The Demon's Bride

Chapter 129: The Moving Vase-I

Chapter 129: The Moving Vase-I

As soon as Elise was told to clean the rooms that were used for the guests to stay in afternoon while she was gone, her shoes that was now present on her feet padded down the marbled floor which was not covered by the carpet. With a broom on her hand, Elise sweep all the dusts and dirts on once place, and when she was done, her eyes lifted to see the ceiling.

With better lighting, her blue eyes could see a better look at the carvings that were built on the ceiling. Elise had wondered since she first entered the castle, was the carving there when she was a child? She recalled there were none.

"Elly." Upon her name being called, Elise turned her face to see Carmen walking with a broom on her hand like her. "I was searching for you, me and Mila. Did you see her? I\'m afraid she would still be around the castle searching for you."

Elise felt happy for her friend\'s kind gesture, "Thank you, Carmen, I was in the room when I met her and she assigned me to work here." she replied for Carmen to nod, taking account to her words.

"We are lucky to work here, Vela is assigned to the tea party." Carmen said. Both her and Elise started to walk from the place as they were assigned to the next place together. "Mila must have known that we are not very much suited to serving others. My mistake is that I\'m often called rude and that you often make clumsy mistakes."

Elise turned her head at Carmen, her brows raising slightly, "Do I often make clumsy mistakes?" It didn\'t felt like so to Elise. She had worked fairly adept and rarely make mistakes. But to view on her own self would be different than when others look at her.

"Yes you did." replied Carmen with a smile, "Like how you often dropped things."

"Do you mean the dining room?" asked Elise. At that time her mistake wasn\'t that she dropped things but because she had picked the napkin that had fallen the grown. Elise knew how rumors could stem and perhaps the words had rolled differently to others now.

Carmen\'s pale red eyes looked at Elise; and when the woman stopped, Elise stopped to see Carmen staring with a tilted head. "Dining room? Did anything happened in the dining room when you were assigned there?" So it wasn\'t? asked Elise to herself noticing the oblivious tone in Carmen\'s words. "I mean at the time after you were assigned to clean things, you would drop a few things such as the broom that you rested before you leave, or cutleries sets would fall after you\'ve set them. You often make those small mistakes." stated Carmen to her.

On Carmen\'s statement, Elise drew her brows. "That happened?" she asked for the half vampire to nod on her, confirming the doubt she had, "I don\'t know that." and why didn\'t she noticed it right away? It should made sounds for Elise to notice but she never heard anything.

"As it wasn\'t mistakes that are worth to mention by others, usually me or Vella would pick what fell from you." Carmen then found the surprised expression on Elise, "you never know it?"

"No, I never." Did this often happen to her? Elise wondered if it wasn\'t the first time. Seeing how Carmen seemed to often saw her doing the same mistake, it could be that it happened many times. "Do I repeat the mistakes many times?" Was it that bad?

At the point, the two maids had arrived at the last place where they would have to clean. Carmen placed the broom beside her while looking at Elise. She knitted her brows as if to think before saying, "I guess since the first day we met? I can\'t recall well but remember when we first met, you also drop a spoon, Vela picked it up thinking you missed it."

Elise sank in her thoughts, most of it was questions like how she would often question all details but this time she can\'t find any reason at all. Was she as everyone said careless? But at one point if it happened too often, Elise would have noticed it. Yet it never happened. Until this day, Elise never know how careless people saw her to be.

"I will take this half part, can I request you with the other part?" asked Carmen, bringing Elise away from her questions. The half part Carmen meant was half left and half right of the small reading room. After giving a nod to Carmen, Elise cleaned the place with still her mind wondering her clumsy mistakes.

While cleaning the place, Elise noticed how near she was to the window. Her steps stopped to make way toward the window. Standing near it, she saw that the room was connected to the garden. She watched the guests and her gaze didn\'t linger at each person. Elise shuffled through the guests with her eyes until she stopped at one person. Taking a note of his wide broad back, the long hair which was long settled just right before his earlobe, Elise knew who it was. It was Master Ian.

Elise also took note of the man and woman standing before Ian. As it was far, Elise was unable to make the appearance of the people and took one step forward. In the closer distance, she noticed that the two guests were Lady Ellen and her father, Duke Gary. Seeing Lady Ellen, the beautiful lady who never fail to impress gentleman, Elise pursed her lips.

Lady Ellen was a woman with a body other women envy, she had the sweet smile, pleasant voice, and the curves. Not to forget her enchanting beauty. It was hard for any lady not to feel minor when seeing a woman far more beautiful than themself dressed in gowns that were extravagant and jewels on her neck. Elise bite her lips. After inhaling her breaths, she released to clear her mind.

Lady Ellen may be a beautiful lady in which Elise acknowledge. The woman also smart, however, she lacks the heart. The late Mrs. Scott told her that far more beautiful than the outward appearance what matters is inside their heart; whether it sparkle, cloudy, or dimmed.

Master Ian was a man who saved her from the slave establishment, a person who kept people beside him without minding their differences in seat. He was by far the kindest person she ever met who treated her like the human she was. Elise believed that Ian would know better that Lady Ellen may seems as not she seemed to be.

Elise failed to ask the relationship shared between Ian and Lady Ellen. It would take courage but she dislike feeling the itch and unsettledness in her heart when stumbling the view. If there were time she managed to find, Elise thought to dare herself and ask the question. Knowing Master Ian, he would replied to her. With perhaps his teasing methods that made her heart to race.

"Elly, are you done?" asked Carmen from the place she was, finding Elise stopped on her spot like a doll.

Elise tore her gaze from the window, "no, I was watching... something," she drawled and Carmen nod before using her broom to brush the floor.

Elise decided to take another glance at Ian before resuming her work. It had always been like this, where Elise would be rooted on the spot, watching Ian. It hadn\'t affected her work greatly but she knows not to do it often.

When Elise\'s eyes about to shift, at time, Ian turned his back, his chin lifted up to the maid standing near the wall as if noticing her present at time. Their gazes met. It was hard to see each other close but Elise witness his lips, forming into a smile that was directed to the castle. Or perhaps it was her.

Elise saw Ian tilting his chin, and his lips moving very slowly for her to read his mouth, "Elise."

Elise felt as if Ian was right beside her ears, whispering with the tempting voice which sounded almost too devilish for her ears calling to her name in a way he often did. Like how Ian spoke her name when they were on the cliff.

Elise\'s heart palpitation beat faster, her hands turn sweaty and she called in a very small whisper, "Master Ian." and a smile came over Ian\'s lips who nodded as if he heard well what she heard.

A/N: Sadly we can\'t reach 1000 power stones but we are very close to the goal! If we can reach 1000 power stones by the end of this week we will have 1000 powestone and hopefully this time we can reach the goal by Sunday ^^

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