Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 356: Anthony Materialized

Chapter 356: Anthony Materialized

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lu Shu did not take it to heart the time frame of the materialization of the spirit Anthony, since Lu Xiaoyu had estimated it to be one month, it was so long ago that Lu Shu had almost forgotten about it.

However, the truth was Anthony had materialized as early as eight days before, ten days ahead of the projected time, because Lu Xiaoyu had also unlocked her third nebula.

But Lu Shu was totally unaware of this, as the sulking Lu Xiaoyu did not even reply to his messages in the past few days…

At that moment, the second black hole had emerged out of the second nebula on Lu Xiaoyu’s map, meaning she was now fully capable of materializing two spirits. Also in her second nebula rested a pig Xiaoyu captured from the butchery last time. Her first pig was spoiled by Lu Shu before she even had enough of it!

Lu Shu gazed at the Anthony conjured up right before him, still a black spirit with the outlines vaguely contoured in Anthony’s appearance. It brought Lu Shu an immense sense of pressure by simply standing there quietly.

It was the unharmed Class B Anthony…

Lu Shu was certain that he was no match for Anthony had the latter not been severely injured by Chen Baili. If he had not been injured, it was possible that he could easily entrap his Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow with ordinary mud.

Currently, bracelets concentrated with Deep Sea White Sand were hanging tightly on Anthony’s wrists. Of course, a spirit did not have to care about its injuries, and all it needed to do was transform all the Deep Sea White Sand into his attack.

Lu Shu was studying it with all seriousness. After Lu Xiaoyu carried the empty bowls to the kitchen, Lu Shu decisively fished out the only Ambilight Soul Pearl left on his map and slid it into Anthony’s mouth.

The spirit itself had no consciousness. When the Soul Pearl was near, it opened its mouth to swallow the Pearl.

The Soul Pearl had been with Lu Shu all this time since he sacrificed the eight spies for power enhancement last time. But Lu Xiaoyu insisted that the spirit would surely laugh foolishly after eating the Pearl, hence she never allowed him to feed it to the spirits…

Lu Shu was unconvinced. Apparently nothing produced by the celestial map was useless!

Then, he could only watch helplessly as Anthony suddenly started giggling…

“Lu Shu! You are dead!” Lu Xiaoyu got heated the second she saw Anthony laughing like a silly person.

“It shouldn’t be like this. Now with Concealed Arrow, shouldn’t he be angry?” Lu Shu was struggling to explain as Lu Xiaoyu hung on him trying to hit him…

Then he suddenly realized, right, he killed the spy with Corpsedog back then. Corpsedog was in charge of happiness, then of course it would giggle…

But, what would happen if a spirit swallowed all seven Soul Pearls responsible for happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred and desire? Would it be reborn?

Then he pondered again, the next time he met a spirit, he must kill it with Concealed Arrow to obtain its Soul Pearl, and see what would happen when Anthony swallowed that one.

But… It was a big question whether Lu Xiaoyu would allow it!

“Something’s not right. Has its power improved? Or is there any additional stuff like skills?” Lu Shu was confused. The last time when he fed the spirit a Pearl, the Class D beginner was suddenly leveled up to mid Class D.

Lu Xiaoyu replied coldly, “Slight improvement. But it’s too insignificant compared to its existing power.”

That made sense now. Although it was a Class C Soul Pearl, its energy was negligible to the potent Class B Anthony.

Lu Xiaoyu continued, “Actually there are some additional unusual pieces of ‘body tricks’ in its fighting nature. But they are incomplete and seem rather useless.”

Lu Shu suddenly saw the light that some abilities and experience could be transferred down through the Pearl. But usually Anthony only relied on his supernatural powers, which rendered body tricks futile.

Lu Shu did not regret it anyway, as Anthony itself was already his greatest gain. More time and practice was needed with regard to the Soul Pearls.

He checked his digital memorandum, “What’s your biggest control range?”

“One hundred kilometers,” Lu Xiaoyu replied.

Lu Shu was shocked by the vast improvement. It was only five kilometer last time. He didn’t know that unlocking another nebula would bring about such a giant jump in power. Examining his map, to Lu Shu’s surprise, Lu Xiaoyu could really reach Mianchi County if she was stationed in Luo Cheng.

Lu Shu babbled on, “You can let Anthony travel there via the earth. I’ve sent you its location via GPS. So you’ll only need to steal things like cash, magical stones and their stock. It would be better to not be seen.”

Techniques like transport via soils were just awesome, perfectly out of sight of any surveillance. Moreover, given Anthony’s outstanding Class B abilities, robbing a black market would certainly be a piece of cake.

Other people would be laughing their head off with a Class B spirit in their hands.

But Lu Shu had other plans, and his attention was subconsciously drawn to the black market, “It’d be better to take action at night. After all, it’s black from its head to toe, easy to hide. If it really encounters any resistance from the market side, just kill whoever is in its way. I have seen their information and everyone has blood on their hands.”

However, after a long talk, Lu Xiaoyu shot Lu Shu a frosty stare, “You hid my TV box and turned my spirit into an idiot, yet now you are asking me to help you rob?”

With a flash of wit, Lu Shu quickly replied, “How is it helping me rob? What’s mine is also yours, isn’t it?”

Only until then, Lu Xiaoyu’s knitted brows relaxed, “Is that true?”


“Still, I won’t ever forget your crime of hiding my TV box.”

Lu Shu was speechless.

Mianchi was seventy-four kilometers away from Luo Cheng. Lu Shu might still have enough time as the group of geniuses should have just arrived.

The thought of those fierce-looking bandits in the black market legitimized Lu Shu’s plan to steal all their weapons away with Anthony. In that way, the geniuses safety would be secured.

He was such a nice person with a great heart for the community!

Maybe the Heavenly Network should present him with a silk banner. It did not matter what they wrote on it, “bring people back to life” would do too.

Lu Xiaoyu unwrapped her new phone with joy in her heart when Lu Shu suddenly said, “Can you give me your old phone?” That time when they were buying second hand phones, Lu Shu got Lu Xiaoyu a better one than his own.

“Take it. The password is my birthday,” when Lu Xiaoyu was sent to the orphanage, her name and birthday were written on a slip of paper tucked in her swaddling clothes.

Lu Shu immediately put down her phone as if nothing had happened, “I can wait until I come back.”

Lu Xiaoyu raised her brow, “You forgot my birthday?”

“Hahaha, how’s that possible?!” Lu Shu laughed politely, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“You are a dead duck!”

“From Lu Xiaoyu’s distress, +999!”

“I didn’t forget! Really,” Lu Shu tried his luck at keying in the password, “Haha, see? It’s correct.”

False alarm. Just now he really could not recall it. He did not even remember his own birthday. To him, there was no point in celebrating a birthday for orphans like them. They said the day of birth was also the day of torture for one’s mother, which made it necessary to remember it by heart.

But… she had abandoned them like an unwanted burden. If so, what was the purpose of birthdays? Lu Shu would rather erase them all from his memory.

When Lu Shu was back out again rushing to Tongguan, Anthony plunged into the earth straight from their house, hurrying to Mianchi.

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