Elixir Supplier

Chapter 509 - Paying for Life

Chapter 509: Paying for Life

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Qi Wan felt like she had just jumped into an ice cave naked. She was shivering with cold and extremely weak. The weather had a huge impact on her, so she was scared of the cold and heat.

Wang Yao pushed out with one hand. Suddenly, Qi Wan was wrapped by Wang Yao’s Qi, which was warm enough to expel the coldness from her. She soon felt much comfortable.

Given her currently condition, it was not good for her to travel in such cold weather.

Amazing! Qi Wan looked up at Wang Yao. Her feeling now was not just a delusion.

“Sit here for a while.” Wang Yao didn’t rush into any treatment. He allowed Qi Wan some time to settle.

After about 20 minutes, he took two decoctions out.

“I brewed these decoctions for you,” Wang Yao said.

“Thank you,” Qi Wan replied.

“Don’t thank me yet.” Wang Yao still needed to clarify one thing first. “These two decoctions are very expensive.”

“How much?” Professor Lu asked.

“One million for each of them,” Wang Yao said.

“How much?” Qi Wan was shocked. Professor Lu was equally shocked. That amount was too much.

“One decoction costs $1 million,” Wang Yao said.

The price of the Muscle Revitalizing Powder was determined by the system. Although the other decoction was made by Wang Yao himself according to an ancient formula, he used the best herbs, including two licorice roots. Both licorice roots were of medium quality, but they were precious and rare. He believed he shouldn’t give them away easily since they could save a person’s life.

In the book of The Journey to the West, Monks who claimed to have no desire accepted gold when spreading Buddhism. They did it not because they were into wealth but because the scripture and concept they spread were too precious. They wanted people to value those things and understand how precious they were.

“You can think about it before making a decision,” Wang Yao said.

He was not the Buddha who never asked anything in return when helping people. Even if he was the Buddha, he wouldn’t help some people.

He was saving a person’s life. This could be considered the most expensive business activity in this world. A person was paying for their life.

“We’ll pay,” Professor Lu said without Qi Wan’s consent. “Can I transfer the money directly to your account?”

“Yes,” Wang Yao said.

“Well, Dr. Wang, can we pay half now? I don’t currently have enough money in my bank account,” Professor Lu said. “Don’t worry, it’s not because we don’t believe in you.”

“No problem,” Wang Yao calmly said.

Since they had agreed to pay, Wang Yao started treatment.

Qi Wan took a small cup of Muscle Revitalizing Powder and a small cup of the other decoction. She only felt warm after taking the decoctions. She didn’t feel significantly better. Although the decoctions contained licorice roots, they were not an elixir, which could bring dead people back to life.

“Take your jacket off and lay down here,” Wang Yao said after 20 minutes.

He then gave Qi Wan a massage. He massaged different parts of her body but mainly her trunk, where the major meridians went through. He massaged the acupuncture points on those meridians repeatedly to improve her blood circulation and speed up the absorption of the decoctions. The massage therapy also stimulated Qi Wan’s body to allow self-healing.

Huh! Qi Wan felt warmer and warmer. The cold feeling had completely vanished. She also felt more alert and energetic. She felt very comfortable, which was a feeling she hadn’t had for ages. In the end, she even fell asleep and started to snore.

“I’ll get a cover for her so that she won’t catch a cold.” Wang Yao put Qi Wan’s jacket on her and turned on the heat.

“Dr. Wang, how is she?” Professor Lu asked in a low voice.

“Let her sleep for a while. Let’s talk over there,” Wang Yao suggested.

They sat at the table in the corner. Wang Yao made Professor Lu a cup of tea.

“How is Wan?” Professor Lu asked.

“She is very unwell. I didn’t tell you the truth the other day. Actually, she is beyond cure,” Wang Yao said.

Professor Lu looked upset after hearing the news.

“To be honest, I knew she was very unwell. It just makes me really sad when you say it out,” Professor Lu said after taking a sip of tea.

Although he was drinking the high quality tea from the mountain, he could only taste bitterness. “Can you save her?”

“I’ll try my best,” Wang Yao said.

“Thank you. Let me know what you need me to do. Money is not a problem,” Professor Lu said.

The two of them sat but didn’t talk a lot. Qi Wan was sleeping soundly on the bed.

“Wan hasn’t had a good sleep for ages,” Professor Lu said.

She wasn’t frowning due to pain and looked relaxed. He hadn’t seen such facial expressions on her for a long time.

“You are amazing,” Professor Lu said.

“I’m flattered, but the treatment has just started,” Wang Yao said.

They didn’t Qi Wan wake up. By the time she woke up, it was after lunch time.

“Sorry to delay your lunch,” Professor Lu said.

“Not a problem at all,” Wang Yao said..

“What happened to me?” Qi Wan asked after waking up.

“Wan, put on your jacket, I don’t want to you catch a cold,” Professor Lu anxiously said. He apparently cared about her very much.

“Thank you,” Qi Wan said.

“How do you feel?” Professor Lu asked.

“I feel good. I just had a big nap,” Qi Wan said.

She hadn’t been able to sleep so well for a long time. She usually woke up due to the pain. Besides the other effects of the treatment, to sleep like a baby for several hours was good enough for her.

“Great,” Professor Lu said.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” Qi Wan said.

“Walk out of the door. The bathroom is on the right hand side. Keep your jacket on,” Wang Yao said.

It didn’t take long for Qi Wan to come back.

“How do you feel?” Wang Yao asked.

“I feel much better,” Qi Wan said.

“Come back at the same time tomorrow,” Wang Yao said.

“It is already passed 1. Sorry for keeping you for so long. How about having lunch together?” Professor Lu asked.

“No, thank you. She needs to rest. It will take time for her body to recover. She can do gentle exercises but should rest most of the time. And, she shouldn’t dine out,” Wang Yao said.

“I see, thank you,” Professor Lu replied.

“Let me check your pulse again,” Wang Yao said.

He checked Qi Wan’s pulse, which had improved a lot after the treatment. She also looked better. It was a good sign.

After walking Professor Lu and Qi Wan out of the clinic, Wang Yao closed the clinic and went home for lunch.

“You are finally back. What kept you for so long?” Zhang Xiuying asked.

“I had to see a special patient,” Wang Yao said.

“Special?” Zhang Xiuying asked while dishing up food for her son.

“Yes, her condition is pretty bad,” Wang Yao replied.

“What is her problem?” Zhang Xiuying asked.

“Her kidneys have been damaged,” Wang Yao said while helping his mother. “Where is Dad?”

“He went out to play poker,” Zhang Xiuying said.

Wang Yao chatted with his mother for a short while after lunch. He then went back to the clinic.

A woman in her 50s came to the clinic in the afternoon. She had a headache. Her son, who was in his 30s, came with her.

“Doctor, my mother has a headache, can you please take a look at her?” the son asked.

Wang Yao took a close look at the woman. “She has mild thrombosis in her brain.”

“What? Thrombosis?” the woman’s son asked with surprise.

“Yes. Do you want to go to the hospital or get treatment here?” Wang Yao asked.

“Well, how much does it cost to be treated here?” her son asked. He brought his mother here because he heard that the young doctor in this clinic was very good at treating headaches. He didn’t expect his mother to have thrombosis in her brain. If he had known, he would have already taken her to the hospital. After all, he had never heard of a small clinic that could take on patients with thrombosis in the brain. If the thrombosis was not removed, it could cause a stroke and lead to paralysis.

“The treatment here includes massage, acupuncture and herbal therapy. The total cost is $1,000,” Wang Yao said.

“How much?” the woman’s son asked with surprise. One thousand was too expensive for him.

“One thousand,” Wang Yao said.

“Oh, thanks. I think we’ll go somewhere else,” the woman’s son said.

“That’s fine, but do hurry up. You don’t want to delay the treatment.” Since they didn’t want to get treatment at the clinic, Wang Yao didn’t insist.

“OK, thanks,” the woman’s son said. He helped his mother walk out of the clinic.

“What kind of doctor is he? The cost of treatment is ridiculous.” The woman’s son started to complain before even leaving the clinic.

“Shush! Don’t let him hear you,” the woman said.

“I don’t care. We are not coming back,” her son replied.

Wang Yao shook his head with a smile. Apparently, he heard what the woman’s son said. In fact, this was not the first time for him to hear such kind of complaint. Although he didn’t care much about what people thought of him, he was a bit upset about the woman’s son’s complaint.

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