Gamers of the Underworld

Chapter 421 - Third Watch

Chapter 421: Third Watch

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Marco Polo’s first reaction to discovering the Fire Giant was that he couldn’t defeat it!

“Dungeon” was a game that required all of the gamers to cooperate instead of a few gamers or a group of gamers. This was especially important when a big BOSS was encountered.

The BOSSES that the gamers fought like Ba.Mannoroth.Con was during the Plot Animation Mode. The gamers inflicted as much damage as possible on the BOSS before he was killed by the Plot.

The Fire Giant that was tens of meters tall wasn’t easy to deal with. Marco Polo captured screenshots of the Fire Giant and posted them on the forum.

The discovery of the big BOSS spread like wildfire on the forum.

Only the gamers of Eternal Kingdom were concerned. The gamers of Victoria City weren’t bothered because they had their Strange Encounters with the Duke of York. That was an encounter that could improve the Weapon Level to 10! All of the gamers of Victoria City were clamoring to join the Strange Encounter Mission.

The gamers of Eternal Kingdom weren’t bothered with the Strange Encounter of Victoria City. They were discussing how to defeat the Fire Giant, though they didn’t know the use of the Fire Giant in the Plot.

“Ah, ah, ah, sha—!”

A Gnome shouted loudly as he wielded a Pike and charged at the Fire Giant in the lava cave. He was quickly engulfed by the flames.

The huge Fire Giant didn’t leave the cave. He was guarding something and wouldn’t let anyone get near. The gamers who got near were engulfed by the flames.

Arrows were harmless against the burning Giant.

It was close to impossible to defeat this huge Fire Giant with the power of the gamers.

It was fortunate that the gamers had other sources of assistance.

“Oh, it’s difficult. I didn’t expect such a monster at this place...”

Outside the lava cave of the Fire Giant, Eggface looked at the Giant with an awkward expression.

“Do you know how the Giant is being formed?”

Standing beside Eggface was Brainiac.

“At a location with a concentration of elemental power, Elemental Monsters will be formed. There must be a special reason for such a huge Fire Giant being formed here!” the black kitten Polio said.

They were the three helpers that Sherlock had arranged to assist the gamers.

Sherlock initially arranged for Eggface to help the gamers investigate and explore the lava caves. After the gamers discovered the Fire Giant, Sherlock sent Brainiac and Polio to assist them as well.

Sherlock explained why he didn’t help personally, “Because I have more important things to do.”

While the three of them discussed the Fire Giant, a group of gamers stood behind them and watched them discussing.

To the gamers, it was a Plot Animation.

Finally, Brainiac came up with a plan—create a large Mana Formation to diminish the elemental power. Then, the gamers would destroy the body of the Fire Giant.

Though it sounded simple in theory, the execution was tough. The first step was the creation of the large Mana Formation.

To create the Mana Formation, the gamers had to go through the territory of the Fire Giant, which required much effort and sacrifice. Fortunately, the gamers were fearless.

Brainiac turned his head and looked at the gamers behind him. He explained how to create the Mana Formation to the gamers in detail.


“Did you know that the new batch of creatures is here to kill themselves?”

“Are you sure? They look normal. They were even shopping in our small town!”

“Yes, someone went to the Black Volcano and saw the group of creatures entering the lava caves. He talked to one of them, and they said that they were going to die!”

“Wow, that awesome?”

Such conversations could be commonly heard in Small Distant Town. Though many suicidal tourists came during the volcano active period, this year, there were far too many suicidal tourists.

There was even speculation of some evil cults conducting suicidal rituals.

The Sludge Monster tour guide said after being drunk, “The 5,000 tourists on the free tour are here for mass suicide!”

The rumors spread to the Orc, Cherry. Though the suicide of the Eternal Kingdom citizens had no relation to his case, Cherry was still worried for them since they saved his life. Cherry was grateful to them.

However, Cherry had to focus on solving his case.

After investigation and logical analysis, Cherry had a new discovery!

It was from a mysterious letter.

“Secret report of the Winterfell Merchant Band’s robbery—helpful informant.”

“Dearest Captain Cherry:

Since I learned you are from Winterfell, I feel very excited. I have information on a case that I can’t tell others. It’s regarding a robbery that happened here a month ago! Due to some reasons, I got to know the information. I feel that I have to tell you. The Northern Dukedom is likely implicated. Please investigate the 1+1 Hotel in Small Distant Town. You will receive unexpected results!—Love from your informant.”

The letter appeared from thin air on his office table. According to the gamers who were placing the Garrison Guard station under surveillance 24 hours per day, the letter appeared from thin air.

Besides the cleaner and his assistant, Arthur, nobody could access Cherry’s office.

Suspicion of the cleaner was cleared by Cherry because of the cleaner’s innocent face. He couldn’t have placed such a letter. Perhaps it was Arthur?

Arthur, who was from Eternal Kingdom, was an informant with lots of information!

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