Martial Arts Master

Chapter 503 - Quenching the Thirst From Lovesickness

Chapter 503: Quenching the Thirst From Lovesickness

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

“Huh?” Lou Cheng gaped, too embarrassed to answer his little fairy’s question.

Seeing his nonplussed reaction, Yan Zheke blinked innocently, pointing to the top left hand corner of the box.

“There’s a ‘3’ written here, doesn’t that mean it comes in threes? I only see two inside...”

I’m young and innocent so I don’t get it! You better not lie to me!

*Cough* Lou Cheng’s face flushed scarlet. About time to come clean.

On the back of the box, in tiny prints, it was clearly stated that there were 3 pieces per packet. Now, given that Ke wasn’t blind, she definitely wouldn’t miss the words if she chose to look for it. Lying now would only draw suspicion— which might escalate into an inhumane case of domestic violence.

*Cough cough* He looked to the side as he coughed, in an attempt to hide his embarrassment as he tried to play it cool.

“There were three, see, I was afraid that I might mess up at the critical moment since I never actually used one before, so I took one out of the packaging and tried it on...”

Yan Zheke listened with a confused look, her bright white eyes widening like a kitten on drugs.

Few seconds later, she began to quiver like a sieve being shook when she caught on, a dimpled smile spreading uncontrollably across her face as she tried her hardest to stifle it.

My Cheng is too well-prepared! The things he’ll do for science!

“You are hilarious!” Tossing the box aside, Yan Zheke fell back onto her bed and embraced her white bear plushie. She laughed so hard that her body trembled, losing a slipper in the process.

Can’t hold it in any longer! Hahaha!

Lou Cheng looked at his wife— who was on the verge of rolling off the bed from laughing— resignedly, then sighed softly and rubbed his face.

I only did it because I didn’t want to pause at the critical moment and get teased by you for the rest of my life...

Ugh, seems like it still ended up that way...

Sigh, but I guess it’s all worth it if it brings Ke joy and makes her laugh...

His thoughts ran fast, and soon he himself began to see the funny side of the matter, so he studied Yan Zheke with a slight smile, wondering how long she was going to continue laughing.

His gaze eventually shifted to the the girl’s brows and eyes bending from joy, her tender cheeks ruddied by laughter, her pink lips pursed into a pretty curve, her classy shirt that accentuated her slim figure, her creamy neck, her straight long legs, her delicate feet gently swinging in the air. He studied her from top to bottom, then bottom to top, over and over again.

The night seemed to be darker beyond the window, the moon hanging brighter in the sky.

Yan Zheke laughed for a while longer, before she finally got over it. When she wanted to tease Lou Cheng, she realised it had grown awfully quiet, then she felt the bed sinking in.

Raising her head, she tilted, then glanced beside her and saw Lou Cheng leaning by the side of the bed. His eyes were dark and thoughtful, as though a dark flame was burning within, but she saw her own shadows in them.

Locking eyes, Yan Zheke gently bit on her lips and wiped away her smile. Slowly, she closed her eyes, her dark long lashes quivering in the air.

Propping himself up on two hands, Lou Cheng lowered himself and kissed her soft pink lips, tasting the sweetness he longed for.

He pecked at her lips again and again, as gently as he could, until her pearlescent teeth gave way, allowing him to wrap his tongue around hers and lead it in a dance.

Their prolonged kiss brought out all of Lou Cheng’s longings and desires. He turned rougher, madly sucking on her tongue and lips as he explored her body with his hands. Her shirt, despite its glamour, proved to be a hindrance to him for all the buttons it had. He was so tempted to rip it apart.

Yan Zheke was aroused too. She didn’t take the initiative, but at times she fondled Lou Cheng’s back, or lifted her own hands obligingly to aid her husband’s advances in undressing her.

Flop. Her remaining slipper fell to the ground, just as Lou Cheng finally worked off the last button on her shirt. Too anxious to even strip it off, he buried his face into her as though he was praying. At the same time, he flicked his hands backwards, sending out two pellucid frost rays that landed on the door, shutting it.

Slam! The soundproof room was filled with passion and desire.

In his aroused stupor, Lou Cheng managed to preserve a last sliver of reason; grabbing the box of condoms from the bed, he peeled off its packaging and expertly slid one on.

A soft, repressed moan entered his ears. He lowered his head to lock lips with Yan Zheke once more. They turned into one, physically and spiritually.

A long time passed, during which her soft cries escaped her twice, but Lou Cheng hadn’t stopped moving.

Yan Zheke looped her arms around Lou Cheng’s neck. “Are... Aren’t you done yet...” she asked, heaving softly with her face flushed bright red and her eyes sparkling.

“Maybe wearing that made it less sensitive...” Lou Cheng replied, teetering between pride and embarrassment.

That’s when he remembered something he read previously, an article saying that girls tend to lose their enthusiasm and feel discomfort in a prolonged intercourse.

Well, after the intense action from before, he regained control over himself...

So Lou Cheng slowed down and kissed and fondled her again. Previously, he was wolfing it down but this time he slowly savored every bit of her.

At the end, he propped her legs up with his hands and gazed into her eyes, a piercing gaze that reached her heart. They came at the same time.

After cleaning up, Lou Cheng fell onto the bed and pulled her closer to himself. I finally get why they say a couple that reunites after a short parting beats a couple that’s newlywed, he thought.

“You were so hungry for it thought you had gone mad~!” Yan Zheke protested coyishly, her fingers playfully trailing Lou Cheng’s abs.

Felt like I was going to get devoured!

“Heh-heh, I have been starving for a long time after all,” snickered Lou Cheng. “I thought of restraining myself and acting properly to not give you an impression that I only think about such things. But once I saw our little fairy, it was all over.”

The talk bridged any remaining distance between them brought by time. They were lovey-dovey again, eager to bare their souls to each other.

Yan Zheke stared at Lou Cheng with smiling eyes and bit her lips.

“Let me ask you something, Cheng. I heard that once guys did it, they’ll keep on thinking about it. Was it like that for you in the past month? And what did you do about it?”

Don’t tell me you did that? Casting her eyes downwards, she smiled to herself when she remembered how Cheng baited her into helping him in the past.

“It wasn’t that bad. It was during the crucial period of making the breakthrough to Inhuman stage, and there was the King of Youth Pro League. Without my wife beside me, it’s not like I have the mood to be thinking about such things. Afterwards I just beared with it, sometimes settling it by myself, just like in the old days,” he admitted frankly with a hint of pride as he ran his finger down her glistening back.

I never so much so as looked at other girls!

Yan Zheke’s heart warmed at her husband’s words. Suddenly, she remembered Yan Xiaoling’s complaints, saying that even though she mustered her courage and attended the special training to receive Coach Lou’s guidance, her idol only had eyes for senior sister and flew to America without a second thought or any regret. It made many female classmates that were interested in joining very disappointed. And so, she concluded it was better to view her idol from far and went back to her bummer life again. ”

” What about you? ” Lou Cheng asked without thinking.

He regretted the words as soon as they came out, unsure if he was going to be kicked off the bed.

Yan Zheke had wanted to cuddle up to him closer in her blissful state, but her face reddened at his words. She punched, then punted him.

“Of course I didn’t! I was busy like a bee! Adapting to the lectures, keeping up with my progresses, preventing the mountains of assignments and reports from piling up... Plus, I didn’t like going to my classmate’s gatherings, and always left as soon as the group discussions in the library ended. Their opinions of me are... a bookworm, a bore, a loner, introverted, stuck up and hard to get along with... Over here they like girls that are cheery and energetic and know how to sing and dance. Well, it might not be a bad thing since it spares me from many troubles, like racking my brains on how to avoid suspicion...”

As she went on, she forgot about the question at hand and ended up confessing all her unhappiness— some of which she briefly mentioned before— to Lou Cheng.

Avoiding suspicions... The words made Lou Cheng rejoice, but at the same time concerned.

“Do they ostracize you?” he quickly asked.

“They do, but it’s not that bad. I’m a top student after all, and the others from my group have to rely on me, so they still behave. Hmph hmph, if they really dare mess with me, I’ll teach them what an upper Professional Ninth Pin can do!”

Lou Cheng continued listening, at times comforting her or making jokes to lighten the mood.

“If any of them dares to bully my little fairy, I will make their lives a living hell of frost and flames! We’ll see if he dares!” he declared at the end, brandishing his fist in the air.

Yan Zheke went into a fit of giggles again. When she recovered from it, she frowned and stared at him.

“We kept talking on and on until I forgot about taking a bath! I’m all clammy after sweating so much!” she said as she walked barefootedly to the bathroom while trying to put her shirt on.

“Great!” replied Lou Cheng, smiling.

“What’s so great about it?” she asked peevishly as she turned to look at her husband with confused eyes.

“The taking a bath together part!” Lou Cheng said as he vaulted off the bed, put one hand on his little fairy’s back and another in between the curves of her legs, lifting her up in a bridal carry.

“Onwards, to bath!” he announced with a “heh-heh” laugh as he opened the door and marched towards the bathroom on the second floor.

According to what Ke said before, the soundproof between the first and second floor was good, and Aunt Du wouldn’t come up under normal circumstances.

Yan Zheke was nonplussed. When she understood what was going on, it was already too late to change things. She quickly hid her face in Lou Cheng’s chest and hammered him.

“Bad guy!”

The passionate sounds they produced turned to blended with the noise of water. After a while, Lou Cheng flounced out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where he grabbed the last remaining box before dashing back.

The night passed. As the sky began to light up, Yan Zheke pushed him away and sat up.

“The sun is coming out! It’s all your fault!” she chided with flushed cheeks, glaring at him.

She bit her lips with feigned annoyance.

“Use the Swordsman Formula on me. I have got lessons in the morning!” she commanded with a seductive look.

*Cough* We were having heart-to-heart talks half the time, but sure, put all the blame on me, thought Lou Cheng as he laughed under his breath. Spirited, he visualized the ancient character and formed the seal.

“Swordsman!” he boomed.

After using the secret art, he felt a fatigue coming over him.

“Let’s try to sleep on time in the future. I always feel that using Swordsman Formula to replenish energy is a an evil art. Once or twice is okay, but it will be harmful for your body if I keep doing it overtime,” he said, feeling pained.

“Okay, let’s sleep on time in the future!” Yan Zheke chuckled, then put on a serious face and waved her fist. “I will remember what you said~!”

“Uh...” Lou Cheng stood dumbfounded.

After freshening up, the two headed for morning practice. Just as they reached the first floor, Yan Zheke aiya-ed when she glanced at the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” asked Lou Cheng, confused.

“I was planning to bake cakes and cookies for you yesterday, and I even got all the stuff ready, but in the end I didn’t... I didn’t make it downstairs......” Yan Zheke’s face reddened inch by inch, and in her embarrassment she found it hard to even raise her head.

Aunt Du must have thought that we would come down and make them in the night so she left it outside, but for us to leave it out here all the way until now... Isn’t it obvious that we...

“Pfft, it’s no big deal. Just tell her you forgot about it.” It didn’t bother Lou Cheng who knew little of shame.

Yan Zheke rolled her eyes, stared at him and pinched him.

“All your fault!”

Lou Cheng replied with a laugh, feeling good inside him.


After morning training and breakfast, Aunt Du drove Yan Zheke to school, with Lou Cheng accompanying her to liven the mood so that she wouldn’t get nervous in front of Aunt Du.

When the car reached the school entrance, Yan Zheke bundled her hair and donned her thick black-rimmed glasses.

“I’m going off for classes now, you can hang around by yourself. The people here like to use slangs, so you should omit as many words as possible. Ask them to repeat if you can’t catch what they are saying,” she advised.

“Relax, I have professional interpretation software and Google 3-in-1,” assured Lou Cheng, waving his phone.

Afterwards, Aunt Du parked the car and accompanied Yan Zheke into the school premises. She was to stay put in inconspicuous spots, constantly looking out for any potential school shootings or violence activities. American schools weren’t all that safe.

Lou Cheng only retracted his gaze after his girl’s silhouette completely disappeared. He opened the map and began searching for nearby dojos or martial art grounds.

One of his main goals in coming to America was to experience more kungfu of different styles.

After getting the direction right, he followed the map and marched on like a backpacker. He came to a building with three floors, with a suspended signboard that said “China Dragon Punch Dojo”.

Standing at the entrance, Lou Cheng looked into the distance and happened to see a female receptionist at the front desk, a girl with dark hair and delicate features that didn’t give off any Japanese vibes. Huh, she’s actually Chinese...

She gave a sweet smile when she spotted Lou Cheng.

“Hello, would you like to learn martial arts?” she asked in English.

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