Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1181 - Arrangement

Chapter 1181: Arrangement

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After contacting with his elder brother, Zhang Tie contacted with Bai Suxian too.

Bai Suxian was still waiting for Zhang Tie in Zhongzhou City.

As the catastrophe of bloody figures had already broken out in Zhongzhou Province, after this catastrophe of bloody figures broke out across Taixia Country, Zhongzhou Province was relatively less affected. Among the 9 immortal provinces of Taixia Country, the catastrophes of bloody figures also broke out in Jinzhou Province, Pingzhou Province, Fengzhou Province and Qingzhou Province besides Zhongzhou Province.

Zhang Tie didn’t talk with Bai Suxian too much. He would explain it to Bai Suxian after coming back to Zhongzhou Province. Bai Suxian didn’t ask him why as usual. Zhang Tie knew that Bai Suxian, as a wise woman, must have guessed that the event in Xuanyuan Hill was related to him. Because Zhang Tie had told her that it was one of the 9 ministers of Taixia Country who framed him. Soon after Zhang Tie left the airboat, Xuanyuan Hill had met such a storm. Bai Suxian must have noticed the relationship between Zhang Tie and that major event.

After contacting with Bai Suxian, Zhang Tie thought for a short while before contacting Mountain Lifting Hermit. Previously, Mountain Lifting Hermit told Zhang Tie that he wanted to try his fortune in Taiyi City. Given the distance, Zhang Tie estimated that Mountain Lifting Hermit might have not reached Taiyi City yet. ‘Taiyi City is in Daozhou Province, which is over 60,000 miles away from Xuanyuan Hill. Mountain Lifting Hermit didn’t take an airboat. Additionally, an earth knight couldn’t keep flying around the clock. Even if Mountain Lifting Hermit had tried his utmost efforts these days, he could not arrive at Daozhou Province. Additionally, Mountain Lifting Hermit might have already contacted me over these days after knowing what happened in Xuanyuan Hill; but I failed to receive them.’

Zhang Tie’s guess was right. Soon after he established a link with Mountain Lifting Hermit, he had received a message.

“I’ve heard about what happened in Xuanyuan Hill on November 16th. I tried to contact you; however, I failed. How’s everything going?”

“I’m fine. I will tell you about it in details when I meet you. Where’re you now, elder brother?”

“I’m in Zhenzhou Province. After Xuanyuan Hill met such a storm, the market where secret pearls could be traded in Taiyi City suspended its business for the time being. When the event broke out in Xuanyuan Hill, I was in Lingzhou Province, which was not affected by bloody figures; however, the catastrophe of bloody figures broke out in Zhenzhou province, which neighbors Lingzhou Province. Therefore, I came to Zhengzhou Province from Lingzhou Province and helped them deal with those bloody figures. These bloody figures afflicted villages and towns greatly. I will stay in Zhenzhou Province and kill some more bloody figures!”

Mountain Lifting Hermit looked cold yet was kind-hearted. As a Hua knight, he would never put his hands in his sleeves and just look at the catastrophe of bloody figures.

“Elder brother, you stay in Zhenzhou Province for a few days. We could keep in touch at any time. I will come for you. We will return to Iron-Dragon Sect together by airboat!”

After a few seconds, Zhang Tie received a message.

“Sure, I’m afraid that the market of trading secret pearls in Taiyi City would not open anymore before the catastrophe of bloody figures was pacified. I will go to Iron-Dragon Sect with you first!”

After hearing Mountain Lifting Hermit’s words, Zhang Tie became reassured. As long as Mountain Lifting Hermit returned to Iron-Dragon Sect and officially became the grand elder of Iron-Dragon Sect after paying a formal visit to the disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect, of course, Zhang Tie could have Mountain Lifting Hermit take one small space-teleportation equipment in that atmosphere.

After contacting with Mountain Lifting Hermit, Zhang Tie contacted with Sarlin Pontiff so as to learn the latest news about the expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire.

From Sarlin Pontiff’s words, Zhang Tie knew that Elder Gular and old bear Dali had returned to Ice and Snow Wilderness by airboat of Gold and Power Law 2 days ago. They might still be on the way. The expeditionary army of Sacred Light Empire had not set off yet; the Sacred Iceland Kingdom was preparing for the coming war. Besides the weird atmosphere, everything else was normal.

After contacting with the 4 people, Zhang Tie finally became reassured.

When Zhang Tie contacted the 4 people, his old slave Zhang Gui just waited beside him quietly in a steady way for his order at any time.

After putting away the bunch of remote-sensing finger rings, Zhang Tie looked around and didn’t find anybody within 10,000 square miles. Additionally, there were massive smoke and water vapor in the air, causing a low visibility. Therefore, Zhang Tie called the huge thunder hawk out of Castle of Black Iron.

The moment the thunder hawk came out of Castle of Black Iron, it had crowed out of excitement for one time before flying around Zhang Tie.

Castle of Black Iron was just a huge bird cage for this thunder hawk. By flapping its wings casually for one time, the thunder hawk could finish a few rounds in Castle of Black Iron. Therefore, after coming out of Castle of Black Iron, the thunder hawk was pretty thrilled.

Zhang Tie immediately rode onto the back of the thunder hawk only by one stride. After sitting well, he waved his hand toward Zhang Gui, “You come here too. We will go to Zhongzhou City. It’s a long distance. It would be too time-consuming if we fly towards there ourselves!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s words, before Zhang Gui replied, the thunder hawk had twisted its body unwillingly in the air as it turned around and looked at Zhang Gui with dissatisfaction.

“This old slave will not sit on it. Slaves are forbidden to sit together with their masters in any family. As this bird is huge, this old slave will just hold one of its claws!” Zhang Gui said in a humble way.

“Fine, your wish!” Zhang Tie shrugged. Now that Zhang Gui was so self-conscious, Zhang Tie didn’t need to say anything.

After hearing Zhang Gui’s words, the thunder hawk looked at Zhang Gui with a bit tender eye light. Closely after that, the thunder hawk stretched out one huge claw so that Zhang Gui could hold one iron hook-like finger. Closely after that, it flapped its wings and flew off as fast as a lightning bolt. In the blink of an eye, it had flown away from the volcanic region being enshrouded with smoke towards Zhongzhou City.

Zhang Tie sat on the back of the thunder hawk in a calm way. The thunder hawk stretched out one claw backward which formed a freak combination with Zhang Gui who looked like a kite.

If the thunder hawk carried two commoners, it would feel difficult to fly; however, Zhang Tie and Zhang Gui were both knights. They just floated in the air weightlessly and relied on the thunder hawk’s speed. Therefore, the thunder hawk could fly easily. Additionally, they both released their protective battle qis to wrap their own bodies so as to reduce the windage to the minimum. In less than 1 minute, with a slight sonic boom, a mushroom-shaped gaseous circle appeared around the thunder hawk. After breaking through this gaseous circle, the thunder hawk immediately broke the sound barrier. After a few seconds, it reached 2 times that of the speed of sound and became a golden light in the stratosphere.

Sitting on the back of the thunder hawk, Zhang Tie watched the landscape flashing backward under his feet as he felt being an immortal.

‘Karma is really marvelous. When it was peaceful across Taixia Country, I lived as poor as a stray dog while being wanted and chased every day. At that time, I was anxious every day. By contrast, when Taixia Country become chaotic as a whole, I’ve become so relaxed as if the spring is coming. The pendulum has swung back.’

“Zhang Gui, have you learned how to hide your qi?” Zhang Tie suddenly turned around as he asked Zhang Gui who was below the thunder hawk’s tail.

The thunder hawk moved faster than the speed of sound in air. If Zhang Tie didn’t speak through the secret means, before his sound reached Zhang Gui’s ears, the thunder hawk had already flown far away.

“This old slave always did secret tasks before. Therefore, I’ve learned to conceal my qi!” Zhang Gui replied respectfully in a secret way.

“If so, just show the level of a common black iron knight in the public from then on unless emergencies!”

“Yes, master!” Zhang Gui didn’t ask about the reason. Closely after Zhang Tie’s words, Zhang Gui’s qi had slowly declined and became as same as that of a common black iron knight. “Master, is this old slave okay?”

Zhang Tie threw a glance at Zhang Gui as he nodded inside, ‘After forming the earth chakra, due to the concealing attribute of earth, earth knights could hide their qis without even learning any secret method; plus the effect of some secret method, commoners could barely identify that they are earth knights. If my knight’s consciousness wasn’t strong enough, I couldn’t identify that Zhang Gui is an earth knight either.’

“Not bad. Just keep this state. Don’t expose your cultivation base and battle strength as an earth knight to the public. After coming back to Youzhou Province, you will be my steward and help me look after my family members and Jinwu City!”

“Thanks for your trust, master. This old slave will exert my full efforts to look after your family and Jinwu City. As long as this old slave is still alive, I will never allow anyone to harm master’s family members.”

After hearing that Zhang Tie wanted him to be his steward, Zhang Gui’s face immediately gave out a brilliance as he expressed his loyalty happily at once.

That was what Zhang Tie wanted, also why Zhang Tie took Zhang Gui out of Castle of Black Iron.

After this event, Zhang Tie realized that the overall strength of his family was too weak. As long as he left home, his home would lack reliable powerhouses, which Zhang Tie was concerned about the most. Over these years, although a knight of Heavens Fortune Sect always resided in Zhang Clan so as to help Zhang family tide over the stormiest days, the knight always belonged to Heavens Fortune Sect. This knight was to perform a task in Zhang Clan assigned by his sect; therefore, Zhang family and this knight always felt a bit estranged; sometimes, it was not convenient either. After bringing Zhang Gui back home, Zhang Tie would solve this problem completely.

As Taixia Country was in great chaos as a whole, Zhang Tie had to pay more attention to the safety of his family members.

‘However, the identity of Zhang Gui is too eye-catching in Youzhou Province. In Youzhou Province, a lower province that has just been established, there are much fewer earth knights than that in other provinces; if I had an earth knight as my servant, Huaiyuan Palace would feel embarrassed about that, not to mention outsiders. Even Zhang Taixuan, the master of Huaiyuan Palace has just promoted to an earth knight for a few years; if an earth knight who calls himself “this old slave” follows me here and there who’s the real head of Huaiyuan Palace?’

‘Although I have not returned to Huaiyuan Palace yet, I have to consider these questions in advance!’

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