Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 583 - Breathe

Chapter 583: Breathe

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Rui Bing focused on the white lines that danced wildly in her vision. The white outlines she was seeing were changing too quickly. She would not be able to follow them without full concentration. Guardian could move much faster than the average mech, but it was also just as hard to pilot.

The golden figure moved quickly around the wild animals, striking with flawless accuracy. Mei Wu watched in awe as the mech battled.

Wham wham wham! Something was ramming into the cliffs. A few savage mammoths decided to charge repeatedly at the crack, since the entrance was too small. The savage mammoths were over 15 meters tall. They usually moved slowly, but they were also powerful creatures that other animals avoided as best as they could.

The strong rock structures cracked, and then fragmented. Rock slivers fell to the ground, kicking up dust that shrouded the entrance of the crack.

Rui Bing and Sang Kan felt even more pressured. They had to slowly retreat from the entrance. There were too many animals coming at them. Sang Kan was beginning to feel sore at the hands.

Sang Kan was already covered in blood. His clothes were soaked in blood that gushed and sprayed out of the animals he killed. His ghastly hands looked like he had dipped them in blood. The ivory white wooden spear he used was red from one end to the other. Only the spiral patterns etched into the weapon allowed Sang Kan to keep a firm grip on it.

Seen from above, Rui Bing and Sang Kan looked like coral reefs that stopped the animal wave from advancing any further.

"What did you do?" Sang Kan screamed at Mei Wu. He had only ever seen animals this crazy during the Beast Stampede, but that had natural causes. These animals, however, were clearly directing their aggression at that d*mned woman!

Even killing the pup of the leader of a herd of animals would not have incited this madness. Moreover, these animals were clearly of different species. That d*mned woman must have done something!

A killing intent rose in Sang Kan. If they continued with this, the old man, Madam Rui Bing and himself were most likely going to die here. Madam Rui Bing did not say anything about that, since she was a kind spirit, but how could he allow Madam Rui Bing and the old man to die here with him?

All members of the Sang Tribe were obligated to protect their good sir\'s wife. This was an unspoken rule, and Sang Kan knew that anyone of the Sang Tribe would not hesitate to offer their life for hers. If anyone was worth the lives of the Sang Tribe, it was their good sir and his family!

This was not a promise, but a belief - a very pure and simple belief.

Just as Sang Kan began to consider throwing the woman out of the crack, Mei Wu yelled, "I remember, I remember now!"

She quickly took off her backpack and emptied its contents on the ground. There were all kinds of things in her bag.

"I was drinking by the river when I saw a few animals fighting for this. I took it from them by force, and then a large herd of animals started coming after me. I don\'t know if this is the cause …"

Mei Wu lifted a tiny object near her. It was shaped like a water droplet, and looked like something rubbery.

Rui Bing took a quick look at it and gasped, "Teardrop mineralite!" She had kept guard of Ye Chong\'s bag before, and had seen the things inside it. Hence, she recognized what this was.

"Ma\'am, what is a teardrop mineralite?" Sang Kan asked immediately.

"I don\'t know, but I\'ve seen it in his bag before …" Rui Bing replied quickly, just as she felt a sudden wave of attacks from the animals and had to refocus back on the fight.

Sang Kan felt invigorated by the news. "You mean the good sir\'s bag?"

Rui Bing nodded as she moved her hands even faster. The animals were pouring in more strongly. Rui Bing could feel her stamina seeping away.

Now Sang Kan had a dilemma. Anything the good sir kept with him must surely be useful.

However, the animals did not give them time to consider the matter. When they saw the teardrop mineralite in Mei Wu\'s hands, they got all riled up. Their eyes glared hungrily and greedily. For a moment, the attacks subsided.


After that short moment of peace, the next wave of attacks came even more strongly!

The animals charged without bothering about the creatures whether they would be stepped on or their own safety. It was madness! All the animals, big or small, went crazy! The savage mammoths headbutted against the cliff, disregarding the wounds on their foreheads. The animals that were already in the crack pushed their way forward, while the animals behind them tried to step on the ones in front of them. At the front line, the animals attacked Sang Kan and Rui Bing, howling wildly. Their eyes glowed madly.

The entire valley was erupting with madness.

"Woman! Keep the teardrop mineralite out of sight!" Sang Kan felt like he could not hold on much longer. The animals, stimulated by the teardrop mineralite, were beginning to overwhelm him.

"Should I throw it away?" Mei Wu asked panickedly.

That was a good idea. Once they throw away the thing that started all this, the animals would surely begin to fight each other for it. They would be able to escape safely.

Just when Sang Kan was about to agree, something else came up.


Low howls came from the distance. The mad animals suddenly quieted down, and then scrambled away like their lives depended on it. The creature that was engaging Rui Bing and Sang Kan abruptly turned back to escape. All the animals that were crowded around the entrance of the crack dispersed rapidly. The animals ran like they were scared of something. Many of them were stomped to death in the process.

Rui Bing and Sang Kan both looked alarmed.

This low howl was very familiar! On their first day in the mountains, they saw two black leopards fight. This howl was identical to the one they heard back then.

"Snowshade leopards!" Mei Wu looked even more frightened. Her face paled, and her eyes betrayed the despair she was feeling.

As the animals made their escape, the valley became empty all of a sudden.

Four snowshade leopards stepped majestically into view. The small patch of white hair on their foreheads matched them elegantly. They held their heads high as they observed the other animals scrambling away for their lives. Their eyes glistened with arrogance.

The other animals were obviously very afraid of these four snowshade leopards. They ran for their lives.


A sharp cry pierced the air. A dozen gold colored dragons appeared out of nowhere. These dragons were similar to the gold striped black dragons, except that their bodies were gold colored. Their skin had a metallic luster. Their beaks and claws were long and sharp, and they looked half translucent.

"Gold Dragons!" Mei Wu muttered, her face white as sheet. What was it about this teardrop mineralite that drew so many powerful beasts?

Rui Bing and Sang Kan were not shaken by their appearance yet. They had never heard of the Golden Dragons, and did not know of their strength. More importantly, the crack was narrow. The creatures were close to 10 meters long and cannot hope to enter the crack. They had only to deal with the four snowshade leopards.

Nevertheless, they did not feel particularly lucky. These four snowshade leopards were enough trouble. They were quick, powerful and intelligent. Back in the mountains, they avoided these creatures because of their strength. There was no avoiding now, however.

"What do we do?" Aried asked, terrified. "Do we throw away the teardrop mineralite?" Sang Kan was asking the same question himself. If they threw away the teardrop mineralite, would the snowshade leopard and the Gold Dragons fight over it whilst they escape? That would be the best scenario for them. The teardrop mineralite was not worth their lives.

Sang Kan have given up all hopes to keeping the teardrop mineralite. If the snowshade leopards were not involved, he might have considered it still. However, he knew that their situation now did not allow it. They were barely strong enough to fight against these four snowshade leopards. He remembered clearly how strong they were.

Another loud cry broke the silence!

The four humans felt like their ears were being hammered in. Aried screamed painfully and tumbled onto the ground with his hand over his ears. Mei Wu looked terrible as she covered her ears. Sang Kan looked shocked.

A red-tailed beast! It was a red-tailed beast, with six fingers! The creature hovered in the air with its angular head, and its back shielded with thick armor. Narrow, crimson eyes stared back without warmth. Its dark red arrowhead tail flicked attentively behind it.

Instead of being even more panicked, the sight of the red-tailed beast calmed Sang Kan. He knew now that they must not surrender the teardrop mineralite, no matter what. The snowshade leopards were still largely unknown to them, but this was a devil they knew.

Six-fingered red-tailed beasts were strong. Even their good sir and Han Jia could only manage a very close win. Sang Kan did not know their odds of winning, but even so, he would not throw away the teardrop mineralite. Red-tailed beasts were interested in only two things - rare metals and pure energy. Sang Kan and Rui Bing understood now why there were so many animals attacking Mei Wu.

Energy was the key to evolution for all the wild animals in this place.

If the six-fingered red-tailed beast reached the end stage of its evolution, they would never stand a chance to survive. Perhaps the other animals could evolve as well. Why else would they be so interested in the teardrop mineralite?

Sang Kan and Rui Bing were still puzzled. The red-tailed beasts they encountered before this all had only two or three fingers, much weaker than this one. Where did this six-fingered red-tailed beast come from? They had only ever encountered a six-fingered red-tailed beast during the war at Yi Ju. Their good sir was the one who faced the beast.

Now was not the time to solve mysteries. Sang Kan made his decision. He said, "Let\'s retreat further inside." Rui Bing and Sang Kan brought the other two people further inside the crack.

The further in they went, the narrower the space. Now, all they could do was hold the fort. Their position could only fit a single file. Mei Wu and Aried were almost squeezed by the sides of the crack.

Rui Bing had a moment to catch her breath and she saw the blinking request signal in her vision. She was taken aback - why would there be pulsed signals in this place? She accepted the request without thinking.

"Careful!" Sang Kan warned Rui Bing from behind her.

Things were happening quickly now. The four snowshade leopards were closest to the humans. One of the snowshade leopards suddenly charged into the crack. The other three waited outside, staring greedily at the red-tailed beast and the Gold Dragons.

The red-tailed beast and the dragons did not move from their positions. They were too big to enter the crack, and could only watch while the snowshade leopard went inside.

The other three snowshade leopards waited outside in a half crouch, vigilant and prepared. The red-tailed beast and the Gold Dragons were obviously cautious of the snowshade leopards, for they did not initiate an attack.

"Who are you?" The comm was connected, and a voice that Rui Bing dreamed of day and night for a very long time spoke to her.

Rui Bing froze like she was struck by lightning.

"Careful!" Sang Kan was watching Rui Bing closely, and was surprised to see her stop moving so abruptly. The situation was precarious. He quickly leapt into the way and struck out with his wooden spear.

In the narrow crack, the snowshade leopard charged towards them, as fast as a mech. Sang Kan was terrified by it. Nevertheless, he struck out with all his strength, determined to do what he must. The wooden spear shrieked as its cut through the air.

Crack! The snowshade leopard\'s front claws caught the spearhead. Sang Kan\'s spear broke into two.

Pow! Sang Kan flung backwards like a sandbag. His body scraped against the cliffs on both sides, smearing the rocks with blood.

At the tip of the spearhead was a tinge of red.

The snowshade leopard was surprised to find itself injured, and growled in anger. The black fur on its body went upright.

The creature leaped into the air without hesitation, aiming behind Rui Bing for the heavily wounded Sang Kan.

The sound of Sang Kan\'s wooden spear breaking brought Rui Bing back to the fight. Tears fell silently from the corner of her eyes. She could not afford to answer the comm right now, she had to save Sang Kan! Rui Bing pushed her feet back and lunged at the snowshade leopard!

"Who are you?" Ye Chong repeated his question, but there was no reply. Nevertheless, he heard clearly of the warning "Be careful!" and the intense fight that was going on. He also heard the other party\'s heavy breathing.

Ye Chong gestured for silence. The comms room was silent except for the clashing sounds and heavy breathing.

Ye Chong closed his eyes and listened.

The breathing sounded familiar …

Where had he heard it before?

Ye Chong tried to capture the rhythm of the breathing, and the strangely familiar sound behind the breathing. Human breathing was like footsteps. They sounded the same for different people, but he could always identify minute differences for each person.

Why would it sound so familiar to him …

Ye Chong searched in his memory desperately. The sense of familiarity was growing stronger and stronger. He was this close to knowing the truth. He felt a very rare sensation of panic growing in him.

Ye Chong forced his heart to calm down.

Wait a minute! Besides the sound of breathing, there was also another sound - the sound of weapons clashing! Ye Chong closed his eyes to listen for patterns in this fierce battle.

The weapon must be something like a dagger … That must be a slash … A stab … A parry …

The movements slowly came to him, becoming clearer and clearer. A figure appeared more and more vividly in his mind.

Ye Chong opened his eyes wide.

"Rui Bing, hang on!" Ye Chong shouted through the comms, reaching straight to Rui Bing\'s heart.

Rui Bing\'s face was covered with tears!

Ye Chong turned to his students. They had never seen an expression like that on him before.

"Gather everyone immediately!" Their commander left the comms room with his order, delivered not with his usual indifference, but a strong desire for murder.

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