Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 582: Inspire - Part 1

Chapter 582: Inspire - Part 1


Reth raised his hands for quiet, but the elders continued to call for Elia\'s appearance, one by one, arguing with him.

"Please, please, listen," he begged them, shooting Aymora? look pleading for her help. "Elia is too weak to step up for the people right now. In a few weeks the baby will be born and I\'m sure—"

"A few weeks? We are facing insubordination among the people now. We can\'t wait a few weeks, Reth!"

He growled. "I will not put her life at risk for this, or the life of our cub!"

"Surely she can stand to make a speech, to shift once? The beast is stronger physically—"

"She hasn\'t yet learned control. It is too much of a risk—especially since we believe the cub will come soon. We\'ve already had to stop contractions twice. It\'s too early."

"You said the babe was miraculously developed?"

"Yes," Aymora piped up, "but we believe she still needs at least another two weeks. And the delivery will likely be difficult. I would be surprised if she\'s walking around and able to help anyone within a month, perhaps two."

"Two months?"

"She will have a cub at breast!" Aymora growled at the male who\'d sneered the words. "Her body is already weak. And we don\'t know if she\'ll keep the ability to shift after the pregnancy. But even if she does, even if her blood is Anima now, we have to give her time to heal—from both this difficult pregnancy, and the delivery itself."

"If she might stop shifting it\'s even more important for the people to see her now!"

"We aren\'t asking you to make her attend council, Reth. This is only an appearance, to bolster the hearts of the people."

"I will not drag her out to be trotted in front of the people—she can barely walk!"

"It was you who suggested that she is a symbol for inspiration."

"I meant with time!" Reth snarled. "This is something to plan for, to set as a goal—"

"Our goal is to keep the people at peace and certain of your rule, despite all the challenges, Reth," Huncer said. "Surely if an appearance from her could achieve that… she is Queen. It is her duty!"

"She is already near exhaustion. I refuse to harm her for the sake of a single appearance."

"You refuse? You are the King! Without your rule, everyone is harmed, Reth. Would you put her individual wellbeing above that of the people?"

The echoes of the past then, that long-ago petition, brought by the wolves… Most of he people in this room, with the except of the new, young elders that had been appointed to help council had been there that night, and every one of them—with the exception of Behryn and Aymora—stared at him with recognition and accusation in their eyes.

Reth was rocked to his core. "I am not… you wouldn\'t…"

Even Lerrin stared at him, compassion warring with flashes of anger.

Reth cleared his throat and met eyes with every single one of them as he spoke, but inside he shook. Outside too, he could feel his hands trembling and gripped the arms of his chair to keep it from the others.

"I am your King," he growled. "Not only is it my right to choose our path, but it is my responsibility. I would not require this of any of you, or your mates in these circumstances. I will not require it of mine!"

No one shouted at him, but there was a murmur of discussion, and a clear line of tension humming in the room. Brant caught his eyes, and a cold finger of fear traced down Reth\'s spine at the look of unease and conviction in his mentor\'s eyes.

Reth shook his head. "I cannot believe we return to this," he spat. "Did we not already see these petitions answered? Did we not already see what comes of these kinds of accusations? Have we not had enough of conflict?!"

That gave them all pause. All of the elders sat here because they were concerned about the future of the people in the wake of this war. None wanted to return to it. Least of all Reth. But he also knew, unless he put this to bed once and for all, the fact that it had been raised again meant that he had to answer it, finally.

He shook his head, a sick sense of dread settling in his stomach. "I cannot believe this rises again, but so be it. The Creator lets all occur, ill or good, to bring us to the place that we should be, so…" he closed his eyes for a moment and prayed for Elia\'s forgiveness, "If you truly believe I am unwise… if you truly think I am selfish… I will place this decision in your hands. I would ask only that you listen to Aymora and consider her thoughts on my mate\'s health—and the impact it could have on the people if she were to die, or be harmed as a result of what we ask of her. I ask you to consider if it was your mate and your babe whose lives hung in the balance. And then I tell you… I will submit. Whatever you decide. I will submit. But make no mistake," he said, his voice dark and quiet, "If she or my cub are lost as a result of your decision, that responsibility will be on you. That blood on your hands. I have given you my best decision. Now I leave it in your hands."

Then he sat back as the Elders leaned in to discuss the future of his mate and his family without him, fear burning in his chest.

He wasn\'t sure how long he sat there, rubbing one finger on his lips and praying, when he heard the low clear of a throat and turned to find Lerrin watching him.

The elders were distracted, murmuring and hissing at each other, most of them leaned around Aymora, but small clusters here and there around the room.

Reth held Lerrin\'s gaze, terrified of the verdict that might come, but also curious how this male would think of it all, given that his father had brought the original petition on behalf of his sister.

Then Lerrin leaned over, his eyes shadowed with pain and his breath catching as he waited for Reth to lean closer.

"I would have made the same decision," he said gruffly.

Reth wasn\'t sure why, but he found that immensely comforting.

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