The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 533 Halmut Defeated Skaryn... Impossible?!

Chapter 533 Halmut Defeated Skaryn... Impossible?!

"Skaryn was stronger?"

Duorda nodded and continued, "Most definitely. If the duo was allowed to fight me together, they would’ve won without any questions but that’s not allowed when challenging the temple. Halmut fought well but Skaryn was the reason why Halmut escaped with his life. He stepped in to challenge me before I could kill Halmut and claim him as a summon, even killing each of my bodies a few times, while Halmut only killed me once or twice."

"The difference is that wide?" Jack asked rhetorically, trying to grasp that concept.

"So, tell me, Jack. How has Halmut managed to pass Skaryn after becoming cosmicians?"

Looking back to Duorda, Jack shrugged. "I have no clue. All of my knowledge about Kartonia comes from either well after they each created their own godly factions or after Halmut defeated Skaryn during the godly war."

"What?! You can’t be serious!" Duorda sat up and faced Jack directly. "They separated? Why would they do that?! By combining forces they would’ve easily been one of the most formidable one-star duos in the district!"

"I don’t know anything about that. All I know is that they separated and that Moranti eventually replaced Halmut as Skaryn’s beast companion," Jack answered.

"Really... Well, I can understand why Moranti would be a good replacement, at least. He performed equally as well as Halmut during our duel and didn’t need Skaryn to step in either, all with only two energy types," Duorda acknowledged. "I assume there was some manner of falling out and Skaryn didn’t want to lose the dynamic he had grown accustomed to, choosing the most suitable replacement in Moranti. But now I’m too curious about their separation..."

"Then ask Daruun," stated Jack. "If anyone would know--"

"It would be Daruun!" Duorda finished Jack’s sentence, agreeing with the hero. "Do you know how their fight went?"

"Between Halmut and Skaryn? They fought over Kustram and wiped the island nation off the map. In the end, Skaryn was sealed away and Halmut was forced to go into hiding for five hundred years to heal his wounds."

Duorda stared back at Jack, struggling to believe such a thing. "Sealed? How could Halmut seal anyone? He was terrible at inscriptions! Skaryn was his superior in that field, I’m certain."

"How are you--"

"When Skaryn gets serious, he fights using seals. That’s why I give Skaryn the edge over Halmut. That man almost sealed away my black form and became the first to conquer my purpose!" Duorda stated in a matter of fact manner. "Skaryn may not like to use such tactics most of the time but he’s plenty capable with seals and inscriptions. I refuse to believe that Halmut sealed away such a man!"

"Well... that’s what happened. That I can guarantee. I even have proof of the seal."

"Then show me this proof!"

Shaking his head, Jack added, "I don’t have it on me. I gave the enchantment key to Daruun for safekeeping."

"Enchantment key? You’re telling me that Halut not only sealed Skaryn but did so with an enchantment so complex it created a key?"

"It created five keys," corrected Jack. "I’ve only found one of them, though."

"Five keys?! That’s absurd! There’s no way Halmut could’ve ever done that!" insisted Duorda. "If Halmut had such capabilities, he never would’ve lost to me. He would’ve defeated me easily and claimed the main role in Daruun’s plans long ago."

"Wait... The main role? What’s that supposed to mean?" asked Jack, changing the subject.

Sighing to calm himself down, Duorda stated, "We’ll come back to the topic of Halmut and Skaryn later, as I refuse to leave it there. Now, as for what the main role entails, I only know so much.

"My purpose was to be the final challenge and the proof of potential for all candidates vying for that role. I’ve lost count of how many millennia I waited, which is why I was so anxious to have you defeat me. Finally, someone has claimed that role and you’ll now receive a full briefing from Daruun about what he needs from you, as well as reassign me to something new.

Trying to piece some form of an idea together, Jack asked, "Does this plan involve what you said earlier, about how Kartonia was made to create powerful cosmicians?"

"Exactly, and you’re the strongest yet, showing the most potential. Not only can you wield so many energy types but you can blend them in impromptu strategies and overcome a completely unknown foe with accurate assumptions about my weaknesses or strengths," reasoned Duorda. "If you hadn’t separated my body so unexpectedly, then you would’ve never won at lv. 88."

"Why are you so sure?" asked Jack, lifting an eyebrow. "Who said I was going--"

"To resurrect myself is not difficult, Jack," Duorda continued. "I was created with an undying soul and a forever reconstructing body. I can’t be killed, apart from a power vastly above my own shredding apart every microscopic piece of my existence. If you hadn’t separated my bodies, then the remains of my fallen body would’ve self-revived passively while you fought my remaining body. It’s a vicious cycle that Daruun wanted to test people to their limits.

"Yet you were on another level compared to them. Sure, Skaryn was close to defeating me but you did it so quickly that I wasn’t sure what was happening until you had already separated my two bodies. Since you had concealed your greatest strength so well, I was caught off guard and defeated far quicker than I had ever imagined."

Seeing Jack remain in silent thought, Duorda added, "Jack, you’re most definitely the person Master Daruun is looking for."

"It makes sense... considering Daruun basically made me who I am..." stated Jack.

Slightly startled, Duorda leaned toward Jack. "Mind elaborating? I’d love to learn how you became so capable. And if Daruun was the cause of that, then I’m intrigued all the more."

Jack smiled and let out a long sigh. He blinked a few times to verify that he wasn’t dreaming before returning his full attention to Duorda.

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