The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 517 Benefits of Each Side

Chapter 517 Benefits of Each Side

"Then, allow me to begin the discussion," stated King Brobit. "First, I feel we should discuss the benefits of alignment with either party. Would you agree?"

Nodding, Moranti replied, "Mhm, sounds logical to me."

"I also find the topic fitting," added Halmut.

The king nodded and motioned toward Moranti. "As the party to first inquire about our possible allegiance, would you mind going first?"

Vixus stood up and spoke with a casual smile, "Of course. Allow me.

"I’ll be honest. I think both sides will offer great benefits that would allow for Churstin to prosper, for the most part. What truly matters, in my opinion, is how comfortable you would feel working with either us or Halmut. It the small things that will make you either appreciate your in time or lead to causing you great regret," reasoned Vixus, letting his eyes wander from the king to the crowd.

Vixus continued, "If nothing else, I’m confident that you would be most comfortable with joining our cause rather than Halmut’s. We don’t ask for much. What we ask is that Churstin keeps its name and simply falls under the greater banner that is Trodar, a united front currently made up of four territories and independent states. Should a need arise to unite militarily then we’ll ask for your participation in defending your homeland, alongside our added forces.

"Also, keep in mind that we have a trading pact with the elves. Allying with us would mean receiving elven goods," added Vixus, getting looks of surprise from the crowd. "We would pay for the construction of a Leisure Guild compound, or a few should you desire them. Through those compounds, you’ll receive elven goods made by either the elves of Korten or the elves living within Gilga. And with those compounds comes the protection of the guild."

Brobit nodded, asking, "And how would our government’s structure change if we joined Trodar?"

"Hardly at all. Having a king is fine, but we ask that the king be the head of an elected council where his vote reigns supreme while also can be outvoted should the majority of the other representatives find a policy or plan inappropriate," Vixus answered.

While the crowd was pleased to hear such a thing, the king smiled.

Seeing the king’s smile, Vixus mentioned, "By having such a structure in place will allow you and your family to remain in power, for the most part keeping the structure of Churstin intact. But it will also alleviate you of some of the unnecessary stresses of being the sole ruler. Some of your worries will be divided up for others to bear as well."

"And... What about the many gods within Trodar? Would they..."

"They prefer to reside--"

"We don’t mind visiting or staying outside of Gilga for a time, but we like to stick together within the guild’s main property," stated Moranti, answering in Vixus’s place. "I can teleport us anywhere within the continent, so we can arrive anywhere in Trodar before you can blink. If you get invaded while we’re away, just say the word and we’d be there in a flash."

The king was about to say more but Moranti was no longer lounging behind the table. At the same time, a hand landed on the king’s shoulder, getting him to turn in awe.

"Would you trust the God of Space to transport us gods wherever we’re needed?"

Speechless, Brobit sighed and chuckled at the same time. After a second of hesitation, Brobit nodded.

Moranti nodded as well while teleporting back to his seat. "Besides, I doubt that arrogant fool would agree to house his subordinate gods anywhere far from him. Or am I wrong, Halmut?"

"You’re wrong, but not by much. I’ll admit that," stated Halmut. "I’m not saying that stationing a god in Churstin is impossible, but it wouldn’t be available immediately. But our divine forces are superior to those of the leisure gods anyway. In terms of level, Moranti is the only high-leveled god they have. Sterfen would be second after him but after that, they’re all low-leveled and focus on things outside of battle. They can’t compare to the strength we wield."

"If that’s the case, why not roll over Trodar? What’s stopping you?" Moranti asked.

"I wouldn’t want to drag down the lives of so many innocents."

"True, true... After the last godly war you already killed enough innocents to drag you to hell in the afterlife, even as a god..." Moranti added, not letting the past be forgotten.

King Brobit nodded slightly. As the king of Churstin, he was well versed in the nation’s history. Brobit knew that Churstin was originally a part of Trodar but immediately rose after the Godly War after the land was ravaged by the holy and chaotic armies. There wasn’t even a nation leftover at the time. Brobit’s ancestors had to start everything from scratch to create a new country without help.

Some in the crowd knew the truth as well. But hearing Halmut’s words directly while feeling the charismatic aura around the Sun God made it difficult for any mortal to disagree with him.

"The past is behind us and Skaryn is no more, so such a farce won’t happen again. A time will come when we war again, but it will be between the leisure gods and us legendary gods. And even without a god stationed here. I can offer better mortal defenses. I’m sure everyone present knows of the many dragons under my command..."

The king stammered, "You... Your excellency, are you saying--"

"Yes. I’ll station numerous dragons within Churstin so that your borders will be secure. Also, such strength could allow you to invade Trodar while keeping an advantage when the time comes," Halmut stated. "Would you rather be protected by us dragons or targeted by us dragons? That’s one of the things that should be taken into account while you’re deciding. War won’t happen immediately but it will come eventually."

King Brobit and the other Churstin representatives beside him were left without anything to say. They didn’t want war at all, let alone participate in another godly war.

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