The Demon's Bride

Chapter 373: Hunting Hound-I

Chapter 373: Hunting Hound-I

Both Ian and Elise vacate from the entrance, going around the house to where Johannes led them to. They only stopped when the sound came nearer. Johannes, being one who doesn\'t dare to face a bear who could be most possibly hungry which he assumed by the bear\'s howl instead of the normal cry of a bear, stood far away from the shed.

Elise was confounded in puzzle, wondering what bear it was and why was it in their house until she stopped at the tall kennel specially made to fit the bear\'s large body. Standing in front of it, she could feel the difference of height and when her eyes met the bear, Elise didn\'t know if she had imagined it, but it seemed the a drop of tear had covered the bears\' eyes, and it turn to a wide smile as it saw her.

"Rawrr! Rawrr rarr Rawrr! Awoo!" The bear continued to speak in a small scream, almost like howling, barking, or even speaking incoherently.

"He seems hungry," Ian said beside her, catching Elise\'s attention.

"You can speak with the bear?" Elise questioned, watching Ian smiling wider.

"He is your friend, maybe if you put your friendship love for him, you should be able know what he says because of some \'friendship\' magic. If there is one, that is."

Elise took a better look at the bear\'s features, slowly finding the eyes olive green as she had guessed, "It\'s Hallow."

"RAWRR Rarr!" Answered the bear with beaming excitement. When his body move, the entire iron kennel shake that put concern to Elise.

"Stay calm...this, what happened with him?" She turned her head to Ian who possibly had a part to change Hallow into a bear like now.

Ian could tell what she was thinking and put a disappointed look, "Doubting me? It\'s not me I wasn\'t the one who turn your chick friend into a bear. It was Beel with the reaper\'s own agreement."

"RAWRRRR!" Hissed Hallow upon hearing Ian\'s statement. This demon how dare he! Sure that it wasn\'t him who had changed his body from a small yellow chick to a bear, and he had agreed into it, but the demon was the one who aided his current predicament by sealing his mouth so that he could speak with only animal\'s language! Not to ever forget, he had put him inside a kennel as if he was some sort of wild animal!

"He did? Why?" But Elise didn\'t question more as she found the answer, "Was it to help me?"

"Rawwwr," Hallow answered nodding as he flopped his bottom to the ground, pulling an innocent look as he was innocent here, it was the Demon who was being mean.

"Ian, please turn Hallow back," Elise said but Ian pushed his hand to his hips, looking unwilling as his eyes looked at her with his lower lips raising to push the upper one. "Ian," she called his name, "I won\'t be able to speak and thank him if he remains as a bear."

"You can thank him," Ian said, "He only needs to nod and no need to speak to accept a grateful sentiment of yours."

Elise blinked at his reply, catching his smile and she couldn\'t help herself but ask, "Why do you like to tease him?"

"A personal hobby. I like to be mean at times to people, especially those who doesn\'t follow my words," Ian answered, his intense red eyes peered down at the bear. Elise could somewhere agree to his words, as he does take amusement seeing others in frustration and she was no exception to his behavior. Ian gave another look at the bear who glared at him but when he raised his brow, Hallow sunk down, drawing himself to the back to not catch more of the Demon\'s trick.

In fact to Ian, Hallow was no of use to him now. His cold heart didn\'t feel sentiment when he thought of disposing the grim reaper, as he had made up in his mind to obliterate the reaper near the future. To have Elise feel attachment for the reaper wasn\'t his intention either, but seeing her pleading look for her friend, he found himself unable to refuse her wish. "Really, how much you have charmed me," Ian chuckled, and Elise tilted her head, not knowing what he meant. "Well, because it is you my dear who had wished for it, we can make this work. Be a more loyal friend to her now, do you get it?" Ian looked at the bear.

Hallow had many words to say, accusations and burst of angels but all turn to a simple nod. Ian snapped his finger, then turning the bear into a small yellow bodyguard a chick.

"I can speak! Hell Yay! Thank you, Elly! I know you would be able to help me!! Oh, thank you God of Hell!" Rejoiced the chick who finally got his voice. He jumped toward Elise, climbing from the bottom of her pants, wanting to enter her usual pocket that was no where to be seen and decided to settle on her waist coat pocket.

"Thank you," Elise said to receive Ian who hummed, she finds that due to her influence, something inside Ian begin to shift. She couldn\'t point out whether it was his demeanor or character that had changed and it had become a privilege for her to know that he had shifted due to her influence.

Ian then said, bringing her from her thoughts, "This is a concern though. If you are going to bring him to the hunting game, a chick won\'t be well."

Hallow raised his brows, not knowing about the hunting game, but he decided that following Elise was better than being alone with Beelzebub which would only cause him more trouble. "Why won\'t?" asked Hallow, his head appearing from the pocket.

"In front of many other predators, large animals in the hunting ground, do you think you would be able to leave happily ever after without being bitten?" Ian asked, the curl on his lips, thought Elise meant he was thinking of a very evil idea.

The sky had turned a little dull as the carriage left the White Mansion. Elise who had seated herself on the carriage looked at the new black hound who sat on the ground of the carriage, blinking a little to take in Hallow\'s new appearance. His neck was long and so was his hall and robust body. Even though he was only standing, he had the air of a frightening household dog who would bite anyone that dare to cross over the house\'s gate. The color of his fur was pitch black like coal and his eyes were an exceptionally bright green.

"I like this body better," said Hallow while licking his paw.

Elise didn\'t know if she could get used with the idea of a dog talking better than a talking chick. She could feel the uncanniness of Hallow turning to a dog, "Promise me not to speak when we arrive there, okay, Hallow?" Elise questioned and Hallow looked at her with his shoulder raising.

"I am an expert in not talking and acting like the animal I appear to be," which Elise wanted to believe in his words but it was hard to do so when Hallow could never control his words from retorting others who angered him, and he would always make mistake of the voices animal would use, like earlier where he howl like a wolf when he was a bear.

Ian pulled his shoulders, letting a scoff to leave his lips. With his legs crossed, he looked at his gloved hands as if he was speaking to himself and said, "I am not a fan of eating a dog, but if he does speak today and cause mischief, we can turn him into a fine turkey and dine him for tonight."

Hearing Ian\'s casual but dreading words, Hallow pulled both of his front legs to cover his mouth. Blinking, he then went closed to stay next to Elise as he knew she was his only safety rope.

"How many people will be there in the hunt?" Elise questioned Ian who sat in front of her.

Elise heard Ian spoke after he put a faint hum, "About a hundred or more. Most of them comes from important family or the Lords\' of five lands. Some of the church member spent their time there as well. But I don\'t often participate in it. In fact, I think this is my first time properly let myself invited by the Runalia\'s Lord. Throughout the history, I find Runalia\'s Lord are the most irritating. They have superiority complex, fear of being looked down because they are a human and became biased with the idea. I don\'t mind them though if they don\'t stand on my way. The previous Lords are smart enough to know not to cross my way, but the current, he seem to be very eager living six feet under the ground."

"Today he will be there," Elise said. If Ian\'s and the Runalia\'s Lord relationship are strained, she worry that today\'s hunting won\'t move as smooth as one would wish for.

"He will, but unless he want to step down from being Runalia Lord and a living human being, I believe he won\'t be stupid to harm us. Some ladies would be there as well, I will introduce you to some who I think might bond well with you." and Elise nodded, she had been cooped out in the White Mansion and wanted to have some friends in the circle, while she has some friend, Cynthia and Austin had been busy with their work. She rarely meet Mila for the past few days that had Elise to wonder if the housekeeper was avoiding her. Her thought was proof wrong as today\'s morning, the housekeeper had helped her with her wide gentle smile.

Elise learned from the past events that happened to her, having friends who she could trust was difficult and she decided to have some friends who she could talk with without being too open.

Turning her head to the window, the lush trees come into view, and Elise found the small dots which of people appearing on the green land. She saw how most carriages had been parked and it seemed they were the last one that had her to ask, "Are we late?"

"Barely. Just one minute before the needed time of arrival," isn\'t that late then? wondered Elise in her mind, watching Ian smiled mischievously at her question, "The protagonist always comes late, my dear."


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