The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 503 Halmuts Command Over the People

Chapter 503 Halmut“s Command Over the People


"It’s Halmut!"

"He’s returned! Finally!"

Cries of joy filled all of Federal City, echoing out of the city center. The appearance of gods in Trodar was a sight that all the world wanted to witness. Yet now, the citizens of Federal City weren’t envious at all. They were certain that even Trodar would be envious of them, for they were currently witnessing the return of the greatest of all gods.

Halmut kept his smile, the same which was impossible to discern without reading his mind. "I’m back... Please forgive me for my absence."


Shouts of the crowd replied to Halmut, most of which immediately accepted the god’s apology.

"Know this, that Skaryn is no more!"

All the people below jumped with joy as cheers spread faster than wildfire.

Halmut continued, "My wound has finally healed and now... now I can properly return to protect my people. Of course, my fellow deities will join me as well. Also, with Skaryn no longer threatening us, I’ve done something else that I must also apologize for..."

Giving the crowd a dramatic pause, Halmut heard many shouts offer shouts forgiveness before the Sun Dragon could even admit what he had done wrong. Continuing, Halmut stated, "As Skaryn no longer demands his subordinate gods to wreak havoc across the world, I took pity on said subordinate gods. They only followed orders, never acting against the world of their free will. But now, they’re free of Skaryn’s dictatorship. That’s why I extended my hand to them, allowing them to join us Holy Gods, their rightful place!"

While the crowd eagerly devoured the false logic that Halmut force-fed them, more figures began their descent over the city. Five more figures appeared, joining the other seven to form a circle around the center of the city with Halmut’s gigantic body above them all.

"I beg of you, please hold no grudges or ill will against them. They only acted out of necessity, otherwise, Skaryn would’ve slaughtered them," stated Halmut, creating a pity case for the gods he forced into submission out of fear.

Halmut basked in the appreciative and grateful shouts of the people below. He relished this feeling. It was what he missed most from times of old. After bathing in compliments and praise for a few minutes, Halmut spoke again, "However... sadly, there were some gods that hid their treacherous hearts and intentions..."

The dragon’s sudden shift in tone startled the crowd into silence. They didn’t want to miss a single word from their savior who defeated Skaryn.

"Among us Holy Gods, there were two who dared betray us. Both Lunara and Kori have abandoned our cause and have joined the treacherous faction of gods that hid themselves from history. Recently, they’ve taken up Trodar as their home but don’t believe their words of peace. Those gods are the same which vanished during the time of the Godly War. Rather than work together with us Holy Gods to save you, they hid away and waited for a moment to strike us down!"

Halmut’s explanation stirred the people’s hearts, drastically altering their opinion of the rising nation that caught the world by storm.

"They were the ones who killed Flood Dragons and Magma Dragons, the chosen warriors of us Holy Gods," Halmut explained, bending the truth to his will. "Such beasts were summoned as a means of intimidation. We hoped that both Reinolt and Aazoon would see and respect our beliefs, agreeing to join our cause peacefully. But those from Trodar tempted them to act otherwise...

"Instead, Aazoon and Reinolt accepted Trodar’s help and eliminated some of our draconic forces, even killing one of us holy gods. Of course, I resurrected said god and she’s back to full health, as I hold no grudge against her for her service to Skaryn in the past." Halmut continued, "And though Reinolt saw through Trodar’s lies in the end, surrendering and joining us after the battle, Aazoon did not. They slaughtered Maldor’s army entirely, along with three Magma Dragons, all the while using a Hell-flame Fox, the most disastrous of beasts and the greatest of calamities mankind can face. Then, they had the gall to deceive the entire nation and transport them to within Trodan borders. And now... now it’s too late for them to reconsider their actions and escape Trodar’s schemes..."

Sighing, Halmut acted forlorn before the crowd. Many below were touched by Halmut’s words and false feelings, feeling their view of Trodar twist and grow perverse.

"It’s those gods that claim protection within Trodar’s borders that have schemed about the world since before the Godly War," added Halmut. "With Skaryn gone, they finally begin to show their true colors... But fear not, for I shall protect you all! I won’t allow you to be deceived!"

Fists raised to the air as people shouted with fervor, gratefully accepting Halmut’s words.

"How dumb do you think they are?"

Out of nowhere, another voice spoke up. The riled-up crowd was taken aback by the statement, unsure how to take it. They easily spotted the origin of the voice, only they were completely baffled as to how that person got there without them noticing.

Standing in the very center of that ring of deities stood a single man. He didn’t appear to be anything other than an ordinary man, apart from his ability to stand on the air. His clothing was nice but not something people assumed was worthy of a deity. No weapons or items were in the man’s hands. And despite his humble appearance, the man stood nonchalantly in the center of thirteen gods while mocking Halmut directly.

Such an occurrence was beyond everyone’s wildest dreams, but it was happening before their very eyes.

Halmut’s smile faded. It fell into a disapproving frown as he addressed the man, "Moranti... What is it that your traitorous face has to say? You fled the Chaotic Gods for the devious gods over Trodar and now you wish to correct my manner of speech?"

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