The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 237 Alone Time

Chapter 237 Alone Time

"I’m waiting..."

Finally, Jack started to wade through the water. He took his time until he could almost reach Eliza’s back.

"Go on, you know how to use soap, right?"

"Of course I do!" Out of reflex, Jack grabbed the soap after to her taunt. His hands shook as he rubbed the bar and gathered suds around his hands. Just before he touched a bare skin he hesitated.

"Hurry up already." Eliza then stepped back into Jack’s soapy hands, letting them rub against her. "Is it really so hard?"

Jack said nothing but he finally let his hands move across her back. With the rigid movements, he slowly lathered her shoulders.

"Gently, Jack."

Her soft voice brought a rush of blood to Jack’s face, and he was very glad that she couldn’t see him. He did as he was told and loosened his fingers, gliding over her skin until Jack eventually finish washing her back. "I’m... I’m done."

"Good, now you can do my hair," replied Eliza as she held up a small glass bottle to her side. "Here, use this."

"O-okay," stuttered Jack.

His hands became shaky once again, but not quite as much as they were at the beginning. Placing the soap back in her hand Jack took the little bottle, opened it up, and poured some of its liquid into his palm. As he rubbed it into her hair Jack asked, "Like this?"

"Softly, Jack."

Following her command, Jack was more careful as he ran his fingers through Eliza’s blonde hair.

The soft scent of newly blooming flowers assaulted his nostrils as he found himself getting closer and closer to her. Soon his chest was almost touching her back as he finished with the shampoo. "T-there you go."

"Thanks, Jack. Can I have my bottle back now?"

"Of course!" he quickly put it in her dainty fingers, finding it harder and harder to contain himself. "Is there... Is there anything else you need help with?"


Only then did Jack noticed that while he was taking his time, Eliza had already washed the entire front of her body.

"O-okay..." Jack stepped back as he turned to hide his bright red face.

Eliza let out a long and audible sigh as she quickly finished cleaning herself. She got back out of the water and grabbed her towel, still not hiding from Jack. Her steps were extra slow as she walked away. Before she exited through the door, Jack could hear her soft annoyed voice. "You really are stupid sometimes..."

Once again alone in the bath, the blushing hero didn’t know what to do next.


"Where is Daliea?" asked Rydel as he looked around the table.

As if in reply to the call the gray-skinned girl walked out of the courtyard alongside Bowzer. "Sorry, you can blame him." Daliea took a seat as Bowzer failed to explain anything and defend himself.

The hunter nodded and smiled. "Good, now I can tell you all that I found nothing, at least nothing big. I’ve got some more leads so today wasn’t a waste, but it will take a few days until I get anything major to report."

"Thanks, Rydel," stated Jack. "Keela, were able to find everything we need?"

"I sure did. Now we have enough fresh food to last us another week."

Before she could remove the bracer from her arm, Jack held up his hand. "You keep that for now. You’ll need it in case we need you to get anything else."

"Good, then I’ll have her grab some more shampoo," said Eliza. "Thanks to someone using too much, now I’m out."

"What do you--"

"Eliza, isn’t it time to serve dinner?" Jack then stood up and grabbed Eliza by the hand as they walked toward the kitchen counters.

Sauce covered ribs and mashed potatoes were quickly served and spread across everyone’s plates before people had time to question Eliza further but what she had meant. Everyone then thanked Eliza for the meal and enjoyed themselves before they went to their rooms one by one.

Both Jack and Eliza were making sure to be the last two people remaining in order to chat and talk about some things. But there was one last person who had other plans.

"Eliza, can you help me with the massages again?" asked Dahlia.

"Are you still having trouble with the legs?" Eliza clicked her tongue in thought until she remembered that Jack was sitting across the table. "Actually, that’s perfect! You’ll help Jack by giving him a massage and I’ll make sure you’re doing it right."

"Wait, what?" Jack looked shyly at Dahlia. "Did you say something about a leg massage?"

With a nod, Eliza smiled. "Yep, and to be more specific, the upper thigh. It’s a bit harder because the muscle is thicker and you don’t know whether you should push harder or softer so you’ll be the perfect test subject for Daliea to learn on."

"But I--"

"Now hurry upstairs and take your clothes off so they don’t get in the way." Eliza hurried to her feet and pushed Jack out of his chair. "We’ll be up in a few minutes, so if you want to cover yourself with a towel, then you’d better be quick."

Without a need for another warning, Jack took off, leaving Bowzer behind with two girls.

Daliea blushed as she imagined performing the more intimate massage on Jack and not a fellow woman. "I don’t know, Eliza... How come we can’t just--"

"Don’t complain, or I won’t teach you anything else," argued Eliza with her high and mighty finger up in the air. "Just do as I say and you’ll be fine. Besides, it’s not like anything crazy is going to happen while I’m there with you, right?"

"Right! Right..." Even though Dahlia had gray skin, her bright red blood made itself known across her small cheeks.

Psyching Daliea up, Eliza put both of her hands on Daliea shoulders. "You’ll do fine, I promise. Don’t worry about him. He may not admit it but I’m sure he’s just fine with receiving such a massage. Trust me."

A few minutes passed before the two girls went upstairs with Bowzer happily following them. Daliea started to knock on the door but Eliza just swung it right open. "I see you’re ready. Now, Daliea, you know what to do."

The goblin girl’s shoulders seemed to shrink as she got closer and closer to Jack, who laid across the bed with his stomach down and a towel covering his torso. She stood over him but still couldn’t find the courage to place her delicate fingers on his leg.

Eliza laughed, "Don’t worry, like I said, he’s fine with this." Going to the other side of the bed Eliza lined herself up with his other leg and took hold. "Just do as I do."

With a few deep breaths, Dahlia did exactly that. Both girls found their rhythm started to rub any remaining stress out of Jack’s system.

Occasionally Eliza would give Daliea tips or tell her to be more forceful while squeezing harder forcing a satisfied groan out of Jack as proof of her methods. By the time they had thoroughly rubbed down Jack’s legs, Daliea was feeling much better about herself.

Jack, on the other hand, had no way of hiding his embarrassment.

Eliza took full advantage of this and giggled, "Well, we definitely know that Jack enjoyed it. You can tell by the color of his face, can’t you, Daliea?"

Daliea didn’t mean to look but she couldn’t help herself. The sight of Jack’s blushing face burrowed in a pillow made her heartbeat flutter.

At the same time, Eliza snuck her hand under his towel and pinched his cheek while Daliea wasn’t looking. Eliza covered her mouth with the other hand, hiding her laughter as she stood up and made her way to the door. "Come on, Dalia. Let’s give him some alone time."

"R-right!" Now feeling a bit warm herself, Dalia bolted from the room, making it out before Eliza blew Jack a kiss and closed the door.

Jack finally removed his face from the pillow and took a deep breath. Just when Jack thought he was alone and he stood up, a surprised voice sounded within his head.

’So, you did like their massage.’

Turning his head to the side, Jack saw a smiling fox in the corner of the room and tried to laugh away his embarrassment.

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