The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 512 Morantis Chat with Sterfen

Chapter 512 Moranti“s Chat with Sterfen

Walking through the halls, Moranti couldn’t hide the small smile on his face. No matter how he imagined the scenario, Moranti struggled to figure out what truly took place.

Exiting that building and leaving for a different one within the restricted area, Moranti casually walked. He didn’t bother with teleportation, enjoying the stroll. Finally, Moranti reached his destination and knocked on the door.

’Come in.’

Hearing the telepathic greeting, Moranti moved to open the door. But it was locked. Sighing, Moranti teleported to the other side.

"Would you like some tea or anything to eat?" Lunara asked, welcoming their guest with a smile.

"I love a good meal after a good fight," Moranti replied with a smile.

The Water Goddess stood up and walked toward the kitchen. "Tonight, I’ll make my specialty. We need to celebrate!"

Seeing Lunara so energetic and lively, Moranti turned to Sterfen who was casually lounging on a sofa. But before Moranti could say a word, Sterfen spoke telepathically, ’Mind keeping this conversation between us?’


’Let me guess, you want to know more about what happened with Naparn?’

Nodding, Moranti replied, ’And how you sapped his corpse of any energy.’

’Fair enough...’ Sterfen sighed. ’Where do you want me to start?’

’Mind telling me more about yourself?’

’There’s not much to say. I grew up poor and without anything remarkable. Once I was fifteen my dad told me to leave and get stronger. He did give me a few items and teach me a lot though, so it’s not like he wanted me gone. In hindsight, I’m grateful to how my father raised me,’ stated Sterfen. ’After that, it was just a matter of time to gather EXP and level up.’

’What country are you from?’ asked Moranti.

’I’m not sure... We were always moving around, never staying in one place.’

’Hmm... So, how strong are you, exactly? You didn’t mention to the others that Naparn was already in his hybrid form when you teleported him away. To take him down while he’s on guard, wouldn’t that mean you’re legitimately stronger than him?’ Moranti reasoned.

’Before I answer that, mind if I ask why you’re so curious?’

Moranti sighed, ’Well... If you could be him in such a one-sided fight, wouldn’t that mean you could fight me?’

’I don’t know about that..." Sterfen laughed, taking a moment to stop and smile. ’I still created a favorable situation by fighting him underwater. I may be stronger than most give me credit but that doesn’t mean I can beat Naparn so easily or take you on, Moranti.’

’Then explain to me how you left Naparn’s corpse in such a state. Please.’

’You mean his energy? I simply took it.’

Confused, Moranti smiled and eyed Sterfen. ’Took it? How’d you do that?’

’That’s not something I like to explain, but since it’s you I’ll make an exception,’ stated Sterfen. ’The easiest way to put it is this. I’m lucky enough to have found a particular item which allows me to steal latent immortal energy.’

’Such an item exists?’ Wide-eyed, Moranti struggled to believe such a thing.

Sterfen continued, ’I won’t show you the item or explain how it came into my possession. But yes, such an item exists. It’s very useful in speeding up the growth process during our time as gods.’

’Can that energy work like EXP?’

’Mhmm. For immortals, it works like that. But if a mortal tried it, they’d die due to the overload of energy.

Moranti nodded. ’That makes sense. But does that mean you gained a lot of EXP from killing Naparn?’

’Half of the EXP still went to Jack via our pact, but the pact can’t split immortal energy. So yeah, I got plenty of energy, enough to level up again.’

Curious, Moranti asked, ’Then what level are you now?’

’Sorry, that much I won’t say. Anyone with mind magic could figure that out from you if they were given the chance,’ replied Sterfen.

’You’ve always liked to play things close to your chest, haven’t you?’

Smiling, Sterfen nodded. ’I wouldn’t have them any other way.’

’Then mind answering one last question?’

’Depends on the question.’

’Who’s your father?’ questioned Moranti.

’Who knows?’ Sterfen shrugged, still smiling. ’All I know is that he was quite caring regardless of his struggle to show it. I only made it this far because I was raised well.’

"I hope you’re both hungry. There’s more than enough for everyone." Lunara reentered the central area carrying a few large pots and platters. Lina walked in behind her mother, also carrying two dishes.

"Well, how can I say no to that?" Moranti shouted in laughter.

"And there’s still more in the kitchen so don’t be shy," added Lunara.

Following her mother’s example, Lina set her dishes down and sat on the other side of Sterfen. She proudly looked up to her father, happy to know with certainty that her father was very strong, even among the gods.

Sterfen rubbed Lina’s head and asked, "So, how close are you to your next evolution?"

"I’m almost there! I’m lv. 56 now!"

"That’s amazing! You’re leveling up much faster than I did," admitted Sterfen, making sure to praise his daughter extensively.


"Really... You’re leveling up quicker than both your father and me. But I guess your brother has something to do with that," added Lunara, using her tail to rub Lina’s back.

"Yup! Oh, is Big Bro back yet?" Lina asked.

Moranti spoke up this time, answering, "Not yet, Lina. He’s still traveling through the dungeon. But I’m sure he’ll be back sooner than expected."

"Well, considering all of the EXP we’ve given him, he may come back as a god," Sterfen chuckled.

"No kidding!" Moranti laughed as well, taking a moment to fill his plate with a variety of meaty dishes. "Kori and Lorwynn said Jack vanished without a problem. As for what he’s done in the lower levels, that’s something we can only ask about when he returns. I have no clue what he’ll try while in there."

"Whatever it is, I’m sure Jack found a way to rush the dungeon in record time. He isn’t called ’The Legend’ for nothing."

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