Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 644: Meeting His Heart

Chapter 644: Meeting His Heart


Aymora\'s voice cracked with fear and frustration. The smell of blood filled the room. Reth swallowed nausea.

Please… please… please…

It was all he could think anymore, clinging to Elia\'s hand, listening to her heart, that fluttering beat in the precious body next to him.

My life for hers, he reminded the Creator. I told you to take me instead. You said you would. She\'s here. She\'s still here. It\'s not too late. Don\'t make a liar out of me.

But he could hear the throb of her heart slowing, growing weaker.

With a sob of fear and frustration, he willed himself, his body—his much larger, much stronger body—to carry hers as well. But his head was beginning to spin. And his heart skipped a beat, before rushing forward again, flooding his system with a jolt of adrenalin that made him tremble.


A tiny cry, a croaking mewl, broke in the room and Jayah left his side instantly.

Heart pounding, Reth opened his eyes and raised his head to see Aymora holding a large cub, wet and bloody, high in the air, snapping instructions to Jayah to bring the towels.

His daughter… his daughter was here. She was here! And she was alive!

He watched as the cub, ears flattened and twisted with the muck of birth, opened her mouth, her entire body trembling as she tried to cry her anger, but managed only a tiny, hoarse squawk of rage.

"Elreth," he breathed, his vision blurring. "She\'s here, Elia. She\'s here. She\'s safe!"

Jayah wrapped the cub in the thick towel as Aymora worked quickly to disconnect Elreth from her mother, then they both flew in opposite directions—Aymora cursing and leaning over Elia\'s stomach, her face twisted with anger.

But Reth followed Jayah as she hurried around the sleeping platform, cooing at the precious face peering out of the thick folds. Reth\'s heart sang when she lay the bundle at his side and began rubbing Elreth, scrubbing her fur hard to stimulate her heart and blood flow.

"She\'s strong," Jayah said with a smile. "And very angry," she chuckled.

Reth wanted to weep with joy. He wanted to roar his victory and tell the world about his daughter! His beautiful, strong, incredible daughter!

But then the towel slid to the fur and her face was revealed, eyes seamed shut, her tiny, toothless mouth wide, tongue seeking. She was still trying to scream, but managing only coarse mewls, to his delight.

"Elreth," he murmured. "My girl, look at you."

The tiny cub froze, turning her head, wavering, towards his voice.

Reth\'s breath stopped and he reached for her head, so much smaller than his hand, cupping her so she could smell him. "I\'m here, precious. Daddy\'s here."

And in a moment that would squeeze his heart for as long as he drew breath, his daughter shifted and, her thick little chin and jaw still resting on his finger, opened her eyes to see him for the first time. They were blue like her mother\'s.

Reth felt his heart swell, felt it flutter, felt it pound with love and expand, as if right alongside the love he felt for Elia, he had grown an entirely new heart, another muscle, proud and strong, that would beat only for this little life.

"Hello, Elreth," he whispered, his voice hoarse and pinched. "I love you. Daddy loves you, beautiful girl."

She took a deep breath then, her little shoulders lifting under the towel and Reth sobbed with joy as, shaking and jerking, the tiniest fingers on the littlest hand that rested under her chin, opened, then closed to grip his finger. She blinked, then opened her mouth to give a little squawk and Reth laughed. He couldn\'t help it.

Jayah continued rubbing her clean and dry, then rolled her over to check her fingers, toes, and heart.

"She is very strong," she said with a shy smile at Reth. "She will make you proud."

"She already has," he said genuinely, squeezing Elia\'s hand. "Beautiful, just like her mother."

Elreth began to squawk repeatedly, her arms and legs twitching, so unused to being free. Then Jayah bundled her up again and placed her in Reth\'s arm. "Just for a moment," she said with a wink. "We\'ll need to get her to the Pride mother quickly, she needs to feed. She\'s had a difficult day."

Reth pulled the little bundle into his side, shifting his head until he could see Elreth\'s forehead—still crusted with blood, but mostly clean—and eyes, screwed tightly shut.

Curling his arm over her, he traced her head with his fingertips and whispered. "I told you. I told you," he chuckled as her face pinched experimentally. "Nothing will stand between us, Elreth. I am here. If ever you are frightened, or confused, come to me. I will do what I can to protect you from the world. And when you are strong enough to meet it alone, I will do my best to help you understand it, so that you can meet it proudly."

His daughter took another deep breath and sighed heavily, her eyes closing. Reth frowned and looked at Jayah, but she seemed unworried.

"She\'s breathing well," she said when she caught his concerned gaze. "Her voice is strong and her breaths don\'t gurgle more than usual. Her color is good, and she\'s responding. She\'s safe, Reth. You can rest. She\'s safe."

"Did you hear that, Elia?" he whispered. "Our daughter is safe. She\'s safe. She made it. She\'s a miracle."

Pulling his head up awkwardly, he brushed a kiss to the tiny, soft crown of his daughter\'s head.

"A pure miracle," he murmured.

Elreth squeaked and fanned her little fingers, but didn\'t have anything else to say. So Reth just stared and thanked the Creator for her until Jayah apologized.

"I have to take her to feed," she said. "But don\'t worry, the Pride Mother is here at the cave. I\'ll bring her back as soon as she\'s finished."

"You\'ll take her out, then return immediately to help me, Jayah!" Aymora snapped. "We\'re losing my daughter."

Reth\'s heart clenched and went cold as Jayah, her eyes wide, swooped Elreth up and rushed from the room.

Reth turned back to find his mate, her jaw slack and eyelids purple. And her hand in his chill and cold.

He\'d gotten distracted, stopped listening. Her heart… her heart was growing faint.

Thrub… thrub… thrub…

"No," he whispered, clinging to Elia\'s hand. "No, not now, Love. Don\'t give up now."

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