The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 510 Halmuts Victory

Chapter 510 Halmut“s “Victory“

High above Federal City, the two dragons clashed again and again. Now, the spectating gods didn’t dare flee or leave their post. No one wanted to face Moranti or go against Halmut’s orders.

Halmut was absolutely furious. It wasn’t difficult for him to understand that Naparn was as good as dead given the circumstances. Also, deducing the culprit wasn’t hard at all. Who other than Sterfen could act so stealthily and would willingly place himself within range of Naparn’s powerful attacks?

And while Halmut was able to figure out that much, he was still unable to do anything about it.

Moranti showed signs of numerous burns or cuts across his body, all of which had accumulated from their many colliding attacks. But Halmut was cautious as he knew that previously Moranti would’ve taken much more damage by now.

"What have you done to grow stronger?" Halmut questioned, frowning deeply at his opponent.

"Well, after spending five hundred years in forced meditation, I’ve become enlightened!" exclaimed Moranti.

"Cut the crap! What’s the source of your sudden growth in power?"

Moranti smiled, shaking his head. "If I told you that the thought of revenge has fueled my powers to new heights, would you believe me?"

Roaring and blasting Moranti with another breath attack, Halmut charged Moranti. "I asked you a question!"

"And I gave an answer!" refuted the God of Space, receiving the charge with no fear. Moranti didn’t care about the damage he was taking, making sure to keep Halmut mentally flustered at all costs. "Maybe I’ve always been stronger than you and it’s our level difference that lets you win?"

No longer paying much attention to the nonsense that Moranti was saying, Halmut put his mind to work. He tried to imagine what sort of plans or thoughts each neutral god had. Thanks to Tralbok and the former chaotic gods, Halmut was well-aware of Moranti’s imprisonment. That could only mean that his growth had occurred after joining the neutral gods.

"Hey, want to know something cool?" Moranti asked. The God of Space then immediately answered himself, "We’re not called the neutral gods anymore."

"Oh? What other name befits such a ragtag group?" Halmut questioned, mocking them at the same time.

"Soon, we’ll be regarded as the legendary gods! Such a title easily outweighs your false, self-proclaimed titles as ’holy gods’," shouted Moranti.

"Ridiculous!" Halmut wanted nothing more than for such a title to never exist for anyone apart from himself. "Such a title is only befitting of us, especially now that we’ve acquired the remnants of the chaotic gods! From now on, we are the legendary gods! There is no evil or chaotic gods so as the victors we’ve earned such a title!"

Cheers filled the city below in admiration of Halmut’s new self-declared title. Some of the spectating gods felt a tinge of pride fill their hearts and a couple of them felt irked to have such an arrogant name.

"No fair! That’s our title!" Moranti argued, hurling more scythe attacks at Halmut.

The Sun God countered with breath attacks and his scepter, stating, "I don’t care! We’ve earned such a title while the neutral gods acted as cowards during the Godly War. If anything, you all should be called the ’Leisure Gods’, after the name of your guild and your casual attitude to aid the rest of the world!"

Again, more cheers filled the city below as they began to follow Halmut’s wishes. While cheering for their newly-named Legendary Gods, they took the name Leisure Gods to heart. From that moment on, rumors of the rivaling Legendary Gods and Leisure Gods would spread across the continent.

"But that’s not what we want!" Moranti pouted, failing to sway the opinions of the people below.

"Then die! If you die now, then perhaps you’ll be remembered as the most powerful chaotic god and not a coward of the leisure gods," retorted Halmut, not letting Moranti have a free moment to target one of his subordinate gods.

Annoyed, Moranti unleashed another scythe attack. This one was two-hundred meters wide and was far more destructive than before.

"Why use such an attack? Do you wish to take out the citizens as well?" halmut shouted, countering the attack with his breath and scepter combined.

"No, but how else can I kill you? If I don’t start using more powerful attacks, then we’ll only chip away at each other with no victor in sight," Moranti stated. "Don’t you want to put on a show for everyone to remember? Don’t you want to prove that you’re stronger than me? You’re two levels stronger but we’re fighting to a draw. That’s all the proof I need to know I’ll defeat you in the future."

"Why you..."

’Moranti, I’m finished with him.’

The God of Space paid no attention to the rest of Halmut’s threat, listening to Sterfen’s telepathic call instead. After learning of Sterfen’s success, Moranti smiled and let out a long sigh, "Well... I guess we’ll have to find a winner another day... For now, let’s call it a draw!"

Before Halmut could respond and say otherwise, Moranti vanished in a blink of spatial energy.

Covering his eyes in holy energy, Halmut examined his surroundings. He confirmed that Moranti had fled and took a deep breath while exiting his hybrid form.

"People of Federal City! Know that the Legendary Gods have repelled the leader of the Leisure Gods and protected you from his cruelty! From now on, the Legendary Gods will offer protection to all the world, to anyone seeking security against the tyranny of the Leisure Gods hiding away in Trodar!"

Twisting the situation in his favor, Halmut led the crowd in cheers. Also, he didn’t mention the abduction of Naparn at all. Halmut was certain that Moranti only fled after the God of Space had confirmation of Naparn’s death. Nothing else would warrant his stay or leave apart from that.

The people below didn’t question their god who now championed the remaining eleven gods, now titled as the Legendary Gods. Such a title thrilled the populace and filled them with pride. Also, stories of the event and rumors of the news spread across the continent. Everyone wanted to share how glorious Halmut’s return was, as well as how unexpectedly powerful Moranti was.

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