The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 324 Meeting with the Minokawas

Chapter 324 Meeting with the Minokawas

Kims and Ssildro each bowed to one another out of respect before the swordsman hopped onto Ssildro’s back as the serpent uncoiled himself and took flight alongside the party.

"So, now that he’s found his new companion, shall we continue northeast?"

Following Jack’s lead, the party continued their journey. All was going well and smooth since no beast dared approach them, which Jack then attributed to Bowzer after seeing how much respect Ssildro had for the fox.

But after some time, Kims spoke up, "Jack, Ssildro is warning us not to go this way."

"And why’s that?"

"He said we’re about to enter the territory of a the Minokawas."

"Mino... Minokawas?!" Vixus was shaking with joy. "Jack, there are Minokawas in here?!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," sighed the hero. "If memory serves me right, then only three or four were put in here back in the day. But based on Ssildro’s suggestion, it seems they’ve become quite a force here on the sky floor. Kims, tell Ssildro that I want to meet with the Minokawas, but he’s welcome to stay behind if he’s afraid."

With a laugh, Kims soon added, "Ssildro just wanted to warn us but he’s more than willing to join. He has no fear of the Minokawas."

The party chuckled and continued their trek. After another five minutes of wandering, they heard a shout.


Besides Jack and Tralon, the other men were all startled by the shout. It was only a telepathic message, but it was still understandable to them all. That meant whoever spoke was either another human or a creature that could rival their natural intelligence, if not surpass it.

’Halt! Are you humans, perhaps?’

Jack looked up to see a majestic beast dive from the distant sky with immeasurable speed yet still gracefully land on its feet. It still had a beak, but within the beak was a row of serrated fangs. The beast was covered in feathers but it’s head and feet more closely resembled a dragon than it did any bird. From the top of its head to the tip of its tail, the beast only measured around three meters in length, but it still showed no awareness or respect for the larger Winged Serpent.

"My name is Jack," the hero introduced himself with a bow. "Is there any way that you and I can speak between just the two of us?"

The beast eyed Jack and scoffed. ’Does that mean that you are, in fact, human?’

’I am, and I would like to speak to your leader,’ replied Jack, ’or as you would call him or her, your sovereign.’

’Interesting indeed... You know of our culture so well yet we only know ancient legends of yours. Explain this, human.’

Smiling, Jack bowed again. ’Can you please take me to your sovereign? I’m sure he or she would also like to learn this and I have a request for them as well. Of course, with that request comes an offer of my own.’

’Alright, but no weapons must be wielded in her presence. Follow me.’ The Minokawa guard spread its wings and began to travel at a pace more fitting for the party. ’Hurry if you want to meet the sovereign.’

"Everyone, hurry and follow that Minokawa! We’re going to go meet the Minokawa Sovereign, so store all your weapons!"

While they all started to run after Jack, Vixus started to ramble on about the Minokawas and the sovereign before anyone else could ask for more information. "The Minokawa Sovereign?! There’s a sovereign in here?! Jack, do you know what this means? We had assumed that the Minokawas were either extinct or hiding away from the world. The fact that they have enough Minokawas in this place for them to elect a sovereign is incredible!"

"Get all your nerves out now, Vixus, because when we meet the sovereign I’ll be the only one allowed to speak. Got it?" Jack eyeballed Vixus, making sure he understood.

"Right, I’ll act properly for the sovereign’s sake."

After five minutes of rushing, the party started to see more and more Minokawas around them. Another five minutes passed and they seemed to reach what could be described as a peak among the clouds. Around the peak was a handful of powerful Minokawas of varying colors, each nearing lv. 70. At the top sat a Minokawa with pure white plumage that turned golden at the tips of each feather.

"We’re proud of this opportunity to meet the Minokawa Sovereign," Jack bowed before the noble beast, letting the others quietly follow his example. "My name is Jack. How should I address you, your majesty?"

’My name is Phara and you may call me such, Jack.’ The Minokawa Sovereign nodded her head to the hero. ’I’ve never met a human in all my life, nor did the previous sovereign, nor the sovereign before him. Why are you suddenly appearing again in our land?’

"Phara, I can assure you that we come in peace and don’t have any ill intentions for your people," Jack stated. "Is it alright it the two of us speak alone between us?"

’You may explain yourself, Jack.’

’Thank you, your majesty.’ Jack bowed again before standing tall and meeting Phara’s gaze. ’First, does her majesty know that you are in a limited space that we humans call a dungeon?’

’I know not about this dungeon, but I do know that we reside in a limited space that is a false sky. That has been passed down throughout our history.’

’Are your people eager to leave this limited place?’ questioned Jack.

’To speak honestly, I don’t think we would be neither against the idea or for the idea,’ answered Phara. ’It would be worth considering, but we’ve built a great place for our people here and hold no ill will against the person who placed our ancestors within this space, as our ancestors were freed of the dragons’ dominion in the outside world.’

’Oh, so you have records of the outside world? I’ve underestimated the knowledge and wisdom of your people, Phara,’ Jack bowed for a third time, remaining courteous and favorable to the Minokawas. ’Then let me make my request followed with my offer. I ask her majesty if a young Minokawa would like to journey with me outside. Maybe then you and your people would be able to make a better decision about whether you remain here or travel outside.’

’Oh? So you wish to take one of us with you? That makes things far more complicated, Jack. We, the Minokawas, are a noble people and we don’t like to be treated as slaves.’ Phara shook her head.

Jack smiled. ’I don’t know what your legends say about us humans, but I have no intention of making any of your people slaves. If you look at the fox traveling with me, you may realize that his bloodline is stronger than you, even rivaling the dragons that put you down your ancestors.’

Intrigued, Phara turned to Bowzer. After carefully inspecting him, she sighed, ’I see. Then what exactly does traveling with you entail? How do you plan to offer security to one of our own and why should I allow you to take one of our offspring under your wing?’

’Phara, your majesty, I plan to form what we call a mutual seal with whoever will be joining me. That is proof we’ll see each other as equals and that we’ll be able to grow stronger together by sharing EXP.’

’So you’re offering to help one of our youth to grow stronger?’

’Not just that,’ continued Jack. ’I have the ability to help your entire race leave this space, should you wish. Also, you have my guarantee that humans will not be entering this place like in ancient times, slaughtering all manner of beasts without consequence. I control the entry into this space, so I can assure you that nothing will change in that sense.’

’Then what else can you offer us that could convince myself and the elders to agree with you?’ Phara asked.

’I can offer you wealth, items, and equipment, or anything else you would like,’ replied Jack. ’Given time, I could armor and supply your race. Then, if you decide, we could take revenge against the dragons that lorded over your ancestors."

’That... Can you offer such a thing?’ baffled, Phara hesitated and thought for a moment. ’If that offer is true, then it may be enough to convince the elders. But I’ll need proof if you want me to entrust you with the life of a young Minokawa.’

’Bowzer, can you please tell Phara who it was that killed your mother?’ Jack dragged the fox into the conversation.

Thinking back to the past Bowzer began to snarl, and feint embers ran through his fur. ’Those dragons will pay!’

’See, we’re already against the dragons in general,’ Jack added while he petted Bowzer to calm the fox’s anger. ’Also, I’ve already been charged with the mission to kill the greatest dragon of all.’

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