pushed to his feet and started the slow progress back to the cave, checking always for unwanted eyes, ears, presence. But nothing.

Once again, his stomach went cold when he thought about what this meant—why Reth hadn\'t been sending anyone through to them if the wolves weren\'t here. But that was one answer he didn\'t have, so as he passed back into the cave, he shook it off and hurried back through to the tunnel towards the Portal.

He was busy praying that Kalle hadn\'t told anyone, that Elia would be back in human form so he could explain everything—at least this meant it wasn\'t likely dangerous to bring her back through. At least, not here at the Portal itself.

He stopped just before he reached it.

Did he need to go back, get closer to the Tree City, learn what was happening there? Was that why he\'d been delayed? Was there more to learn before he returned?

Gahrye looked back, towards the mouth of the cave, then forward again, to the Portal.

Was it safe to bring Elia through? But no, he knew she needed to be here, as soon as it was possible to make it happen. There was no doubt in his mind. Even if there was danger in the Tree City, it didn\'t matter. Elia needed to be in Anima, and he needed to be here with her. They had a job to do.

Resolved, he took a deep breath, then turned back to the Portal again. His nerves flared as he began to reach towards it and that glittering surface twisted again, lighting up for him. His heart pounded and adrenalin surged through his system as his hand came into contact…and then passed through.

Thanking the Creator as his hand disappeared into the darkness on the other side, he pulled the knife from its sheath as he stepped through.

Any amount of pain was worth it to get back to Kalle.


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