The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 497 Voices Fill Frostburn City

Chapter 497 Voices Fill Frostburn City

"It’s also because of this ally that we here in Aazoon have been offered a means to survive."

As their king paused for a moment, all surrounding citizens were taken aback. Those that were young felt awe and admiration for their king and this anonymous ally. As for those with more years under their belts, they were relieved to know that their families and loved ones had a new opportunity to survive.

The king added, "However... If you join me in taking this opportunity of survival, then we’ll be leaving Aazoon behind."

Everyone’s hearts were rocked at that moment. No one was ready for such a statement. Even King Wilheim struggled to admit the words out of fear that his people would reject him and remain in harm’s way.

"Our one ally, the same that saved us from the terrifying lv. 80 dragons, has offered us all an opportunity to relocate and form a new nation alongside theirs," Wilheim continued, not letting his people dwell on the depressing thought of fleeing their homes. "We’ve all been offered a chance to escape the certain death of our nation, but remaining here would only lead to our eventual deaths.

"Yes, we won that battle this morning, but what about the next battle? Why would our generous allies continue to fight our battles when we have nothing to offer them while we remain here? Would you be willing to travel across the continent only to fight for a people too weak to protect themselves, all to receive nothing in the end?" questioned the king, forcing his people to see the true logic behind the situation. "Such a strategy would only drag that nation down and leave them vulnerable. For both them and us to get stronger, then we must join up and gather together!"

Another moment passed as Wilheim let his words sink into the hearts of the Aazoon citizens. As fewer and fewer voices were speaking out against the thought, Wilheim continued, "Now, allow me to introduce our ally, the strongest organization in all Kartonia, the Leisure Guild!"

Hearts rattled as Vixus marched to the front of the platform with his own pink crystal in hand. "People of Aazoon, know this first. We ask for nothing in return for our efforts of winning your battle, nor will we ask for anything in the future. However, it’s true that we wouldn’t be able to do that for all of your eventual battles, not if you remain in Aazoon.

"Your king has discussed many things with us. We’re confident in his ability to lead and his astounding reputation among you all. That’s why we extended the invitation to help you begin your own nation elsewhere. Wilheim will remain your king should you choose to join him in this venture, that’s something that we refuse to change," explained Vixus. "Also, know that Trodar is no longer a single nation like before. It’s a conglomerate of independent territories. Currently, there are five territories flying the Trodan flag: Limneer, Prachten, Iscantor, and Gilga. As you accept our offer, the offer created by your king, then we’ll assist you in creating the fifth independent state under the Trodan banner and thereby offer you our protection.

"Sadly, our guild master is busy elsewhere, but I’m sure you’ve heard of Jack J., the Legend of Trodar. Whether you know the old fold tales or have heard about his recent rise to fame, you know that Jack will soon become a god as well, paving the path for Trodar and our guild to reach heights that only deities of the ancient past have achieved," Vixus added, taking the crowd’s breath away.

"I vouch for Jack as well!" The crowd saw two more figures step forward, one after the other. Prince Willim continued, "Jack is a friend of mine and has my trust and respect."

Erina, standing between her father and brother, also spoke up, "Also, Jack was the one who removed my curse not too long ago!"

The many rumors and stories about Jack suddenly weighed down on the crowd. Adding Jack’s relationship with the prince and princess allowed added validity to such wild statements.

Adding to that, Wilheim mentioned, "Jack is also the one who cleansed the royal family of traitors, those who dared join the syndicate in an attempt to overthrow the kingdom."

The people’s hearts were unable to bear any more facts about Jack and the Leisure Guild. Knowing Jack’s previously anonymous contributions to Aazoon and learning of the Leisure Guild’s involvement in the battle against dragons was too much...

"Let me also make this clear!" Wilheim shouted, louder than ever before. "The battle this morning also involved many deities, which were only fended off by the gods that stand within the Leisure Guild!"

That knowledge bomb decimated all expectations and left the crowd feeling helpless. Knowing that was equivalent to realizing that the nation of Aazoon, which was already helpless, was entirely unable to even put up a fight against the imminent invasion.

As the people felt their hearts breaking and shifting, two more figures stepped forward, neither of which were holding any sort of crystal.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m Lunara, the Water Goddess that has been living secretly within Glacier Peak," Lunara’s voice echoed but without any need of the announcement crystals of the Leisure Guild.

All thoughts of disillusion were immediately and utterly shattered. The sudden appearance of the god that filled Aazoon’s history was more than enough to break the crowd’s expectations.

Motioning toward the shorter, younger copy of herself, Lunara continued, "Now that I’ve been freed from the holy gods, I’ve joined my husband and daughter in Trodar. Should you join your king in migrating, then I too will remain with you and build a temple for you all in your new capital."

Lina simply smiled and waved at the crowd. While some were focused on Lunara, others were looking at the smiling young girl beside her, the supposed daughter of a goddess.

"To prove it..."

Lunara grabbed Lina by the hand and pulled Lina into the air. She threw her daughter into the air, suddenly. But also, her human form expanded aggressively to form the creature of legend that all of Aazoon had feared and respected most. Then, the young girl in the air did the same and landed on her mother’s shoulders.

"I’ll return to be your protector, but only if you choose to follow your king," Lunara’s calm voice melted the hearts of the people all the more.

"Please... Come to Trodar. Even if you wish for me to step down as your king, I’ll do so if that means you’ll accept this opportunity to survive--"

"I’ll follow the king!"

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