Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 658 - Lerrin’s Epilogue Part 1

Chapter 658 - Lerrin’s Epilogue Part 1


Evening settled into night more slowly now that they were out from underneath the trees. Lerrin sat beside their fire watching the small flames, his heart beating quickly.

It had taken two days, in the end, to move beyond the boundaries of the WildWood, and his body had, indeed, almost failed him. Both nights he\'d struggled even to eat before sleep overtook him—and his body stiffened so badly, it took him close to an hour to be free enough to carry a bag and begin the hike again the next morning.

On the second day he\'d worried he might actually fail his beautiful mate who was carrying the burden of preparing their meals and covering their camp before they left each morning, because he had struggled even to manage himself.

Then yesterday, the third day since his release, they had passed out of the WildWood completely and into the Great Plains. Lerrin had dropped his bag and stood where the forest gave way to grasses that grew waist high in the summer and the mountains beyond the desert could be seen in the haze to the northeast, breathing deeply.

Something unclenched in his chest. He\'d upheld his promise to leave the WildWood and he would not enter it again by choice. Suhle stood next to him, her smile wider than he thought he\'d ever seen it.

"You are free," she breathed.

Lerrin nodded, washed by conflicting emotions—joy and peace, primarily, that he was there, he was alive, and he had his mate and a future. But as his pain began to ease, and the constant danger of the prison fell away behind him, he found his mind turning more and more often to his family. To the loss of his father and sister. To the loss of his people. And the evil that had infected them. And he prayed Reth would find a way to root it out.

He and Suhle had stood there for several minutes, just scanning the land. When he started out again, she\'d taken his hand and followed without question.

His chest tightened at the memory. Her trust in him… it was overwhelming.

He turned his head and scanned the dark, but with the flames in front of him, his eyes picked up too much light to penetrate the midnight black around them. Suhle had gone to the waterhole they could smell close by to collect water. She would be on her way back now. He couldn\'t hear her moving, but he knew she was near. He could feel her. They left their minds open to each other at all times now—what purpose was there in closing off? He wanted to be available to her at a blink—especially since they were alone and if anything were to happen to either of them…

His stomach dipped. It was the only part of this he did not like. The solitude. Not because he wouldn\'t choose it, but because if something happened to him, Suhle would be alone and unprotected. And if something happened to her…

Creator\'s fang, he couldn\'t fathom the thought of it.

An image flashed in his head then, of himself, denying her. Staring her down with a cold sneer and declaring he would never take her as his mate, never completely the bond.

His stomach twisted. He couldn\'t believe he\'d done it—hurt them both out of pride and blindness—

Why do you think of that now? Suhle\'s voice bloomed in his head and he sighed with relief.

I condemn myself for my stupidity, he sent back dryly. Where are you?

I have a surprise, she said.

Lerrin\'s eyebrows rose, and his heart pattered faster. He\'d been able to scent it on her today, a thread of desire that twisted sometimes with fear. Yet while the fear rolled in and out, the desire never faded. He\'d turned at one point to find her eyes on him. Hot in the sun, he\'d taken off his shirt and shoved it into his bag and tramped on with nothing above the waist. When he turned, her eyes raked down his chest and thighs and he felt that look as distinctly as if she\'d trailed her fingers down his skin.

His body had tightened in response.

Without a word, he\'d waited for her to realize he was watching her. When her eyes finally dragged up to meet his—uncertain, but unashamed—he\'d held her gaze.

Neither of them spoke, or sent words. But something passed between them.

His heart skipped another beat remembering the moment, and his breath came faster.

She wanted him.

They\'d travelled for the day, speaking less than usual, but the tension between them wasn\'t unpleasant. A frisson of anticipation that raised the hairs on his arms and threatened to raise the rest of his body if he focused on it too much.

And Suhle… Suhle had… something within her had shifted. She\'d already spent the previous days with her chin higher and eyes not pinched. She\'d already told him she felt free for the first time. But something else had shifted within her that day.

As if she were suddenly very conscious of being female—and enjoying it.

She was flirting with him—with a look, a sway of her hips… if she\'d had a beast form she might have presented her bottom and flashed her tail, ears low and nose high. To tempt him.

Lerrin shifted in his seat. His leathers were suddenly very tight.

But even as he was certain she wanted him, his mind—and heart—urged for caution. Even if she was thinking… even if she planned… she may find it more frightening than she expected. Perhaps… perhaps tonight would be only a first step. He would not push her.

But, Creator\'s Light, he wanted her. And for the first time this evening, his body felt strong enough and mostly pain free. He ached. He was weary. But he was not exhausted.

And he wanted her.

He cleared his throat, shifted himself in his leathers and looked around for her.

Well, if it\'s a surprise, he sent, I won\'t ask what it is. But will I see my mate soon? I find myself lonely next to the fire. Aren\'t you cold out there?

Not for long, she sent back, and the delicious quiver of anticipation in her sending stole his breath.

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